give priority to是什么意思

生活学习2024-02-14 09:07:14自考教育网

今天我们要来谈论的是一个行业标题——“give priority to”。这个词组在英语中有着多种含义和用法,它既可以作为动词,也可以作为名词。它的发音是 [gɪv praɪ'ɒrəti tu:]。那么,“give priority to”究竟意味着什么呢?让我们一起来探索吧!在本文中,我将为你介绍这个词组的含义、用法和例句,并且还会分享一些同义词示例和常用搭配。敬请期待!

"give priority to"的发音

1. "give priority to"的发音是什么?

give priority to是什么意思

2. 如何正确发音"give priority to"这个短语?

首先,让我们来看一下这个短语的拼写。"give priority to"中的每个单词都有自己的发音,但是当它们结合在一起时,会产生一种新的发音。所以,要想正确地发音这个短语,就需要了解每个单词的发音,并且学习如何将它们连读起来。

1. "give"的发音:/ɡɪv/


2. "priority"的发音:/praɪˈɔːrəti/


3. "to"的发音:/tuː/


综合起来,"give priority to"的发音应该是/ɡɪv praɪˈɔːrəti tuː/。


"give priority to"是什么意思

1. 概念解释

“give priority to”是一个英语短语,意思是“优先考虑”、“给予优先权”或“优先处理”。它通常用于表达对某事物的重视程度,表示将其放在首要位置。

2. 用法示例

- We should give priority to the safety of our employees.


- The government needs to give priority to education in its budget.


- The company always gives priority to customer satisfaction.


3. 同义词替换

“give priority to”的同义短语包括:

- prioritize:同样意为“给予优先权”,常用于商业场景。

- put first:意为“把…放在第一位”,强调顺序和重要性。

- give precedence to:意为“给予优先权”,强调按照一定的标准来决定顺序。

- take precedence over:意为“比…更重要”,强调相对性。

4. 用法注意

当我们使用“give priority to”时,通常需要指明具体的对象或事件,即将其作为宾语。例如,“give priority to safety”中的safety就是宾语。此外,该短语也可以使用被动形式,“be given priority”表示“被优先考虑”。

5. 相关短语

- priority:名词形式,意为“优先权”或“重要性”。

- top priority:意为“最高优先级”,强调事物的重要性。

- priority list:意为“优先处理列表”,指列出的按重要性排列的事项。

- give someone/something top priority:给予某人/某事最高优先级

"give priority to"的用法和例句

1. 用法:表示优先考虑或给予重视的意思。

2. 例句:

- We should give priority to the safety of our citizens.


- The company always gives priority to customer satisfaction.


- As a parent, you should give priority to your child's education.


3. 更多用法:

- Give priority to something/someone:优先考虑某事/某人

- Give priority over something:优先于某事

- Give top priority to something:把某事置于最重要的位置

4. 反问式表达:

- Do we really give priority to our health and well-being in this fast-paced society?


5. 幽默式表达:

- My cat always gives priority to sleeping over playing with me.


"give priority to"的同义词示例

1. Give precedence to

- This phrase means to give more importance or priority to something.

- Example: "We should give precedence to our health over our work."

2. Prioritize

- This word means to arrange or deal with in order of importance.

- Example: "We need to prioritize our tasks for the day."

3. Place emphasis on

- This phrase means to give special attention or focus on something.

- Example: "The company places emphasis on employee satisfaction."

4. Give preference to

- This phrase means to choose or favor one thing over another.

- Example: "The school gives preference to students with good academic records."

5. Make a priority of

- This phrase means to consider something as the most important and give it special attention.

- Example: "We need to make a priority of finishing this project before the deadline."

6. Put first

- This phrase means to give the highest priority or importance.

- Example: "As a parent, your child's well-being should always be put first."

7. Give top billing to

- This phrase is often used in the entertainment industry and means giving the most prominent position or attention.

- Example: "The movie gave top billing to its lead actor."

8. Give prominence to

- This phrase means giving more visibility or recognition to something.

- Example: "The article gave prominence to the issue of climate change."

9. Take precedence over

- This phrase means that one thing is more important and should be dealt with first before others.

- Example: "Family matters should always take precedence over work obligations."

10. Have a higher priority than

- This phrase simply means that one thing is more important than another.

Example: "Spending time with loved ones has a higher priority than going out with friends."

"give priority to"的常用搭配

1. "Give priority to" + noun/verb

- Give priority to someone/something: 给予某人/某事优先考虑

- Give priority to a task: 将任务放在首位

- Give priority to a project: 优先处理项目

- Give priority to safety: 把安全放在首位

2. "Give priority to" + noun phrase

- Give priority to customer satisfaction: 重视顾客满意度

- Give priority to environmental protection: 优先保护环境

- Give priority to education: 把教育放在首位

3. "Give priority to" + gerund/infinitive

- Give priority to helping others: 把帮助他人放在首位

- Give priority to achieving goals: 将实现目标放在首位

4. "Give (top) priority" + preposition + noun/gerund

- Give top priority to the most urgent tasks: 将最紧急的任务放在首位

- Give (top) priority over something/someone else: 优先考虑某事/某人

5. "Given (high)priority" + preposition + noun/gerund

- Given high priority in the budget planning process: 在预算规划过程中给予高度优先考虑

- Given top priority for funding: 获得资金的最高优先级

6. Other common expressions with similar meaning:

- Make something a top/bottom/high/priority : 把某事作为最重要/次要/高级别的优先事项

- Put something on top/bottom of the priority list: 把某事放在优先事项列表的首位/末位

- Give utmost priority to something: 将某事置于最高优先级

- Place emphasis/priority on something: 强调/重视某事

- Priority given to someone/something: 给予某人/某事优先权

"give priority to"是一个常用的短语,意为“优先考虑”或“给予优先权”。它可以用于各种场合,如工作、生活、学习等。在英语口语中,掌握这一短语可以让你表达更加准确和流利。希望本文能够帮助到你,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我会继续为大家分享更多有趣的英语知识。谢谢阅读!
