graduate from是什么意思,graduate from同义词及例句

生活学习2024-03-10 13:28:34自考教育网

你是否对“graduate from”这个行业标题感到困惑?或许你已经听说过这个词,但并不清楚它的意思。别担心,接下来我会为你揭开这个谜团。首先,让我们来了解一下“graduate from”的发音和正确读法。随后,我将为你介绍如何使用以及一些例句来帮助你更好地理解“graduate from”。此外,还有一些包含“graduate from”的常用短语及其同义词,让我们一起来探索吧!

The pronunciation of "graduate from"

1. What is the meaning of "graduate from"?

- "Graduate from" is a phrase that means to successfully complete a course of study or training and receive a degree or diploma.

graduate from是什么意思,graduate from同义词及例句

2. Synonyms for "graduate from"

- Some synonyms for "graduate from" include: finish, complete, obtain a degree/diploma, earn a degree/diploma, receive a degree/diploma.

3. Example sentences using "graduate from"

- She will graduate from university next month.

- He graduated from high school with honors.

- After four years of hard work, she finally graduated from medical school.

- They both graduated from the same prestigious law school.

- He plans to graduate from college and start his own business.

4. Pronunciation of "graduate"

- The word "graduate" is pronounced as /ˈɡrædʒuət/ (GRAD-joo-it) with the stress on the first syllable.

- The "a" in the first syllable is pronounced as in the word "cat".

- The second syllable has a soft "j" sound, similar to the letter "z".

- The final syllable has a short vowel sound like in the word "it".

5. Pronunciation of "from"

- The word "from" is pronounced as /frɒm/ (FROM) with the stress on the first syllable.

- The first sound is similar to the letter "f".

- The second sound is similar to the vowel sound in the word "lot".

- The final sound is made by closing your lips together and making an mmm sound.

6. Tips for pronouncing "graduate from"

- When saying this phrase, make sure to stress both words equally.

- Pay attention to your intonation and make sure it rises slightly on the second word.

- Practice saying it slowly and clearly until you feel comfortable with the pronunciation.

7. Conclusion

- "Graduate from" is a common phrase used to describe the successful completion of a course of study or training and receiving a degree or diploma.

- Some synonyms for this phrase include finish, complete, and obtain a degree/diploma.

- The word "graduate" is pronounced as /ˈɡrædʒuət/ (GRAD-joo-it) and the word "from" is pronounced as /frɒm/ (FROM).

- Make sure to stress both words equally and pay attention to your intonation when saying this phrase

How to read "graduate from"

1. 了解“graduate from”的意思:首先,我们来看一下“graduate from”的字面意思。这个短语中的“graduate”是动词,意为“毕业”,而“from”则表示毕业的来源地。因此,“graduate from”可以理解为“从某地毕业”。

2. 寻找同义词:如果你想要在文中使用更多的同义表达,可以考虑以下几个选项:

- Complete a course of study at a school or college (在学校或大学完成学业)

- Finish an educational program (完成教育计划)

- Receive a degree or diploma (获得学位或文凭)

- Conclude one's studies (结束自己的学习)

3. 举例说明:下面是一些使用“graduate from”的例句,让我们来看看它们在句子中的运用方式:

- She will graduate from Harvard University next year. (她明年将从哈佛大学毕业。)

- After four years of hard work, he finally graduated from medical school. (经过四年的努力,他终于从医学院毕业了。)

- My daughter is about to graduate from high school and I couldn't be more proud. (我女儿就要从高中毕业了,我感到非常骄傲。)

4. 使用反问:现在,你是否对如何正确理解和使用“graduate from”有所了解呢?如果还有任何疑问,不妨试着问问自己:“你真的知道如何读懂‘graduate from’吗?”或者“你是否已经掌握了正确的用法?”这样的反问可以帮助你更好地理解和记忆这个短语。

5. 幽默点:最后,我想给大家分享一个幽默的例子。当一个学生被问及他将从哪所大学毕业时,他回答道:“我将从大学毕业”。这句话虽然听起来有些滑稽,但也提醒我们“graduate from”并不是指从某所特定的大学毕业,而是指从任何一所学校或教育机构毕业

Usage and examples of "graduate from"

