
生活学习2024-02-14 10:54:26自考教育网




1. “globalization”的正确发音是[gloh-buh-luh-zey-shuhn],重音在第二个音节。

2. 同义词:global integration, internationalization, worldwide interconnection.

3. 例句:

- The process of globalization has led to increased economic growth and interconnectedness between countries.

- With the rise of technology, globalization has become a pervasive force in our daily lives.

- Many argue that globalization has both positive and negative impacts on society.

- The spread of Western culture is often seen as a result of globalization


1. 什么是globalization?


2. globalization的同义词有哪些?

- Global integration:全球一体化

- Internationalization:国际化

- Universalization:普遍化

- Global interdependence:全球相互依赖

- Worldwide connectivity:全球连接性

3. globalization的例句有哪些?

- The process of globalization has led to an increase in international trade and investment.


- Globalization has brought people from different cultures and backgrounds closer together.


- The impact of globalization can be seen in the spread of Western culture and values to other parts of the world.


- With the rise of technology, the world has become more interconnected than ever, thanks to globalization.


4. globalization对世界有什么影响?

- 加快了国际贸易和投资的发展,促进了经济增长。

- 打破了国家之间的边界,促进了文化和知识的交流。

- 提高了跨国公司的竞争力,加速了科技创新和发展。

- 带来了更多的就业机会,改善了人们的生活水平。

- 但也带来了一些负面影响,如不平等、文化冲突等


1. globalization的用法


2. globalization的同义词

- Internationalization:国际化,指国家、组织或企业在全球范围内开展活动。

- Globalism:全球主义,强调国家之间相互依存和合作。

- Universalism:普遍主义,强调所有人类都共享同一种文化价值观。

- Cosmopolitanism:世界主义,指个人超越本土或民族身份意识而追求全球公民身份。

3. globalization双语例句

1) The process of globalization has led to an increase in trade between countries. (全球化进程导致了国家间贸易增加。)

2) With the rise of globalization, cultural exchange has become more frequent and diverse. (随着全球化的兴起,文化交流变得更加频繁多样。)

3) Many argue that globalization has brought about a homogenization of cultures. (许多人认为全球化导致了文化同质化。)

4) Globalization has made it easier for companies to expand their businesses globally. (全球化使得公司更容易在全球范围内扩展业务。)

5) The effects of globalization can be seen in every aspect of our lives. (全球化的影响可以在我们生活的各个方面看到。)

6) Some people believe that globalization has led to a loss of national identity. (有些人认为全球化导致了民族身份的丧失。)

7) The rise of globalization has created new job opportunities in various industries. (全球化的兴起为各行各业创造了新的就业机会。)

8) Critics argue that globalization benefits the wealthy at the expense of the poor. (批评者认为,全球化让富人受益,而穷人则受损。)

9) Globalization has also brought about challenges and conflicts between different cultures and nations. (全球化也带来了不同文化和国家间的挑战和冲突。)

10) The spread of technology has been greatly accelerated by the process of globalization. (技术的传播受到了全球化进程的极大促进。)


1. 全球化 (globalization)

2. 国际化 (internationalization)

3. 跨国经营 (transnational business)

4. 跨文化交流 (cross-cultural communication)

5. 全球互联 (global interconnectedness)

6. 全球一体化 (global integration)

7. 世界性 (worldwide)

8. 地球村化 (global village)

9. 跨境合作 (cross-border cooperation)

10. 经济全球化 (economic globalization)


1. Internationalization - The process of increasing global interconnectedness and integration.

例句:With the rise of international trade, the process of internationalization has accelerated.

2. Global integration - The process of economic, political, and cultural integration on a global scale.

例句:The rise of technology has led to increased global integration and interdependence.

3. Globalism - The belief in the importance of global cooperation and interdependence.

例句:As a proponent of globalism, she believes that countries should work together to solve global issues.

4. Worldliness - The state or quality of being aware and knowledgeable about different cultures and societies around the world.

例句:His extensive travels have given him a sense of worldliness that is reflected in his writing.

5. Universalization - The process of making something applicable or available to people all over the world.

例句:The internet has played a major role in the universalization of information and communication.

6. Global connectivity - The state or quality of being connected with others around the world through technology and communication.

例句:Thanks to advancements in technology, we now have greater global connectivity than ever before.

7. Transnationalism - The concept of transcending national boundaries and thinking beyond traditional national identities.

例句:The rise of transnational corporations has blurred traditional ideas of national economies.

8. Cosmopolitanism - A worldview that embraces diversity and promotes a sense of belonging to a larger community beyond one's own country.

例句:Living in a diverse city has taught her to embrace cosmopolitanism and appreciate different cultures.

9. Global interdependence - The idea that events or decisions in one part of the world can have an impact on other parts of the world.

例句:The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted our global interdependence and the need for international cooperation.

10. Interconnectedness - The state of being connected with others in a complex web of relationships.

例句:The rise of social media has increased our interconnectedness and made the world feel smaller

