go through是什么意思,go through同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 12:21:34自考教育网

你是否经常在阅读英语文章时遇到过“go through”的用法?它究竟是什么意思,如何正确使用呢?今天我们就来一起探究一下这个行业标题。在本文中,我们将从词性、词义、发音、用法和同义词等多个方面进行介绍,并且还会分享一些常见的搭配用法,让你更加深入地了解“go through”。让我们一起来看看吧!

go through的词性和词义

在英语中,go through是一个常见的短语,其词性为动词短语。它的主要意思是“经历”、“经受”或“通过”,常用于描述某人经历了一段艰难的时期或经过了某个过程。

同义词方面,go through可以替换为experience、undergo、endure等。例如:“She went through a lot of hardships before achieving success.”(她在取得成功之前经历了许多艰辛),“The company is going through a major restructuring.”(公司正在进行重大改组)。

go through是什么意思,go through同义词及例句

除了上述主要含义外,go through还可以表示“查阅”、“阅读”、“审查”。例如:“I need some time to go through these documents.”(我需要一些时间来阅读这些文件),“The lawyer will go through the contract carefully before signing it.”(律师会仔细审查合同后再签署)。

此外,go through还可以表示“消耗”、“花费”。例如:“We went through all our savings during the trip.”(我们在旅行中花光了所有的储蓄),“I can't believe how much money we went through in just one night!”(我简直不敢相信我们在一晚上就花掉了这么多钱!)

go through的发音和读音

1. 发音:[ɡəʊ θruː]

2. 读音:go(发音为/ɡəʊ/)+ through(发音为/θruː/)

3. 同义词:

- undergo: 经历,经受,遭受

- experience: 经历,体验,经验

- pass through: 穿过,通过,经过

4. 例句:

- I will go through the documents and get back to you with my findings.


- The company is going through a difficult time due to the economic downturn.


- We need to go through the security check before boarding the plane.


5. 解释:go through是一个动词短语,意为“通过、穿过、经历”,常用于描述通过某个地方或经历某种情况。它也可以表示“仔细检查、审阅”,指花费时间和精力来完成某项任务。此外,go through还可以表示“经受、遭受”,指面对困难或挑战。

6. 注意事项:在口语中,go through通常会缩写为gonna(gonna是going to的缩写形式),因此有时会听到人们说gonna go through而不是完整的go through。

7. 例句中的同义词替换:

- I will undergo the documents and get back to you with my findings.

- The company is experiencing a difficult time due to the economic downturn.

- We need to pass through the security check before boarding the plane.

8. 总结:go through是一个常用的动词短语,可以表示通过、经历、仔细检查和经受等含义。通过阅读本小节,你应该能够正确地发音和使用go through这个词汇,并且理解它的同义词及在不同语境下的用法

go through的用法和例句

1. go through的意思

Go through是一个多义词组,可以表示“经历、仔细检查、通过、穿过”等不同的含义。在这里,我们主要讨论go through作为动词的用法。

2. go through的同义词

- Experience:表示“经历”,强调通过某件事情来获得知识或感受。

例句:She went through a lot of challenges before achieving success.


- Examine:表示“仔细检查”,强调对某物进行详细的观察和分析。

例句:The doctor will go through all the test results before giving a diagnosis.


- Pass through:表示“通过、穿过”,强调通过某个地方或障碍物。

例句:We had to go through a long tunnel to reach the other side of the mountain.


3. go through的例句

- I have to go through a lot of paperwork before I can start my new job.


- The teacher asked us to go through the textbook and find the answers to the questions.


- The customs officer thoroughly went through our luggage to check for any illegal items.


- It took us hours to go through the entire museum and see all the exhibits.


- The couple had to go through a lot of challenges before finally getting married.


- The team went through a tough training program in order to prepare for the competition.



go through的同义词示例

1. Peruse - This word is often used in a more formal or literary context to mean "read or examine carefully."

例句:She perused the contract before signing it.

2. Review - This word can be used to mean "examine or assess something again."

例句:The team will review the data before making a decision.

3. Browse - In this context, browse means "look through or glance at something casually."

例句:I like to browse through magazines at the bookstore.

4. Examine - This word means "inspect or scrutinize something closely."

例句:The doctor will examine your x-rays before making a diagnosis.

5. Scan - Similar to browse, scan means "look through something quickly and casually."

例句:I scanned the newspaper for any interesting articles.

6. Analyze - This word means "examine in detail in order to understand or explain."

例句:The scientist analyzed the data from the experiment.

7. Inspect - Inspect means "examine something closely and carefully for flaws or problems."

例句:The mechanic inspected the car before giving it back to the owner.

8. Peruse - This is another synonym for go through, meaning "read thoroughly and carefully."

例句:He perused the document before presenting it to his boss.

9. Explore - In this context, explore means "investigate or look into something in detail."

例句:We need to explore all possible options before making a decision.

10. Scrutinize - Scrutinize means "examine closely and critically."

例句:The auditor will scrutinize the company's financial records

go through常见短语及搭配用法

1. Go through的基本意思

Go through是一个常用的短语,其基本意思是“经历”、“经受”、“通过”等。它可以指通过某个过程、经历某件事情、通过某个地方等。

2. 同义词

- Experience:与go through的意思相同,都指经历或经受某事。

- Undergo:也可以表示经历或经受某事,但更多地用于形容较为艰难或痛苦的经历。

- Pass through:与go through的意思相同,都指通过某个地方。

- Traverse:也可以表示通过某个地方,但更多用于描述穿过或跨越的动作。

3. 例句

1) I went through a lot of difficulties before I achieved success.


2) She is going through a tough time after her divorce.


3) We need to go through the security check before boarding the plane.


4) The train goes through several big cities on its way to the destination.


4. 搭配用法

- Go through something:指经历或遭受某事。


1) He went through a lot of pain during his recovery from the surgery.


2) The country has gone through many changes in the past decade.


- Go through with something:指完成或坚持做某事。


1) Despite the difficulties, she decided to go through with her plan.


2) I don't think he will go through with the wedding after all.


- Go through something/someone:指仔细检查或浏览某物/某人。


1) The police went through his belongings looking for evidence.


2) She quickly went through her notes before the exam.


- Go through something:指耗费时间、金钱或精力等。


1) It took me hours to go through all the documents.


2) We went through a lot of money during our trip to Europe.


相信大家已经对go through有了更加深入的了解。go through作为一个动词,可以表示“经历、通过、查看”等含义,它的发音和读音也很简单易懂。在使用时,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词替换,例如“experience、pass、examine”等。此外,go through还有许多常见的短语和搭配用法,如“go through with、go through the motions”等。最后,我是网站的编辑,如果喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我哦!祝愿大家在学习和使用英语过程中都能够轻松掌握go through这个词汇,并且能够灵活运用到自己的表达中。谢谢阅读!
