
生活学习2024-03-10 14:00:45自考教育网



The pronunciation of "grandparents"

1. Introduction

When it comes to family, one of the most important relationships is that between grandparents and their grandchildren. In English, the word for grandparents is "grandparents", and it is pronounced as /ˈɡrændˌpɛrənts/. This may seem like a simple word to pronounce, but there are a few key points to keep in mind in order to say it correctly.

2. Breakdown of the word

Before we dive into the pronunciation, let's break down the word "grandparents" into smaller parts. It is made up of two syllables: "grand" and "parents". The first syllable, "grand", is pronounced as /ɡrænd/, while the second syllable, "parents", is pronounced as /ˈpɛrənts/. When combined, we get the full pronunciation of /ˈɡrændˌpɛrənts/.

3. Stress on the first syllable

In English, stress is an important aspect of pronunciation. It refers to which syllable in a word should be emphasized or said more forcefully. In the case of "grandparents", the stress falls on the first syllable, which means it should be said louder and longer than the second syllable.

4. Pronouncing "grand"

The first part of "grandparents" can be tricky for non-native speakers as it contains a silent letter -d at the end. This means that you do not need to pronounce this letter when saying the word out loud. The correct way to say "grand" is by making an open vowel sound /æ/ followed by a nasal consonant sound /n/. It should sound like /ɡræn/.

5. Pronouncing "parents"

The second part of "grandparents" contains two syllables: "par" and "-ents". The first syllable, "par", is pronounced as /pɛr/, which is the same as the word "pear" without the -a sound. The second syllable, "-ents", is pronounced as /ənts/. This sound is similar to the -ence sound in "difference". When combined, it should sound like /pɛrənts/.

6. Putting it all together

Now that we have broken down and practiced each individual syllable, let's put it all together to pronounce "grandparents". Remember to stress the first syllable and make an open vowel sound for "grand" and a nasal consonant sound for "par". It should be said as /ˈɡrændˌpɛrənts/.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, "grandparents" is a two-syllable word with stress on the first syllable. It is pronounced as /ˈɡrændˌpɛrənts/ and contains an open vowel sound followed by a nasal consonant sound for the first part, and a consonant-vowel-consonant pattern for the second part. Practice saying it out loud and remember to stress the first syllable for correct pronunciation

Is "grandparents" an idiom?





Examples and usage of "grandparents"

1. "Grandparents"是指祖父母的意思,通常用来指代父母的父母。

例如:My grandparents are coming to visit us this weekend. (我的祖父母这个周末要来看我们。)

2. 在英语中,"grandparents"的发音为[ˈɡrændˌpærənts],其中"g"发音类似于中文拼音中的"g",而不是"k"。

例如:How do you pronounce "grandparents"? (你怎么念“grandparents”这个词?)

3. "Grandparents"可以用来指代一个人的所有祖父母,也可以分别指代祖父和祖母。

例如:I have four grandparents - two grandfathers and two grandmothers. (我有四个祖父母 - 两个外公和两个外婆。)

4. 在许多国家和文化中,祖父母在孙辈们的生活中扮演着重要角色。因此,在英语中,有许多与祖父母相关的习语和表达方式。


- To spoil someone like a grandchild: 对某人像对孙子一样溺爱

- To take after one's grandparents: 像祖父母一样

- To be the apple of one's grandparents' eye: 是祖父母心目中的宝贝

- To visit one's grandparents: 拜访祖父母

- To have a special bond with one's grandparents: 与祖父母有特殊的纽带

5. 在一些国家,如中国和日本,孝顺是一种重要的传统美德。因此,许多年轻人会尊敬和照顾他们的祖父母。

例如:In many Asian cultures, it is common for grandchildren to live with their grandparents and take care of them in their old age. (在许多亚洲文化中,孙子女和祖父母住在一起并照顾他们在晚年。)

Phrases using "grandparents"

