
生活学习2024-03-10 10:00:11自考教育网


The pronunciation of goggles

1. Introduction

2. What does "goggles" mean?


3. How to pronounce "goggles"

4. Synonyms for "goggles"

5. Examples of using "goggles"

6. Conclusion


When it comes to the word "goggles", many people may think of protective eyewear used in sports or other activities. However, this word has a broader meaning and can be used in different contexts. In this section, we will explore the pronunciation of "goggles" and its various meanings.

What does "goggles" mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, "goggles" refers to a pair of close-fitting glasses with side shields, worn to protect the eyes from glare, dust, or wind. It can also be used as a verb meaning to stare with wide-open eyes in amazement or wonder.

How to pronounce "goggles":

The word "goggles" is pronounced as /ˈɡɒɡ(ə)lz/ or gog-uhls. The first syllable is stressed and pronounced with a short o sound /ɒ/. The second syllable has a soft g sound /dʒ/ followed by an unstressed schwa sound /əl/. To pronounce it correctly, follow these steps:

1. Start by making the short o sound with your mouth slightly open.

2. Then add the soft g sound by placing your tongue behind your top teeth.

3. Finally, finish with the schwa sound by relaxing your mouth and letting out a light breath.

Synonyms for "goggles":

1. Eyewear - This is a general term that can refer to any type of glasses worn over the eyes.

2. Spectacles - This is another word for glasses but is often associated with reading glasses.

3. Safety glasses - These are protective eyewear used in hazardous work environments.

4. Shades - This is a colloquial term for sunglasses.

5. Stare - This is a verb that can be used instead of "goggles" to describe looking at something with wide-open eyes.

Examples of using "goggles":

1. She put on her goggles before diving into the pool.

2. The scientist wore safety goggles while conducting the experiment.

3. He couldn't believe his eyes and could only stare in amazement with his goggles on.

4. The skier wore ski goggles to protect her eyes from the blinding snow.

5. The pilot put on his night vision goggles before flying in the dark.


In conclusion, "goggles" is a versatile word that can refer to protective eyewear or describe a way of looking at something with wide-open eyes. Its pronunciation may seem tricky at first, but by following the steps mentioned above, you can easily master it. So next time you come across this word, remember its correct pronunciation and impress others with your knowledge!

How to pronounce goggles

1. What does "goggles" mean?

- "Goggles" is a noun that refers to a type of protective eyewear that covers the eyes and may also cover a part of the face. They are typically used for activities such as skiing, swimming, or laboratory work to protect the eyes from debris, water, or chemicals.

2. How do you pronounce "goggles"?

- The correct pronunciation of "goggles" is [ˈɡɑɡəlz], with the stress on the first syllable. The "gg" in "goggles" is pronounced like a hard "g", similar to the sound in words like "goat" or "girl".

3. Are there any synonyms for "goggles"?

- Yes, there are several synonyms for "goggles", including eyeglasses, spectacles, safety glasses, and protective goggles.

4. Can you give me an example sentence using "goggles"?

- Sure! Here's an example sentence: "I always wear my goggles when I go swimming to protect my eyes from the chlorine in the pool."

5. How can I use "goggles" in a sentence to show its meaning?

- Here are three different ways you can use "goggles" in a sentence to demonstrate its meaning:

a) She put on her goggles before heading down the ski slope.

b) The scientist wore protective goggles while conducting her experiment.

c) He bought a pair of prescription goggles so he could see clearly while swimming.

6. Is there any difference between saying "swimming goggles" and just saying "goggles"?

- While both terms refer to the same type of eyewear, saying "swimming goggles" specifically indicates that they are meant for use while swimming. However, simply saying "goggles" could refer to any type of protective eyewear used for various activities.

7. How do you say "goggles" in other languages?

- In Spanish, "goggles" is "gafas protectoras"; in French, it is "lunettes de protection"; and in German, it is "Schutzbrille"

The usage and examples of goggles

Goggles, 这个词听起来是不是有点像“哥哥”的英文发音?但实际上,它的意思可不是这么简单。它是指一种护目镜或者眼镜,通常用于保护眼睛免受外界伤害。下面就让我们一起来看看goggles的用法和例子吧!

1. Goggles的意思


2. Goggles的发音


3. Goggles的同义词

除了goggles之外,在日常生活中我们也可以用其他词来表达“护目镜”或者“防水眼镜”的意思。比如,safety glasses可以指的是工作时戴的护目镜;swimming goggles则是指游泳时戴的防水眼镜。

4. Goggles的例句


- When you are working with chemicals, it's important to wear goggles to protect your eyes.


- I can't see clearly underwater without my swimming goggles.


- The workers all wore safety goggles to protect their eyes from flying debris.


Phrases with goggles

1. Wearing goggles: This phrase refers to the act of wearing goggles, typically for protection or enhanced vision. Example: "I always make sure to wear my goggles when I go swimming in the ocean."

2. Goggles on: Similar to the previous phrase, this also refers to wearing goggles, but with a sense of urgency or readiness. Example: "The workers had their goggles on as they prepared to handle the dangerous chemicals."

3. Goggles off: This phrase is used to indicate that someone has removed their goggles, either because they are no longer needed or because they are taking a break. Example: "Once I finished welding, I took my goggles off and wiped away the sweat from my forehead."

4. Rose-colored goggles: This phrase is often used figuratively to describe someone who has an overly optimistic or unrealistic view of something. Example: "She's been wearing rose-colored goggles when it comes to her relationship with him, ignoring all the red flags."

5. Beer goggles: This humorous phrase refers to the idea that alcohol can make people see others as more attractive than they actually are. Example: "After a few drinks, he was seeing everyone through beer goggles and thought even his ex-girlfriend looked good."

6. Google Goggles: This is a brand name for a mobile application that allows users to take pictures of text and translate it into different languages. Example: "I used Google Goggles while traveling in Japan and it helped me navigate through menus at restaurants."

7. Safety goggles: These are specialized glasses worn for protection against hazardous materials or activities. Example: "Before entering the lab, make sure you have your safety goggles on."

8. Ski goggles: These are specialized glasses worn while skiing or snowboarding to protect against wind, snow, and UV rays. Example: "Don't forget your ski goggles if you're hitting the slopes tomorrow!"

9. Swimming goggles: These are specialized glasses worn for swimming to protect against chlorine and other chemicals in the water. Example: "I can't swim without my goggles, the chlorine always irritates my eyes."

10. Virtual reality goggles: Also known as VR goggles, these are head-mounted devices that immerse the user in a virtual reality experience. Example: "The new VR game requires you to wear special goggles to fully experience it."

Synonyms for goggles with examples

1. Definition of goggles: Goggles are a type of protective eyewear that cover the eyes and surrounding areas to prevent debris, chemicals, or other hazards from entering the eyes.

2. How to pronounce goggles: /ˈɡɒɡ(ə)lz/

3. Synonyms for goggles: eyewear, safety glasses, protective eyewear, safety goggles, eye protection

4. Examples:

- When working with chemicals, it is important to wear safety goggles to protect your eyes.

- The swimmer put on his goggles before diving into the pool.

- The construction worker always wears his protective eyewear while on the job site.

- She bought a new pair of fashionable eyewear to replace her old goggles for skiing.

- The laboratory technician wore safety glasses while conducting experiments.

5. So, if you come across any of these words in relation to eye protection, you can be sure they are referring to the same thing as goggles!

