give out是什么意思,give out同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 09:06:03自考教育网

标题:给出是什么意思,给出的同义词及例句 导语:大家都知道,英语中有许多词汇拥有多种含义,而今天我们要介绍的这个词,也不例外。它就是“give out”。这个词在不同的语境下可以有不同的解释和用法。那么它到底是什么意思呢?让我们一起来探究一下吧。 内容: 1. give out的含义和解释 2. give out的发音和读法 3. give out的用法和例句 4. give out的同义词示例 5. give out相关词组和短语 导语: 标题中提到了give out的同义词及例句,这也许会让你想起一些类似的词汇。那么它们之间究竟有何联系呢?接下来,我们将会为您揭开这个谜团,并带您一起了解give out在不同场景中所表现出来的不同含义。同时,别忘了留意它们发音和读法上可能存在的差异哦!

give out是什么意思,give out同义词及例句

give out的含义和解释


在英语中,give out一般有两种含义。第一种含义是“分发,发放”,指将东西分配给他人或向他人提供。例如,“The teacher will give out the test papers tomorrow.”(老师明天会发卷子。)另一种含义是“用完,耗尽”,指某物已经不再可用或无法继续使用。例如,“My phone battery gave out after only a few hours.”(我的手机电池只用了几个小时就没电了。)


1. distribute:分配,如“The charity organization distributed food to the homeless.”(慈善组织向无家可归者分发食物。)

2. hand out:分发,如“The teacher handed out the homework at the end of class.”(老师在课堂结束时发放作业。)

3. exhaust:用完,如“The runner was exhausted after running a marathon.”(跑完马拉松后,这位运动员精疲力尽。)

4. run out of:用完,如“I ran out of gas on my way to work this morning.”(今天早上我上班途中汽油用光了。)

5. deplete:消耗殆尽,如“This drought has depleted our water supply.”(这场干旱已经将我们的水资源消耗殆尽了。)

give out可以表示分发或耗尽的意思,常见的同义词有distribute、hand out、exhaust、run out of和deplete。在日常生活中,我们可以根据具体语境来选择使用哪种表达方式

give out的发音和读法

在英语中,give out通常被发音为/dʒɪv aʊt/,其中/dʒɪv/的发音类似于“吉夫”,而/aʊt/的发音则类似于“奥特”。

此外,give out也可以被读作/gɪv aʊt/,其中/gɪv/的发音类似于“给夫”,而/aʊt/的发音仍然类似于“奥特”。


如果你想要更准确地掌握give out的发音,请尝试使用在线发音工具或者咨询当地英语母语人士。

除了上述两种常见的发音之外,还有一些同义词可以用来替代give out。比如hand out、distribute、dispense等。例如:

1. The teacher will give out the test papers tomorrow.


2. The charity organization gave out food and supplies to the refugees.


3. The company will hand out bonuses to its employees at the end of the year.


give out的用法和例句

1. 什么是give out?

Give out是一个常用的短语,意思是“分发、发放”或者“用完、耗尽”。它通常用来描述一种物品、信息或者能量的分配过程。

2. give out的同义词有哪些?

give out的同义词还包括:hand out, distribute, dispense, issue等。它们都可以表示“分发、发放”的意思。

3. 例句1:The teacher gave out the test papers to the students.


4. 例句2:The company gave out free samples of their new product at the event.


5. 例句3:My phone battery gave out in the middle of the conversation.


6. 例句4:The charity organization gives out food and supplies to those in need.


7. 例句5:I can feel my energy giving out after a long day at work.


give out的同义词示例

1. Distribute

- Example: The teacher gave out the test papers to the students.

- Explanation: In this context, "give out" means to distribute or hand out something.

2. Issue

- Example: The government gave out free masks to the citizens during the pandemic.

- Explanation: "Issue" has a similar meaning to "distribute" and is often used in formal situations.

3. Dispense

- Example: The vending machine gives out snacks when you insert money.

- Explanation: "Dispense" means to distribute or give something out, especially in a mechanical or automated way.

4. Emit

- Example: The car's exhaust pipe gives out harmful emissions.

- Explanation: In this context, "give out" means to release or emit something.

5. Exhaust

- Example: After running for miles, the runner's body gave out and she collapsed.

- Explanation: This usage of "give out" means to become tired or exhausted and unable to continue.

6. Exude

- Example: The flower gives out a pleasant fragrance.

- Explanation: "Exude" means to emit or release something slowly and steadily.

7. Proclaim

- Example: The king gave out a decree that all citizens must pay taxes.

- Explanation: In this context, "give out" means to officially announce or declare something.

8. Announce

- Example: The company gave out their new product launch date on social media.

- Explanation: Similar to "proclaim," "announce" means to make an official statement about something.

9. Broadcast

- Example: The radio station gives out news updates every hour.

- Explanation: "Broadcast" means to transmit or make widely known through various media channels.

10. Disseminate

- Example: The organization aims to give out information about climate change through educational campaigns.

Explanation:"Disseminate" has a similar meaning to "distribute" but emphasizes the spread of information or ideas

give out相关词组和短语

1. Hand out - 分发,发放

例句:The teacher handed out the test papers to the students.

2. Distribute - 分发,分配

例句:The charity organization distributed food to the homeless.

3. Dispense - 发放,分配

例句:The vending machine dispenses snacks and drinks.

4. Emit - 发出,散发

例句:The flowers emitted a pleasant fragrance.

5. Exhaust - 用完,耗尽

例句:After running for an hour, I was completely exhausted.

6. Deplete - 用尽,耗尽

例句:The natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate.

7. Run out of - 用完,耗尽

例句:We ran out of gas on our road trip and had to call for help.

8. Exhausted - 精疲力尽的,耗尽的

例句:After a long day at work, I was completely exhausted.

9. Empty - 空的,用完的

例句:I need to refill my empty water bottle.

10. Give away - 赠送,捐赠

例句:She gave away all her old clothes to charity.

11. Donate - 捐赠,捐助

例句:He donated a large sum of money to the orphanage.

12. Contribute - 贡献,捐助

例句:Everyone can contribute in their own way to make a difference in the world.

13. Share - 分享,共享

例句: Can you share your notes with me for the upcoming exam?

14. Spread out - 散布,铺开

例句:The map was spread out on the table for everyone to see.

15. Disseminate - 散布,传播

例句:It is important for the media to disseminate accurate information.

16. Disperse - 分散,散开

例句:The crowd dispersed after the concert ended.

17. Scatter - 散开,分散

例句:The wind scattered the leaves all over the lawn.

18. Sow - 播种,播撒

例句:We need to sow the seeds in the garden before it rains.

19. Sprinkle - 洒,撒

例句:She sprinkled some salt on her food to add flavor.

20. Spread - 蔓延,扩散

例句:The fire quickly spread through the dry forest

give out是一个常用的词汇,它的意思是分发、散发、分发或用完。它的发音和读法很简单,大家可以轻松掌握。在使用时,我们可以根据具体语境选择适当的同义词替换,如distribute、hand out等。此外,还有一些相关的词组和短语也值得我们学习和运用,比如give out of、give out with等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用这个词汇。我是网站编辑小明,如果喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的内容。祝愿大家在学习英语的路上越走越远!