1. "Spending time with grandparents" - 意为与祖父母一起共度时光,通常是指孩子和祖父母之间的亲密交流和活动。

2. "Grandparents' love" - 意为祖父母的爱,指祖父母对孙辈的无私关怀和疼爱。

3. "Inherited from grandparents" - 意为从祖父母那里继承,通常是指遗传性的特征或者家族传统。

4. "Grandparents' wisdom" - 意为祖父母的智慧,指从祖父母那里学到的宝贵经验和知识。

5. "Grandparents' stories" - 意为祖父母的故事,指从祖父母那里听到的有趣、感人或者有意义的故事。

6. "Bonding with grandparents" - 意为与祖父母建立亲密关系,通常是指孩子和祖父母之间的情感纽带。

7. "Grandparents' legacy" - 意为祖辈留下的遗产,可以是物质财富,也可以是精神财富。

8. "Cherishing time with grandparents" - 意为珍惜与祖父母在一起的时光,提醒人们要珍惜和祖父母相处的每一刻。

9. "Grandparents' role in family" - 意为祖父母在家庭中的作用,通常是指他们在家庭中扮演的重要角色和影响力。

10. "Grandparents' support" - 意为祖父母的支持,指祖父母在孙辈成长过程中给予的精神和物质上的支持

Synonym examples for "grandparents"

1. Grandfather and Grandmother

These are the most commonly used synonyms for grandparents. They are the traditional terms used to refer to the parents of one's own parents. Grandfather refers to the male grandparent, while grandmother refers to the female grandparent.

2. Grandsire and Grandsire

These terms are considered more formal and old-fashioned synonyms for grandparents. Grandsire is a term used to refer to one's grandfather, while grandsire is used for one's grandmother.

3. Granddad and Granny

Granddad and granny are more informal synonyms for grandparents, often used by grandchildren or in casual conversations. These terms have a warm and affectionate connotation.

4. Nana and Papa

Nana and papa are also informal synonyms for grandparents, often used by young children or in families with a close bond between grandchildren and grandparents.

5. Opa and Oma

These terms are commonly used in German-speaking countries to refer to grandparents. Opa is the term for grandfather, while oma is used for grandmother.

6. Abuelo and Abuela

Abuelo is the Spanish term for grandfather, while abuela refers to grandmother. These terms are widely used in Spanish-speaking countries.

7. Nonno and Nonna

Nonno is the Italian word for grandfather, while nonna means grandmother in Italian. These terms have a warm and endearing connotation.

8. Halmoni and Halapoji

In Korean culture, halmoni is used for grandmother, while halapoji refers to grandfather.

9. Lolo and Lola

Lolo means grandfather in Filipino culture, while lola refers to grandmother.

10.Vovo and Vovoziho

In Portuguese culture, vovo is used to refer to both grandfathers (vovô) and grandmothers (vovó). Vovoziho can also be used as a term for grandparents.

11. Grandparents-in-law

This term is used to refer to the parents of one's spouse. It is a formal and polite way to address them.

12. Elderly Relatives

This is a general term that can be used to refer to grandparents, as well as other older relatives such as great-grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

13. Ancestors

Ancestors are the people from whom one is descended, including grandparents. This term can be used in a more formal or historical context.

14. Forebears

Forebears are one's ancestors or predecessors, including grandparents. This term has a more formal and respectful connotation.

15. Oldsters

Oldsters is a less common synonym for grandparents, often used in a humorous or lighthearted way.

16. Seniors

Seniors can also be used as a synonym for grandparents, especially when referring to their age or seniority in the family.

17. Wise Ones

Wise ones is another less common synonym for grandparents, often used in a loving and respectful manner.

18. Elders

Elders can also be used as a synonym for grandparents, especially when referring to their role as respected members of the family and community.

19. Matriarch and Patriarch

Matriarch refers to the female head of a family or tribe, while patriarch refers to the male head of a family or tribe. These terms can be used to refer to grandparents who hold an important position in their family or community.

20. Old-timers

Old-timers is another informal and affectionate synonym for grandparents, often used by grandchildren or in casual conversations.

In conclusion, there are many different synonyms for "grandparents" that vary in formality and connotation depending on cultural backgrounds and personal relationships. Each term carries its own unique meaning and can be used in different contexts to refer to the beloved and respected older members of a family

