go forward是什么意思,go forward同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 12:11:10自考教育网

你是否曾经在学习英语的过程中遇到过“go forward”这个词汇?它的发音是什么?如何在句子中正确使用它?除了“go forward”之外,还有哪些近义词可以替代它?今天,我将为你揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。让我们一起来探索“go forward”的意思吧!

The pronunciation of "go forward"

1. The meaning of "go forward"

go forward是什么意思,go forward同义词及例句

"Go forward" is a common phrase in English, which means to move ahead or make progress. It can also mean to continue on a path or course of action.

2. Synonyms for "go forward"

There are several synonyms for "go forward" that can be used interchangeably depending on the context. Some examples include:

- Advance: This word also means to move forward or make progress.

- Proceed: Similar to "go forward," this word means to continue on a path or course of action.

- Forge ahead: This phrase emphasizes the idea of moving ahead with determination and perseverance.

- Press on: This phrase implies continuing despite difficulties or obstacles.

- Move forward: This is a more direct synonym for "go forward."

3. Example sentences

Here are some example sentences using "go forward" in different contexts:

- The team needs to go forward with their plans for the project.

- Despite the challenges, we must go forward with our mission.

- The company's goal is to go forward and become a leader in the industry.

- Let's go forward and see what opportunities lie ahead.

- We can't keep dwelling on the past; it's time to go forward.

4. Pronunciation of "go forward"

The pronunciation of "go forward" is [goh fawr-werd]. The first part, "go," is pronounced with a long o sound like in the word "no." The second part, "forward," has two syllables with emphasis on the first syllable. The second syllable has a schwa sound, which is an unstressed vowel sound often represented by an upside-down e.

5. Tips for pronunciation

To improve your pronunciation of "go forward," you can try these tips:

- Practice saying the phrase slowly at first, paying attention to each syllable.

- Record yourself saying the phrase and compare it to a native speaker's pronunciation.

- Focus on the long o sound in "go" and the schwa sound in "forward."

- Listen to audio recordings of the phrase and repeat after them.

- Try saying the phrase with different intonations to convey different meanings.

In conclusion, "go forward" is a commonly used phrase that means to move ahead or make progress. It has several synonyms such as advance, proceed, and forge ahead. The pronunciation is [goh fawr-werd] with emphasis on the first syllable of "forward." With practice and attention to detail, you can improve your pronunciation of this phrase

How to use "go forward" in a sentence

1. "Go forward"的意思是继续前进,向前发展。它可以用作动词短语,也可以作为一个独立的动词。

2. "Go forward"的同义词有:continue, progress, advance, move ahead等。

3. 以下是一些使用"go forward"的例句:

- We need to go forward with this project and not let any obstacles hold us back.


- The company is going forward with its plans to expand into international markets.


- Let's put our past disagreements behind us and go forward as a united team.


- It's important to always go forward in life and not dwell on the past.


- The car suddenly stopped moving, but after a few minutes, it was able to go forward again.


4. "Go forward"也可以用来表示提出建议或决定采取某种行动:

- We have received the green light from the board to go forward with the new marketing strategy.


- The committee has decided to go forward with the proposal and present it to the CEO.


- After much discussion, we have decided to go forward with the merger.


5. 此外,"go forward"也可以用来指向未来:

- We are excited to see where this new partnership will go forward in the coming years.


- The company's goal is to go forward and become a leader in sustainable practices.


Phrases with "go forward"

1. Meaning of "go forward"

- Definition: To continue or make progress in a certain direction or towards a goal.

- Example sentence: We need to go forward with our plans for the new project.

2. Synonyms for "go forward"

- Move ahead

- Advance

- Proceed

- Press on

- Forge ahead

3. Example sentences using "go forward"

- The team decided to go forward with their plan despite the challenges.

- It's time for us to go forward and leave the past behind.

- Let's go forward with confidence and determination.

- We must go forward together as a team to achieve our goals.

- The company is looking for innovative ways to go forward in the market

Examples of synonyms for "go forward"

1. Advance

- Definition: to move forward in a purposeful way

- Example sentence: The team is ready to advance to the next round of the competition.

2. Progress

- Definition: to move forward or develop towards a better or more advanced stage

- Example sentence: The company has made significant progress in expanding its market share.

3. Move ahead

- Definition: to continue moving forward or making progress

- Example sentence: We need to move ahead with our plans for the project.

4. Proceed

- Definition: to continue doing something after a pause or interruption

- Example sentence: The meeting will proceed as planned despite the delay.

5. Forge ahead

- Definition: to make steady and determined progress towards a goal

- Example sentence: Despite facing challenges, the team managed to forge ahead and complete the project on time.

6. Press on

- Definition: to continue moving forward despite difficulties or obstacles

- Example sentence: The hikers decided to press on and reach the summit before sunset.

7. Push forward

- Definition: to make an effort to continue making progress towards a goal

- Example sentence: The company is pushing forward with its expansion plans despite economic uncertainties.

8. Make headway

- Definition: to make progress, especially in a difficult situation or task.

- Example sentence: After weeks of negotiations, they finally made headway in reaching an agreement.

9. Carry on

- Definition: to continue doing something without stopping or giving up

- Example sentence: Despite facing setbacks, she carried on with her dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

10. Go forth

- Definition: to move forward or proceed towards something

- Example sentence: With determination and courage, they went forth into unknown territory

Explanation of the meaning of "go forward"

1. "Go forward" is a phrase that means to move or progress in a particular direction.

2. It can also be used to describe making progress or advancing towards a goal or objective.

3. This phrase can be interpreted as taking action and moving forward, rather than remaining stagnant or stuck in one place.

4. It can also imply a sense of determination and perseverance in facing challenges and obstacles.

5. Some synonyms for "go forward" include: advance, move ahead, make progress, push forward, forge ahead, and proceed.

6. For example, "We must go forward with our plans despite the difficulties we may face."

7. Another example could be, "The company is determined to go forward with their expansion strategy."

8. In both cases, "go forward" implies taking action and moving towards a desired outcome.

9. Additionally, "go forward" can also have a more literal meaning of physically moving in a specific direction.

10. In this sense, it can be used to give directions or instructions on how to reach a certain destination.

11. For instance, "Go forward two blocks and then turn left at the traffic light."

12. Similarly, it can be used in sports to encourage players to continue moving towards the opposing team's goal.

13. In this context, it can also convey the idea of being on the offensive rather than defensive.

14. Furthermore,"go forward" can have a figurative meaning of making progress in personal growth or development.

15. It can represent moving past past mistakes or failures and looking towards the future with optimism and determination.

16. For example,"I've made some mistakes in the past but I am ready to go forward and learn from them."

17. This phrase can also be used as an encouragement to someone who may be facing challenges or setbacks in their life.

18."You have faced many obstacles but don't give up now, keep going forward with determination."

19. In conclusion, "go forward" can have multiple interpretations depending on the context in which it is used.

20. It can mean taking action and making progress towards a goal, physically moving in a specific direction, or making personal growth and development.

21. Some synonyms for this phrase include advance, make progress, push forward, and proceed.

22. Regardless of the interpretation, "go forward" conveys a sense of determination and perseverance in moving towards a desired outcome

“go forward”是一个非常常用的短语,它可以用来表示前进、继续、推进等含义。在日常生活中,我们经常会使用这个短语来表达自己的想法和行动。希望通过本文的介绍,读者们能够更加了解并正确使用“go forward”这个短语。如果你喜欢本文的内容,请关注我,我将为大家带来更多有趣、有用的知识和信息。谢谢阅读!
