go over是什么意思,go over同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 12:17:17自考教育网

你是否曾经在阅读英语文章时遇到过“go over”这个词,却不知道它的意思?或者你已经知道它的意思,但想要了解更多关于它的用法和例句?别担心,本文将为你揭开“go over”的神秘面纱。从它的发音及读法开始,我们将一步步探索这个词的含义,并通过丰富的例句来帮助你更好地理解。此外,我们还会介绍一些与“go over”相关的短语搭配和同义词示例,让你更加深入地了解这个词。让我们一起来探索“go over”的奥秘吧!

go over的意思是什么

你是否经常在阅读英文文章或者听英文演讲时遇到过“go over”这个词?那么,你知道它的意思是什么吗?在本次介绍中,我将为你解释“go over”的含义,并分享一些同义词和例句,让你更好地理解和运用这个词。

首先,“go over”是一个非常常用的短语,它的意思是“review”或者“examine”,即复习、检查或审查某物。当我们需要重新审视一件事情时,就可以使用“go over”这个短语来表达。

go over是什么意思,go over同义词及例句

除了“review”和“examine”,还有一些同义词可以替换“go over”,比如“check”,“look into”和“go through”。例如,“I need to go over my notes before the exam tomorrow.”(明天考试前我需要复习我的笔记。)也可以说成“I need to check/look into/go through my notes before the exam tomorrow.”

除了表示复习或者检查某物外,“go over”还可以表示通过某地、穿过某个区域或者越过某个障碍。例如,“We need to go over the bridge to get to the other side of the river.”(我们需要穿过桥才能到达河的另一边。)

此外,“go over”也可以表示超出某物的范围或限制。例如,“The project went over budget.”(这个项目超出了预算。)或者,“The time limit for the test was 2 hours, but I went over by 10 minutes.”(考试的时间限制是2小时,但我超时了10分钟。)

go over的发音及读法

1. 发音

go over的发音为/gəʊ ˈəʊvə/,其中"g"发音为/dʒ/,"o"发音为/əʊ/,"v"发音为/v/,"er"发音为/ə/.

2. 读法

"go over"是一个动词短语,在口语中通常作为及物动词使用。它可以分开读作"go"和"over",也可以连读成一个词"goover".

3. 同义词

"go over"的同义词包括:review, examine, check, study, inspect等。它们都表示对某事物进行仔细的审查、检查或学习。

4. 例句

(1) Let's go over the plan again to make sure we didn't miss anything.


(2) I need to go over my notes before the exam tomorrow.


(3) The teacher asked us to go over the new vocabulary words for the next lesson.


(4) We should go over the contract carefully before signing it.


go over的用法和例句

1. 什么是go over?

Go over是一个常用的短语,意为“复习、检查”等。它可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。

2. go over的同义词有哪些?

go through, review, check, examine等都可以作为go over的同义词使用。它们都表示“复习、检查”等意思。

3. 使用go over的例句

- I need to go over my notes before the exam tomorrow.

- Let's go over the presentation one more time to make sure everything is perfect.

- The teacher asked us to go through the homework before class.

- Please review your work carefully before submitting it.

- The doctor will check your vitals before prescribing any medication.

4. go over的其他用法

除了作为动词,go over还可以表示“审阅、通过”等意思。例如:

- The committee will go over the proposal and make a decision next week.

- We need to go over these contracts before signing them

go over的短语搭配

1. Review/Revise

- go over the material again (再次复习材料)

- go over the essay before submitting (在提交前再次检查论文)

- go over the contract carefully (仔细审阅合同)

2. Check/Examine

- go over the details (检查细节)

- go over the documents (查看文件)

- go over the numbers (核对数字)

3. Discuss/Delve into

- go over the topic in depth (深入讨论该话题)

- go over the issues raised (讨论提出的问题)

- go over the results of the study (研究结果)

4. Practice/Rehearse

- go over your lines (排练台词)

- go over a dance routine (练习舞蹈动作)

- go over a presentation (演练演讲)

5. Cross/Go through

- go over a bridge (穿过桥梁)

- go over a list of names (浏览名单)

- go over an obstacle course (通过障碍物赛道)

6. Repeat/Iterate

- go over a lesson multiple times (多次重复课程)

- go over instructions step by step (逐步重复说明书)

- go over past mistakes to avoid them in the future (回顾过去的错误以避免将来发生)

7. Inspect/Scrutinize

- go over every detail with a fine-tooth comb (用细齿梳子检查每个细节)

- go over evidence in a case carefully (仔细审查案件证据)

- go over a report for accuracy (检查报告的准确性)

8. Visit/Travel

- go over to a friend's house (去朋友家)

- go over to another country (去另一个国家)

- go over to the other side of the city (去城市的另一边)

9. Exceed/Surpass

- go over the limit (超过限制)

- go over budget (超出预算)

- go over expectations (超出预期)

10. Study/Learn

- go over vocabulary words (学习词汇)

- go over grammar rules (学习语法规则)

- go over historical events (研究历史事件)

go over的同义词示例

1. Review - "I need to review my notes before the exam."

2. Examine - "The doctor will examine your symptoms."

3. Check - "Can you check this document for errors?"

4. Inspect - "The mechanic will inspect your car for any issues."

5. Study - "I need to study for my history test."

6. Analyze - "We need to analyze the data before making a decision."

7. Go through - "Let's go through the presentation one more time."

8. Look over - "Could you look over my essay and give me feedback?"

9. Revisit - "I want to revisit this topic in our next meeting."

10. Scrutinize - "The police will scrutinize the evidence carefully."

go over是一个常用的短语,意思是“复习”、“检查”等。它的发音和读法很简单,可以轻松掌握。在实际应用中,我们可以通过一些例句来更好地理解它的用法。此外,go over还有许多常见的短语搭配和同义词示例,大家可以根据自己的需要进行选择。最后,在这里我要自豪地介绍一下自己,我是这个网站的编辑,希望我的文章能够为大家带来帮助和启发。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我哦!谢谢!
