
生活学习2024-02-14 09:19:52自考教育网



Gives的拼音是[jɪvz]。它是动词give的第三人称单数形式,意为“给予”、“提供”、“赠送”。在英语中,give是一个常用的基础动词,它可以表示多种含义,如给予、提供、赠送、授予、允许等。它也可以构成多种短语和习语,如give in(屈服)、give up(放弃)、give away(赠送)等。无论是在口语还是书面语中,give都是一个非常常用的词汇,它可以表达出人们对他人的关心和帮助,也可以表达出对某件事情的态度和决定。因此,熟练掌握give的用法对于学习英语来说至关重要



1. gives的发音


2. gives的词性解释


3. gives的基本意思


- He gives her a present.(他给了她一份礼物。)

- The medicine gives me a headache.(这种药让我头痛。)

4. gives的其他意思


- 提供、提出:The teacher gives us a lot of homework every day.(老师每天给我们很多作业。)

- 表示、展现:Her smile always gives away her true feelings.(她的微笑总是暴露了她真实的感情。)

- 产生、导致:The new policy will give rise to many problems.(这项新政策将会产生很多问题。)

- 说、表达:He gave his opinion on the matter at the meeting.(他在会议上表达了他的看法。)

- 赋予、授予:The award gives recognition to his hard work.(这个奖项对他的辛勤工作表示认可。)

5. gives的常用搭配

- give up:放弃

- give in:屈服、让步

- give back:归还

- give off:散发、发出

- give out:分发、用完

6. gives的近义词


7. gives的反义词


8. gives在句子中的用法


- She always gives me good advice.(她总是给我很好的建议。)

- The company is giving away free samples of their new product.(公司正在免费赠送他们新产品的样品。)

9. gives常见的短语和习语

- give in to:屈服于

- give someone a hand:帮助某人

- give someone a break:给某人一个机会或休息时间


1. 概念解释


2. 用法示例

a. He gives me a present every year.


b. The company gives its employees a bonus at the end of the year.


c. The medicine gives me a headache.


3. 同义词


4. 反义词


5. 派生词


a. giver (n.) 给予者、捐赠者

b. giving (n.) 给予、捐赠;adj. 慷慨的、大方的

6. 搭配短语

a. give in 屈服、让步

b. give up 放弃、抛弃

c. give back 归还、退还

d. give off 发出、散发

e. give way 让路、妥协

7. 用于不同场合的表达方式


a. The president gives the awards to the winners.


b. The teacher gives knowledge to the students.



a. Can you give me a hand with these bags?


b. My mom gave me this necklace for my birthday.


8. 用于不同语境的含义


a. 表达:She gives a beautiful performance on stage.


b. 控制:The new law gives the government more power.


c. 产生:This machine gives off a lot of heat.


9. 注意事项

a. 不要与gift混淆。Gift是名词,表示礼物或天赋,在句子中的用法不同于give。

b. 不要将gives误写为givens,因为givens是一个名词,意为“公认的事实”


1. gives的基本意思


2. gives的用法

a. give sb. sth.:给某人某物

例句:She gave me a present for my birthday.(她给了我一份生日礼物。)

b. give sth. to sb.:把某物给某人

例句:Can you give this book to John?(你能把这本书给约翰吗?)

c. give sb. sth./give sth. to sb./give sth. for sb./give sb. sth.for sb.: 给某人某物作为礼物

例句:I gave her a bouquet of flowers for her graduation ceremony.(我给她一束花作为毕业典礼礼物。)

3. gives的常见搭配

a. give up:放弃

例句:He finally gave up smoking after many failed attempts.(经过多次尝试后,他终于戒烟了。)

b.give in:屈服,让步

例句:After a long argument, she finally gave in and agreed to his plan.(经过长时间的争论,她最终屈服并同意了他的计划。)

c.give back: 归还,还回

例句:Please give back my pen, I need to use it.(请把我的笔还给我,我需要用它。)

d.give off: 发出,散发

例句:The flowers gave off a sweet fragrance.(花散发出甜美的香味。)

4. gives的反问用法

a. Give me a break!: 开玩笑吧!别逗了!

例句:You finished all the work? Give me a break!(你把所有的工作都做完了?别逗了!)

b. Give it a try: 试一试吧。

例句:I know you're scared, but you should give it a try.(我知道你害怕,但你应该试一试。)

5. gives的幽默用法

a. give someone the cold shoulder: 对某人冷淡

例句:I tried to talk to her, but she just gave me the cold shoulder.(我试图和她说话,但她只是对我冷淡。)

b. give someone a piece of your mind: 大声斥责某人

例句:He was so rude, I had to give him a piece of my mind.(他太粗鲁了,我不得不大声斥责他。)


1. Provides - "Provides" is a synonym for "gives" and means to supply or make available something that is needed or desired.

2. Grants - "Grants" can be used in place of "gives" and refers to the act of giving someone something, usually with the understanding that it is a privilege or favor.

3. Bestows - This word has a more formal tone than "gives" and suggests giving something as a gift or honor.

4. Donates - Similar to "gives," "donates" specifically refers to giving something as a charitable contribution.

5. Presents - To present something is to give it as a gift or offering, often in a formal or ceremonious way.

6. Conveys - This word can be used interchangeably with "gives" and means to communicate or express something in words or actions.

7. Imparts - To impart something is to give it in a way that shares knowledge or information, often with the intention of teaching or enlightening someone.

8. Offers - This word has a similar meaning to "gives," but also implies an invitation or opportunity for someone to accept what is being given.

9. Hands over - To hand over something is to physically transfer it from one person's possession to another's, often with the expectation that it will be accepted and kept by the recipient.

10. Dispenses - This word can be used instead of "gives" when referring to distributing or providing things, especially in an official capacity

通过以上内容,我们可以知道gives是一个常见的英语单词,它的拼音为[dʒɪvz],读音为“吉维斯”。gives的定义是“给予;提供;授予”,在日常生活和工作中都有广泛的应用。例如:She gives me a lot of help with my homework.(她在我的作业方面给了我很多帮助。)此外,gives还可以作为动词的第三人称单数形式,如He gives a speech at the conference.(他在会议上发表演讲。)gives的同义词包括grant、provide、offer等。通过学习gives,我们可以提高英语水平,丰富词汇量。我是网站编辑小明,希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个单词。喜欢就关注我吧!
