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The meaning of "grain"

1. Introduction to "grain"


Grain is a commonly used word in the English language, with multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to a small, hard seed or fruit produced by plants, such as wheat or rice. It can also mean a small particle or piece of something, like grains of sand or salt. In addition, "grain" can be used to describe the texture or appearance of something, such as the grain of wood or the grain of a photograph.

2. Definition of "grain"

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "grain" can be defined as:

a) a single small hard seed or fruit

b) a small hard particle

c) the arrangement or direction of fibers in wood or other materials

d) a unit of weight equal to 1/7000th of a pound

3. Pronunciation of "grain"

In terms of pronunciation, "grain" is pronounced as /ɡreɪn/, with the "ai" sound being similar to that in words like "rain" and "train."

4. Synonyms for "grain"

Some synonyms for "grain" include:

a) seed - referring to the small hard part produced by plants

b) particle - describing something small and solid

c) texture - indicating the surface appearance or feel of something

d) ounce - another unit of weight measurement

5. Examples using "grain"

Here are some examples using the word "grain" in different contexts:

a) I bought some whole grain bread from the bakery.

b) The beach was covered in fine grains of sand.

c) The carpenter showed me how to sand against the grain for a smoother finish.

d) This photograph has an interesting grain that gives it an old-fashioned look.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, while there are various meanings and uses of the word "grain," it is most commonly used to refer to small, hard seeds or particles, or the texture and appearance of something. Remember to pronounce it as /ɡreɪn/ and use synonyms like seed, particle, texture, or ounce to add variety to your language

How to pronounce "grain"

Are you confused about how to pronounce "grain"? Don't worry, you're not alone. This word can be a bit tricky, but with a little guidance, you'll be able to say it like a pro.

1. What does "grain" mean?

Let's start with the basics. "Grain" has multiple meanings, but the most common one refers to the small hard seeds of plants such as wheat, rice, or corn. It can also refer to the texture or appearance of wood or fabric.

2. How do you say "grain"?

The word is pronounced as [greyn], with a long "a" sound and a silent "i". It rhymes with words like "pain", "train", and "main". Keep in mind that the pronunciation may vary slightly depending on your accent or dialect.

3. Synonyms for "grain"

If you're looking for other words that have similar meanings to "grain", here are a few options: seed, kernel, particle, speck, texture.

4. Examples of using "grain"

To help you understand how this word is used in context, here are some examples:

- I bought a bag of grain to feed my chickens.

- The wood has a beautiful grain pattern.

- You can see tiny grains of sand on the beach.

- I prefer whole grain bread over white bread.

So there you have it - now you know what "grain" means, how to pronounce it correctly, and some synonyms and examples to help solidify your understanding. Keep practicing and soon enough you'll be saying it without even thinking twice!

Usage and examples of "grain"

1. Definition of "grain"

Grain is a noun that refers to the small, hard seeds of plants such as wheat, rice, and corn. It can also refer to the crops that produce these seeds, or the individual seeds themselves.

2. Pronunciation of "grain"

"Grain" is pronounced as /ɡreɪn/ in American English and /ɡreɪn/ in British English.

3. Synonyms for "grain"

- Seed: This refers to the small part of a plant that grows into a new plant.

- Kernel: This refers to the inner part or core of a seed.

- Cereal: This refers to any type of grass that produces edible grains, such as wheat, oats, and barley.

4. Examples of usage

- The farmer harvested his grain and stored it in the silo.

- The baker used whole grain flour to make his bread.

- The bird pecked at the grains on the ground.

- She added a pinch of salt to her dish for extra flavor.

- The artist used a fine-grained sandpaper to smooth out her painting.

5. Idiomatic expressions with "grain"

- Take something with a grain/pinch of salt: To not completely believe or trust something.

Example: I always take his stories with a grain of salt because he tends to exaggerate.

- Against the grain: To go against what is normal or expected.

Example: She always goes against the grain and wears bright colors in winter.

