
生活学习2024-03-10 09:36:36自考教育网



1. 神女的定义



2. 常见用法


- The ancient Greeks believed in many goddesses.(古希腊人信仰许多女神。)

- She is a goddess of beauty.(她是美丽之神。)

- The goddesses were worshipped by the people.(人们崇拜女神们。)


- Goddesses of love and war(爱与战争之神)

- Goddesses of the sea(海洋女神)

3. 同义词


- deity:指任何一位神性存在,包括男性和女性。

- divinity:指具有超自然力量和权威的存在。

- goddess:与goddesses意思相同,但一般用来指代单个女神。

- deity:与goddess意思相同,但更常用于宗教语境。

4. 例句


- The goddesses were believed to have the power to control the elements of nature.(人们认为女神们拥有控制自然元素的力量。)

- The ancient Greeks worshipped many goddesses, such as Athena, Aphrodite, and Demeter.(古希腊人崇拜许多女神,比如雅典娜、阿佛洛狄忒和德墨忒尔。)

- The goddesses in Greek mythology were often portrayed as beautiful and powerful beings.(希腊神话中的女神们经常被描绘成美丽而强大的存在。)






除了复数形式外,还有一些同义词也可以用来表示“女神”。比如:"deities"(神灵)、 "divinities"(神性)、 "idols"(偶像)等等。当然,在不同语境下使用时可能会有些微差别,请根据具体情况选择合适的同义词。

1. The ancient Greeks believed in many goddesses, each with her own special powers.


2. In Hinduism, there are also many goddesses worshipped by the followers.


3. She is like a goddess in my eyes, so beautiful and wise.




1. goddesses的意思是女神,通常用来指代神话中的女性神灵。

例句:The ancient Greeks believed in many goddesses, such as Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera.

2. goddesses的发音为/gɑːdəsɪz/,其中重音在第一个音节。

例句:Can you pronounce the word "goddesses" correctly?

3. goddesses的同义词包括deities、divinities、immortals等。

例句:In some cultures, goddesses are worshipped as divine beings.

4. 在英语中,goddesses也可用来指代非常美丽和令人崇拜的女性。

例句:She is considered a goddess among men for her stunning beauty and intelligence.

5. 在现代英语中,goddesses也可以用来表示某个领域或活动中最杰出和最成功的女性。

例句:She is known as the goddess of fashion for her impeccable style and influence in the industry.

6. 在文学作品中,goddesses常被描绘为拥有超凡魅力和无比智慧的女性形象。

例句:The poet described the heroine as a goddess with golden hair and piercing blue eyes.

7. 在宗教信仰中,goddesses往往被视为生育、爱情、智慧等方面的保护神。

例句:The ancient Egyptians worshipped the fertility goddess Isis to ensure bountiful harvests.

8. goddesses也可以用来指代女性的力量和能力,强调女性在社会中的重要作用。

例句:The rise of powerful businesswomen has shown that goddesses can also be successful leaders.

9. 在神话故事中,goddesses经常与男神一起出现,共同扮演重要的角色。

例句:The goddesses Hera and Zeus were known as the king and queen of the gods in Greek mythology.

10. 总的来说,goddesses代表着女性的魅力、智慧、力量和神性,在不同文化和语境中都有不同的含义和用法。

例句:Goddesses have been a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and believers throughout history


1. Goddesses of beauty: 美丽女神们

2. Divine goddesses: 神圣女神们

3. Mythical goddesses: 神话女神们

4. Powerful goddesses: 强大女神们

5. Enchanting goddesses: 迷人女神们

6. Goddesses of love and fertility: 爱与生育之神女

7. Warrior goddesses: 战士女神们

8. Mother goddesses: 母亲女神们

9. Nature goddesses: 自然女神们

10. Ancient goddesses: 古代女神们


1. Divine Females - 神圣女性

例如:"The goddesses of ancient Greek mythology were revered as divine females with great power and beauty."

2. Deities - 神明

例如:"Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite were all considered to be powerful deities or goddesses in Greek mythology."

3. Immortals - 不朽者

例如:"In many cultures, goddesses are believed to be immortal beings who possess supernatural abilities."

4. Female Divinities - 女性神灵

例如:"The ancient Egyptians worshipped female divinities such as Isis and Bastet, who were seen as powerful goddesses."

5. Heavenly Beings - 天上的存在

例如:"In Hinduism, the goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswati are considered heavenly beings who bring blessings and knowledge to their devotees."

6. Sacred Figures - 神圣的人物

例如:"Goddesses have long been seen as sacred figures in many religions and cultures around the world."

7. Celestial Goddesses - 天上的女神

例如:"The celestial goddesses of Chinese mythology, such as Chang'e and Nuwa, are often associated with the moon and creation."

8. Divine Mothers - 神圣的母亲

例如:"Many goddesses are worshipped as divine mothers who protect and nurture their followers, such as the Hindu goddess Durga."

9. Mythical Women - 神话中的女性

例如:"From the Celtic warrior queen Boudicca to the Norse goddess Freya, mythical women have played important roles in history and storytelling."

10. Supreme Beings - 最高存在

例如:"In some belief systems, goddesses are seen as supreme beings who hold power over life and death."

