
生活学习2024-02-14 09:51:18自考教育网


The definition of "glance"

1. Introduction


In the English language, the word "glance" has multiple meanings and can be used in various contexts. It is a commonly used word that can be found in everyday conversations, as well as in written texts. In this section, we will explore the different definitions of "glance", how to pronounce it, its synonyms, and provide examples of its usage.

2. Definition of "glance"

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "glance" can be defined as a quick look or a brief view. It can also mean to look briefly or to take a quick look at something. Additionally, it can refer to an indirect reference or allusion.

3. Pronunciation

The word "glance" is pronounced as /ɡlæns/ with a silent 'e' at the end. The 'a' is pronounced as /æ/ and the 's' is pronounced as /s/. To correctly pronounce this word, stress should be placed on the first syllable.

4. Synonyms for "glance"

Some common synonyms for "glance" include peek, glimpse, glance over, skim through, scan, and flick through. These words have similar meanings and can be used interchangeably depending on the context.

5. Examples of usage

- She took a quick glance at her watch before rushing out of the door.

- He glanced over his notes before entering the conference room.

- The book was so interesting that she couldn't help but glance through it quickly.

- During their conversation, he made a subtle glance towards his phone.

- The teacher gave her students a quick glance to make sure they were all paying attention.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, "glance" is a versatile word that can have different meanings depending on how it is used in a sentence. Its pronunciation may seem straightforward but can vary slightly depending on the speaker's accent. It is always helpful to know synonyms for a word like "glance" to avoid repetition and make your language more diverse. Hopefully, this section has provided a clear understanding of the definition of "glance" and how it can be used in various contexts

How to pronounce "glance"

Are you struggling to pronounce the word "glance"? Don't worry, you're not alone. In this article, we'll break down the pronunciation of "glance" and provide some synonyms and examples to help you understand and use it in everyday conversation.

1. What does "glance" mean?

First things first, let's clarify the meaning of "glance". According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "glance" means to take a quick look at something or someone. It can also refer to a brief or casual meeting or encounter.

2. How do you pronounce "glance"?

Now onto the pronunciation. The word "glance" is pronounced as /ɡlæns/. The first sound is a hard "g", followed by a short "l" sound, then an "a" sound like in "cat", and finally an unvoiced "s" sound.

3. Synonyms for "glance"

If you want to add some variety to your vocabulary, here are some synonyms for "glance": peek, glimpse, glimpse at, look quickly at, take a quick look at.

4. Examples of using "glance"

To give you a better understanding of how to use this word in context, here are a few examples:

- She glanced at her watch and realized she was running late.

- He caught a glance of her across the room.

- I just took a quick glance at the menu before ordering my food.

- They exchanged glances during the meeting.

5. Practice makes perfect

Now that you know how to pronounce and use this word correctly, it's time to practice! Try using it in different sentences and conversations to become more comfortable with it.

In conclusion, don't be intimidated by words like "glance". With some practice and understanding of its meaning and pronunciation, you'll be using it like a pro in no time. Happy learning!

Usage and examples of "glance"

1. "Glance"的含义

- "Glance"是一个动词,意为“匆匆一瞥”、“扫视”、“看一眼”。

- 它也可以作为名词使用,表示“一瞥”、“扫描”。

2. 如何读音

- "Glance"的读音为/glæns/,注意发音时要轻轻地发出/s/的声音。

3. 同义词

- "Glimpse"、"Peek"、"Gaze"都可以作为“glance”的同义词使用。

- 例如:I caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.(我在人群中瞥见了她。)

4. 用法示例

- He glanced at his watch and realized he was late for the meeting.(他看了一眼手表,意识到自己已经迟到了。)

- She took a quick glance at her notes before the presentation.(她在展示前快速浏览了一下笔记。)

- The driver glanced in the rearview mirror to check for any cars behind him.(司机扫视了后视镜,检查是否有车跟在他后面。)

5. 反问加强语气

- Did you just take a glance at that cute guy over there?(你刚刚是不是偷偷看了那边那个帅哥?)

- Can I take a glance at your notes before the exam?(考试前我能不能看一下你的笔记?)

6. 幽默用法

- I only took a glance at the menu and already know what I want – everything.(我只是随便看了一眼菜单,就已经知道我想要的是什么——全部。)

- She gave him a quick glance and knew he was lying.(她匆匆一瞥就知道他在撒谎。)

Phrases with "glance"

1. A quick glance: 一个快速的瞥视

例句:She gave him a quick glance before turning away.

2. At first glance: 第一眼看上去

例句:At first glance, the painting seemed simple, but upon closer inspection, it revealed hidden depths.

3. A sideways glance: 斜眼看

例句:He gave her a sideways glance, trying to gauge her reaction.

4. A furtive glance: 偷偷的一瞥

例句:She stole a furtive glance at him from across the room.

5. A lingering glance: 持续的凝视

例句:Their eyes met in a lingering glance before she turned away.

6. To catch someone's eye/glance: 吸引某人的注意力

例句:The colorful display caught her eye as she walked by.

7. To give someone a knowing glance: 给某人一个知情的眼神

例句:She gave him a knowing glance, indicating that she understood his joke.

8. To steal a glance: 偷偷地看一眼

例句:He couldn't help but steal a glance at the beautiful woman sitting next to him.

9. To take a second glance: 再看一眼

例句:The dress was so stunning that I had to take a second glance at it in the store window.

10. To exchange glances: 交换眼神

例句:They exchanged glances across the room, silently communicating their thoughts

Synonyms and example sentences for "glance"

1. Synonyms for "glance": glimpse, peek, quick look, sneak peek

Example sentence: She took a quick glance at her phone before putting it back in her pocket.

2. Synonyms for "glance": glimpse, fleeting look, brief view, passing glance

Example sentence: He caught a fleeting glance of her as she walked by.

3. Synonyms for "glance": scan, skim, skim through, skim over

Example sentence: He quickly scanned the document before signing it.

4. Synonyms for "glance": peruse, browse, flip through, thumb through

Example sentence: She perused the menu before deciding what to order.

5. Synonyms for "glance": cast a glance at, take a look at, give a once-over to

Example sentence: He cast a glance at his watch to see how much time he had left.

6. Synonyms for "glance": darting look, furtive glance, sidelong glance

Example sentence: She gave him a furtive glance before looking away.

7. Synonyms for "glance": peep, spy on, sneak a peek at

Example sentence: He couldn't resist sneaking a peek at the surprise party preparations.

8. Synonyms for "glance": eye contact, brief encounter, passing moment

Example sentence: They shared a momentary glance before going their separate ways.

9. Synonyms for "glance": check out, size up, take stock of

Example sentence: She couldn't help but check out the cute guy sitting across from her.

10. Synonyms for "glance": inspect quickly , give something a once-over , take a cursory look at

Example sentence: The teacher gave the students' projects a quick once-over before grading them

