
生活学习2024-02-14 10:43:44自考教育网





首先,让我们从字面上来理解这个词。Glittery是一个形容词,意为“闪闪发光的”,通常用来形容物体表面散发出的光芒或闪烁的效果。比如,“The dress was covered in glittery sequins.”(这件裙子上覆盖着闪闪发光的亮片。)或者,“The stars were glittery in the night sky.”(夜空中的星星闪烁着光芒。)

除了字面意思外,glittery还可以引申为“华丽的”、“耀眼的”、“迷人的”。例如,“Her glittery personality captured everyone's attention.”(她迷人的个性吸引了所有人的注意力。)在这里,glittery并非指她真的像一颗闪亮的星星,而是指她有一种迷人、吸引人的魅力。



1. glittery的发音:[ˈɡlɪtəri]

2. glittery的词性:形容词

3. glittery的意思:闪耀的,闪光的

4. glittery的同义词:sparkling, shiny, glistening, gleaming

5. glittery的例句:

- Her dress was covered in glittery sequins, making her stand out on the dance floor.


- The Christmas tree was adorned with glittery ornaments and lights.


- The night sky was filled with glittery stars.


- She couldn't resist the temptation of buying a pair of glittery shoes.



1. glittery的意思是闪闪发光的,带有闪光效果的。它来自动词glitter,意为闪耀,发光。

2. glittery的读音为[ˈɡlɪtəri],重音在第一个音节。

3. glittery的同义词包括sparkling、shiny、glistening等。例如:Her dress was sparkling with sequins.(她的裙子上镶满了亮片。)

4. 下面是一些关于glittery的双语例句:

- The Christmas tree was decorated with glittery ornaments and lights.(圣诞树上装饰着闪亮的饰品和灯光。)

- Her eyes were sparkling with excitement as she opened the glittery present.(当她打开那个闪亮的礼物时,她眼中充满了激动。)

- The city lights looked even more beautiful in the glittery snow.(在闪亮的雪地中,城市灯光显得更加美丽。)

- She wore a glittery dress to the party, standing out among the crowd.(她穿着一件闪亮的裙子参加派对,在人群中格外引人注目。)

- The stars in the sky were twinkling like tiny glittery diamonds.(天空中的星星闪烁着像小小的钻石一样闪耀。)


1. Sparkling with glitter: 闪闪发光的

例句:Her dress was covered in glitter, making her look like a shining star.

2. Glittering jewels: 闪亮的宝石

例句:The queen wore a crown adorned with glittering jewels.

3. Glittery makeup: 闪耀的化妆品

例句:She applied some glittery eyeshadow to add some sparkle to her look.

4. Glittery decorations: 闪亮的装饰品

例句:The Christmas tree was adorned with glittery decorations, making it look magical.

5. Shimmering and glittery: 闪烁和闪耀的

例句:The ocean was shimmering and glittery under the sunlight.

6. Glittery accessories: 闪耀的配饰

例句:She completed her outfit with some glittery accessories, adding a touch of glamour.

7. A touch of glitter: 一丝闪光

例句:She added a touch of glitter to her painting, making it come alive.

8. Glittery party dress: 闪亮的派对礼服

例句:She wore a stunning glittery party dress to the New Year's Eve celebration.

9. Glitter-covered shoes: 被覆盖着闪粉的鞋子

例句:Her new shoes were covered in silver glitter, making them stand out in the crowd.

10. Glitter-filled card: 充满了闪粉的卡片

例句:She received a beautiful birthday card with a glitter-filled design on the front


1. Sparkling - glittery的同义词,指闪耀、发光的意思。例如:Her dress was covered in sparkling sequins, making her look like a glittery princess.

2. Shimmering - 同样也是指闪耀、发光的意思,与glittery可以互换使用。例如:The sun reflected off the shimmering water, creating a glittery effect.

3. Glinting - 指闪烁、闪光的意思,通常用来形容小而明亮的光芒。例如:The diamond ring was glinting in the sunlight, giving off a glittery appearance.

4. Glistening - 指闪耀、发亮的意思,通常用来形容表面有水珠或油脂时的光泽。例如:The wet pavement was glistening under the streetlights, creating a glittery effect.

5. Gleaming - 也是指闪耀、发光的意思,但更多地强调表面平滑、清洁的感觉。例如:The polished marble floors were gleaming in the sunlight, giving off a glittery sheen.

6. Glittering - 与glittery同义,指闪烁、闪耀的意思。但有时也可以表示华丽、富丽堂皇的感觉。例如:The ballroom was decorated with glittering chandeliers and sparkling decorations, creating a truly glittery atmosphere.

7. Twinkling - 指微弱地闪烁或摇曳不定地闪光,通常用来形容星星或灯光。例如:The stars were twinkling in the night sky, giving off a glittery effect.

8. Glittering - 也是指闪耀、发光的意思,但有时也可以表示炫耀、显眼的感觉。例如:She walked into the party wearing a glittering dress that caught everyone's attention.

9. Shining - 同样也是指闪耀、发光的意思,但更多地强调明亮、光芒四射的感觉。例如:The sun was shining on the lake, creating a glittery reflection on the water.

10. Radiant - 指发出明亮而柔和的光芒,通常用来形容人或事物散发出的美丽或喜悦。例如:The bride looked radiant in her glittery wedding dress, glowing with happiness on her special day