- Grain by grain: Little by little; slowly but surely.

Example: She saved up for her dream vacation, grain by grain.

6. Common phrases using "grain"

- Grain size: Refers to how big or small individual grains are within a substance like sand or sugar.

Example: The beach had fine-grained sand that felt soft on my feet.

- Grain of truth: A small amount of truth in something that is mostly false.

Example: There may be a grain of truth to what he's saying, but I don't believe the whole story.

- Grainy texture: Refers to a rough or uneven texture made up of small particles.

Example: The bread had a grainy texture because it was made with whole wheat flour.

7. Related words to "grain"

- Flour: Ground grains used for baking or cooking.

- Bran: The outer layer of a grain that is removed during the milling process.

- Chaff: The husks and other small pieces that separate from the grain during threshing.

In conclusion, "grain" has multiple meanings and uses in the English language. It can refer to small seeds or crops, as well as have various idiomatic expressions and phrases associated with it. Knowing these different usages can help you better understand and use the word in your everyday conversations

Phrases with "grain"

1. "Go against the grain": 违背常规,与众不同。例句:She always goes against the grain and never follows the crowd.

2. "Take something with a grain of salt": 将某事不太当回事,持怀疑态度。例句:You should take his words with a grain of salt, he tends to exaggerate.

3. "Grain of truth": 一点真实性,有一定的可信度。例句:There may be a grain of truth in what he says, but it's mostly just rumors.

4. "Grainy texture": 颗粒感,有颗粒状的质地。例句:The cake had a grainy texture due to the added nuts.

5. "Grain alcohol": 酒精,酿造酒时使用的原料。例句:The beer was made from grain alcohol and had a strong taste.

6. "Grain market": 谷物市场,买卖谷物的地方。例句:Farmers bring their crops to the local grain market to sell them.

7. "Small grains": 小谷物,如小麦、大麦等。例句:The fields were filled with small grains ready for harvesting.

8. "Whole grains": 全谷物,未经加工的谷物。例句:Eating whole grains is important for a healthy diet.

9. "Grainy photo": 颗粒状的照片,指质量不高的照片。例句:The old camera produced grainy photos, but it had a nostalgic feel to it.

10. "Grain by grain": 一点一滴,慢慢地。例句:She saved up money grain by grain to buy her dream car

Synonyms of "grain" with examples

1. Definition of "grain": the small hard seed or fruit of a cereal plant, such as wheat or rice, used as food.

Synonyms: seed, kernel, grainlet

Example: The farmer harvested a large amount of grain from his fields.

2. Meaning of "grain": the characteristic quality or texture of a surface or substance.

Synonyms: texture, pattern, graininess

Example: The wood had a smooth and even grain.

3. Pronunciation of "grain": /ɡreɪn/

Synonyms: sound, intonation, accent

Example: She spoke with a soft and melodic grain.

4. Interpretation of "grain": an individual's perspective or viewpoint.

Synonyms: perspective, outlook, point of view

Example: Each person has their own unique grain on life.

5. Translation of "grain": the process of converting something from one form to another.

Synonyms: conversion, transformation, transmutation

Example: The alchemist studied the art of grain to turn lead into gold.

6. Sense of "grain": a small amount or portion.

Synonyms: bit, speck, fragment

Example: Add a grain of salt to the recipe for extra flavor.

7. Implication of "grain": an underlying meaning or suggestion.

Synonyms: hint, insinuation, implication

Example: His words had a deeper grain that hinted at his true feelings.

8. Essence of "grain": the most important part or aspect.

Synonyms: core, heart, soul

Example: The grain of his argument was lost in his rambling speech.

9. Connotation of "grain": an associated feeling or emotion.

Synonyms: undertone, nuance, overtone

Example: Her words had a sarcastic grain that made everyone laugh.

10. Significance of "grain": the importance or relevance of something.

Synonyms: importance, significance, meaning

Example: The grain of this discovery cannot be overstated

