
生活学习2024-03-10 13:40:07自考教育网


The pronunciation of grail

The pronunciation of grail is often a topic of confusion for many English learners. Is it pronounced as "grayl" or "grale"? And what exactly does it mean? In this article, we will not only answer these questions but also provide some synonyms and examples to help you better understand the word.

1. How to pronounce grail


First things first, let's talk about the pronunciation of grail. The correct way to say it is "grayl" with a long "a" sound, similar to the word "trail". Some people may mistakenly pronounce it as "grale" with a short "a" sound, but this is incorrect.

2. The meaning of grail

Grail has two main meanings. The first one refers to a cup or bowl that is believed to have been used by Jesus at the Last Supper. This meaning comes from medieval legends and literature, such as the famous story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

The second meaning of grail is more commonly used in modern English and refers to something that is highly sought after or considered to be the ultimate goal or prize. For example, you may hear someone say "finding true love is the holy grail for many people".

3. Synonyms for grail

There are several synonyms for grail that you can use in your writing or conversations to avoid repetition. Some alternatives include:

- Treasure: This word can be used when referring to something that is valuable or highly desired.

- Quest: Similar to grail, this word also carries a sense of seeking or searching for something important.

- Prize: This synonym emphasizes the idea of something being highly valued or coveted.

4. Examples using grail

To further clarify the meaning and usage of grail, here are two examples:

- For many aspiring actors, getting their big break in Hollywood is seen as the holy grail.

- The company's new product is being hailed as the grail of skincare, promising to solve all your skin problems in just one step.

In conclusion, grail is pronounced as "grayl" and has two main meanings: a cup from medieval legends and something highly sought after. Some synonyms for grail include treasure, quest, and prize. We hope this article has helped you understand the pronunciation and usage of this interesting word

Is grail an idiom?

1. What is an idiom?

An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning, different from its literal meaning. It is a common saying that cannot be understood by the individual words alone, but must be interpreted as a whole.

2. Is grail an idiom?

No, grail is not considered an idiom. It is a noun that refers to a sacred object or goal that someone seeks with great determination.

3. How do you pronounce "grail"?

Grail is pronounced as /ɡreɪl/, with the "g" sound similar to the word "great" and the "ai" sound like the word "mail".

4. What does "grail" mean?

The word "grail" comes from the Old French word "graal", which means a large dish or platter used for serving food. In literature and mythology, it refers to the Holy Grail, which was believed to be the cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper.

5. Synonyms for grail

Some synonyms for grail include:

- Quest: This refers to a long and difficult journey towards achieving something.

- Holy chalice: This term specifically refers to the cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper.

- Treasure: This can refer to something precious or valuable that someone seeks.

- Goal: Similar to quest, this refers to something that someone aims to achieve.

- Object of desire: This phrase emphasizes on something that someone strongly wants or desires.

6. Examples of using "grail"

- The Holy Grail has been depicted in many works of literature and art.

- After years of searching, he finally found his grail and achieved his lifelong dream.

- The CEO's grail was to expand their business globally.

- For many people, happiness is seen as their ultimate grail in life.

- The grail of success can be elusive, but it is worth pursuing

Usage and examples of grail

1. What does grail mean?

The word "grail" refers to a sacred object or goal that is sought after with great determination and devotion.

2. How do you pronounce grail?

Grail is pronounced as "greɪl", with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for grail

Some synonyms for grail include holy grail, quest, treasure, and prize.

4. Examples of using grail in a sentence

- The elusive job promotion was her ultimate grail.

- For many people, finding true love is the holy grail of life.

- The team's quest for the championship trophy was their grail for the entire season.

- After years of searching, he finally found his long-lost family heirloom – his personal grail.

5. The search for the holy grail

The legend of the holy grail has been a popular theme in literature and movies, symbolizing an unattainable yet highly coveted goal. This quest often involves overcoming obstacles and facing challenges in order to achieve one's ultimate desire or purpose.

6. Grails in popular culture

The term "grail" has been used in various forms of media such as books, movies, and music. It has become a metaphor for anything that is highly desired or sought after, whether it be material possessions or intangible goals such as success or happiness.

7. The quest for self-discovery

In some cases, the term "grail" can also refer to an internal journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Just like how the knights searched for the holy grail in medieval legends, individuals may embark on their own journey to find their true purpose and fulfillment in life.

8. Grails in different cultures

While most commonly associated with Christianity and Arthurian legends, similar concepts of a sacred object or goal can be found in other cultures as well. For example, in Hinduism, the grail may be represented by the lotus flower, symbolizing spiritual enlightenment and purity.

9. The grail as a metaphor for perseverance

The pursuit of a grail often requires great determination and perseverance. It serves as a reminder to never give up on our dreams and to keep pushing forward despite any challenges or setbacks we may face along the way.

10. The true meaning of grail

Ultimately, the meaning of grail goes beyond its literal definition and varies from person to person. It can represent different things to different people, but one thing remains constant – it is a symbol of hope, passion, and the human desire for something greater than ourselves

Antonyms and synonyms of grail

1. Antonyms of grail:

- Ordinary

- Commonplace

- Mundane

- Unremarkable

2. Synonyms of grail:

- Holy Grail

- Sacred Chalice

- Cup of Christ

3. Example sentences:

- The quest for the grail has been a source of fascination for many generations.

- The true meaning of the grail remains a mystery to this day.

- In literature, the grail often symbolizes an unattainable goal or desire.

4. Alternative words for grail:

- Quest

- Pursuit

- Treasure

- Prize

Explanation of grail

1. What is grail?


2. How to pronounce grail?


3. Synonyms of grail


- Holy Grail: “holy”是“神圣的”的意思,因此这个短语强调了圣杯的宗教意义。

- Chalice: 这个单词也来自于拉丁语,“calix”的变体,意为“杯子”或“酒杯”。在基督教中,它也常用来指代圣杯。

- Cup: “cup”本身就是指代容器中盛放液体的部分,在这里也可以用来表示圣杯。

4. Examples of using grail


- In the legend of King Arthur, the knights searched for the Holy Grail.


- The chalice used in the church service is said to be a replica of the original Holy Grail.


- She finally found her grail – a job that allowed her to travel and help people at the same time.


Grail是一个来源于拉丁语的英语单词,意为“圣杯”。它有多个同义词,比如Holy Grail、Chalice和Cup。在使用时,可以根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式

