go across是什么意思

生活学习2024-02-14 12:00:08自考教育网

标题:探秘“go across”的意思和用法,让你轻松应对英语表达 内容: - go across的拼音和发音 - go across是什么意思 - go across的用法和例句 - go across常见搭配短语 - go across同义词示例 导语:你是否在学习英语的过程中遇到过“go across”这个词?它的拼音和发音是怎样的呢?如果你想要更准确地表达自己,就不能错过今天给大家带来的内容。通过探秘“go across”的意思和用法,让你轻松应对英语表达。不仅会告诉你它的具体含义,还会分享一些常见搭配短语和同义词示例。让我们一起来揭开这个词背后的秘密吧!

go across的拼音和发音

1. go across的拼音为"gō ài kròs",其中"gō"的读音为[ɡəʊ],"ài"的读音为[əˈkrɒs],"kròs"的读音为[krɒs]。

go across是什么意思

2. go across的发音可以分为两部分来解释。首先,"go"这个单词本身的发音是[ɡəʊ],意思是“去”,在这里可以理解为“穿过”。然后,“across”这个词是一个介词,发音为[əˈkrɒs],意思是“横过;穿过”,所以整体来说go across的发音就是[gəʊ əˈkrɒs]。

3. go across是一个常见的短语,在英语中有多种用法和解释。下面将介绍几种常见的用法及其意思。

4. go across可以表示“穿过;横跨”。例如:We need to go across the bridge to get to the other side.(我们需要穿过桥才能到达另一侧。)

5. go across也可以表示“通过;经历”。例如:I had to go across many challenges before I achieved success.(在取得成功之前,我必须经历许多挑战。)

6. 另外,go across还可以表示“理解;领会”。例如:It took me a while to go across the meaning of this poem.(我花了一些时间才理解这首诗的意思。)

7. go across还可以表示“跨越;超越”。例如:She managed to go across the finish line despite her injury.(尽管受伤,她还是成功跨过终点线。)

8. 此外,go across也可以表示“走访;拜访”。例如:I need to go across my neighbors to borrow some sugar.(我需要去邻居家借一些糖。)

9. 最后,go across还可以表示“传开;散播”。例如:The news of the scandal quickly went across the whole town.(丑闻的消息很快就传遍了整个城镇。)

10. 综上所述,go across是一个多义词组,常见于日常生活和各种场合。通过学习它的拼音和发音,我们可以更好地理解和使用这个短语,提升我们的英语表达能力

go across是什么意思

大家都知道,英语翻译解释行业是一个充满挑战的领域。在这个行业中,有许多术语和表达方式,经常会让人迷惑不解。其中一个常见的问题就是“go across是什么意思”。

首先,让我们来看一下这个词组的字面意思。Go across可以理解为“穿过”或者“越过”的意思。但在英语中,它还有其他更多的含义。

其实,“go across”最常见的意思是“横穿”,指的是从一边到另一边。比如说,“We need to go across the street to get to the store.”(我们需要横穿马路去商店)。除此之外,它还可以表示“通过”或者“跨过”。比如,“I had to go across the river to get home.”(我不得不跨过河流才能回家)。

此外,“go across”还可以作为一个动词短语,表示“理解”或者“明白”。比如,“I hope you can go across what I'm trying to say.”(我希望你能明白我想说什么)。

除了以上几种含义,根据具体语境,“go across”还可以表示其他意思。比如,在某些情况下,它可以作为一个介词短语使用,表示“横跨”。比如,“The bridge goes across the river.”(这座桥横跨着河流)

go across的用法和例句

1. 用法

“go across”是一个动词短语,意为“穿过、横穿”,常用于描述移动的方向或行为。它可以指从一边到另一边,也可以指从一个地方到另一个地方。

2. 例句

a) She went across the street to buy some groceries.


b) The bridge allows people to go across the river on foot.


c) We had to go across the desert to reach our destination.


d) The children were excited to go across the monkey bars at the playground.