1. "Graduate from"的意思是从某个学校或机构毕业,通常指完成所有必要的学习和考试。

例:She graduated from Harvard University with a degree in economics.(她从哈佛大学毕业,获得了经济学学位。)

2. "Graduate"也可以用作动词,表示毕业或获得学位。

例:He will graduate next year with a Master's degree.(他明年将毕业并获得硕士学位。)

3. "Complete"是"graduate from"的同义词,也可以表示完成所有必要的学习和考试。

例:She completed her studies at Oxford University last year.(她去年在牛津大学完成了她的学业。)

4. 另一个同义词是"finish",也可以表示完成某项任务或阶段。

例:He finished his studies at the age of 25 and started working immediately.(他在25岁时完成了他的学业,并立即开始工作。)

5. "Obtain a degree/diploma/certificate"也可以用来描述获得某种资格证书或文凭。

例:After four years of hard work, she obtained her Bachelor's degree in engineering.(经过四年的努力,她获得了工程学士学位。)

6. "Receive a diploma/degree/certificate"也可以用来表示收到一份文凭或证书。

例:He received his high school diploma with honors last month.(上个月他以优异的成绩获得了高中毕业证书。)

7. "Be awarded a degree/diploma/certificate"也可以用来描述被授予某种学位或文凭。

例:She was awarded a Master's degree in psychology for her groundbreaking research.(她因为开创性的研究而被授予心理学硕士学位。)

Phrases with "graduate from"

1. What does "graduate from" mean?

- Definition: To successfully complete a course of study and receive a degree or diploma.

- Example sentence: I will graduate from college next year with a degree in Business Administration.

2. Synonyms for "graduate from"

- Finish/complete studies

- Receive a diploma/degree

- Earn a qualification

- Obtain a certificate

3. Examples of using "graduate from"

- She graduated from high school at the top of her class.

- After five years of hard work, he finally graduated from medical school.

- They are planning to graduate from law school in the spring.

- I am proud to say that I will be graduating from university this summer.

4. Other phrases with "graduate"

- Graduate with honors: To receive a degree or diploma with exceptional academic achievement.

Example sentence: She graduated with honors and was awarded a scholarship for further studies.

- Graduate program/course: An advanced level of study after completing an undergraduate degree.

Example sentence: He is currently enrolled in a graduate program for Computer Science.

- Graduate employment/job: A job or career opportunity for recent graduates.

Example sentence: The company offers excellent graduate employment opportunities for those with relevant degrees.

5. Fun ways to say "graduate"

- Toss your cap and gown: A traditional celebration after graduation where students throw their graduation cap into the air.

Example sentence: After tossing our caps and gowns, we took lots of pictures to commemorate our graduation day.

- Walk across the stage: The moment when graduates walk across the stage to receive their diploma during the graduation ceremony.

Example sentence: My parents were so proud when I walked across the stage to receive my degree.

With these phrases and examples, you now have a better understanding of what it means to "graduate from" something. Congratulations on completing your task!

Synonyms for "graduate from" with examples

1. Synonyms for "graduate from"

- Complete studies at

- Finish education at

- Obtain a degree from

- Conclude studies at

2. Examples:

- I graduated from high school last year.

(Synonyms: I completed my studies at high school last year. I finished my education at high school last year.)

- She will graduate from college in the spring.

(Synonyms: She will complete her studies at college in the spring. She will finish her education at college in the spring.)

- He recently graduated from law school with honors.

(Synonyms: He recently obtained a degree from law school with honors. He recently concluded his studies at law school with honors.)

- They are planning to graduate from university next year.

(Synonyms: They are planning to complete their studies at university next year. They are planning to finish their education at university next year.)

“graduate from”是指毕业,取得学位或证书的意思。它的发音可能会让人有些困惑,但只要多加练习,相信你也能轻松掌握。在使用“graduate from”的时候,我们可以用它来描述一个人的学历或毕业院校,也可以用来表示某个阶段的结束和新的开始。除此之外,“graduate from”还有许多同义词,比如“obtain a degree”,“receive a diploma”,“finish school”等等。无论你是想表达自己或他人的毕业情况,还是想描述一个阶段的结束和新的起点,都可以选择合适的同义词来丰富句子。我作为网站编辑,希望通过这篇文章能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用“graduate from”。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多关于英语学习和文化交流方面的知识。祝愿大家在未来的学习和工作中都能顺利毕业!