3. 相关短语

除了作为动词短语使用外,“go across”还可以和其他词组合成不同的短语,表示不同的意思。

a) Go across with:同意、接受某人的建议或提议。

例如:I don't think we should go with this plan, but I'll go along with it if everyone else agrees.


b) Go across well/badly:成功/失败。

例如:The new policy didn't go across well with the employees.


c) Go across as:给人的印象是……。

例如:She always goes across as confident, but I know she's actually quite nervous.


4. 句式变换

除了作为及物动词外,“go across”还可以作为不及物动词使用,此时常与介词“to”连用。它也可以用于进行时态和被动语态。

a) The river is too deep to go across on foot.


b) We were going across the border when we were stopped by the guards.


c) The news went across the country in a matter of hours.


5. 注意事项

虽然“go across”通常指穿过某个实体的空间,但也可以用于形容抽象概念的传播或影响。

例如:The idea went across the company and was met with enthusiasm.


go across常见搭配短语

1. Go across the bridge: 穿过桥梁

2. Go across the street: 过马路

3. Go across the border: 跨越边界

4. Go across the ocean: 横渡大洋

5. Go across the world: 环游世界

6. Go across cultures: 跨越文化差异

7. Go across time zones: 跨越时区

8. Go across language barriers: 跨越语言障碍

9. Go across different fields: 涉足不同领域

10. Go across different industries: 涉猎不同行业

11. Go across different countries: 跨国经营

12. Go across different disciplines: 跨学科研究

13. Go across different generations: 沟通不同年龄层

14.Going back and forth between two places or things:在两个地方或事物之间来回穿梭

15.Crossing a line or boundary:越过界限

16.Going through a difficult situation:经历困境

17.Traveling from one point to another:从一点到另一点旅行

18.Moving from one side to another:从一边到另一边移动

19.Transitioning from one state to another:从一个状态转变为另一个状态

go across同义词示例

1. Cross: This is the most common synonym for "go across" and it means to move from one side to another, usually by crossing over something such as a bridge, road, or river.

2. Traverse: This word also means to move across something, but it can also refer to moving through an area or region.

3. Pass over: This phrase has a similar meaning to "go across" and it can also imply passing over something quickly or without much thought.

4. Transit: This word can be used as a synonym for "go across" when referring to traveling from one place to another, especially on a regular basis.

5. Span: This word can be used as a synonym for "go across" when referring to the distance or length of something that is being crossed.

6. Navigate: This word means to find one's way through or across something, often with skill and precision.

7. Traversing: Similar to "traverse", this word refers to moving through an area or region, but it can also imply overcoming obstacles along the way.

8. Cross over: This phrase has a similar meaning to "go across" but it can also imply changing sides or perspectives.

9. Move over: This phrase can be used as a synonym for "go across" when referring to physically moving from one side to another.

10. Journey: Similar to "transit", this word refers to traveling from one place to another, often with some sort of purpose or goal in mind.

11. Travel through: This phrase has a similar meaning to "traverse" and implies moving through an area or region in order to reach a destination.

12. Straddle: This word means to have one leg on either side of something, which can be used as a metaphor for going across something physically or figuratively.

13. Trek: Similar to "journey", this word refers to a long and often difficult journey, usually on foot.

14. Cut across: This phrase has a similar meaning to "go across" but it can also imply taking a shortcut or going against the norm.

15. Crosscut: This word can be used as a synonym for "go across" when referring to cutting through something, such as a forest or mountain range.

16. Overpass: This word refers to a bridge or structure that allows one to go over something in order to reach the other side.

17. Stride over: This phrase has a similar meaning to "go across" but it can also imply doing so confidently and with ease.

18. Transverse: This word is often used in scientific or technical contexts and means to go across something at an angle or perpendicular direction.

19. Crossover: Similar to "cross over", this word can refer to changing sides or perspectives, but it is also commonly used in sports when one player moves from one team to another.

20. Pass through: This phrase has a similar meaning to "travel through" and implies moving through an area or region in order to reach a destination

本文介绍了go across这个词的拼音和发音,以及它的意思、用法和常见搭配短语。通过阅读本文,相信大家对这个词有了更深入的了解。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我,我会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的文章。最后,祝愿大家能够在学习英语的路上越走越顺利!我是网站编辑,感谢大家的阅读。
