
生活学习2024-03-10 14:11:48自考教育网



Definition of grants

1. 精准解释:grants是指政府、组织或个人向另一方提供的资金或补助,通常用于支持特定的项目或活动。

2. 俏皮解读:grants就像是一种“慷慨大礼”,让你有机会实现自己的想法和计划。

3. 同义词:赠款、拨款、补助金。

4. 例句1:The government has allocated grants to support small businesses affected by the pandemic.


5. 例句2:The foundation provides grants for research projects in the field of medicine.


6. 情感真挚:grants不仅仅是冰冷的资金,它背后承载着对个人和社会发展的关怀和支持。

7. 幽默元素:如果你还在为资金问题发愁,那就赶快了解一下grants吧,说不定你就能获得“天降财神”的惊喜

How to pronounce grants


1. 意思是什么?


2. 如何读?


3. 同义词有哪些?


4. 例句有哪些?

- The government offers grants to small businesses to help them grow.


- She received a grant to study abroad for a year.


- The foundation provides grants for research projects in the field of medicine.


Usage and examples of grants

1. Grants是指拨款或补助金,通常由政府、机构或个人提供给组织、团体或个人,用于支持特定的项目或活动。它可以帮助人们实现梦想,促进社会发展。

2. Grants的读音为ɡrænts,在这里,我们可以把它读作“格兰茨”,也可以简化为“格兰”。

3. Grants的同义词包括funding、subsidy、scholarship等。例如,“The government provides grants for low-income families to afford education.”(政府为低收入家庭提供教育补助金。)

4. 除了政府和机构提供的grants外,还有一些非营利组织和慈善机构也会提供grants来支持社会公益事业。例如,“The Red Cross offers grants to disaster-stricken areas.”(红十字会向受灾地区提供救援资金。)

5. 申请grants需要符合一定的条件和标准,通常需要填写申请表格并提供相关材料。因此,有些人可能会找专业翻译公司来帮助他们准备申请材料。

6. 很多大学也会提供grants给学生,帮助他们支付学费和生活费用。例如,“The university offers grants to students with outstanding academic performance.”(该大学为成绩优秀的学生提供奖学金。)

7. Grants也可以被用于支持特定行业的发展,例如,“The government provides grants to promote renewable energy.”(政府提供补助金来推广可再生能源。)

8. 最后,grants的申请过程可能会比较复杂,但是如果成功获得grants,它将会为你带来巨大的帮助和机会。因此,不要放弃申请grants,它可能会成为你实现梦想的重要一步

Phrases with grants

1. "grants"的含义

- grants意指资助、拨款或授予某物的行为,通常指由政府、组织或个人提供的财务支持。

- 在英国,grants也可以指大学提供给学生的奖学金。

2. 如何读grants

- grants的发音为/ɡrænts/,重音在第一个音节上。

- 注意与grant(授予)这个单词的发音不同。

3. 同义词

- funding:资金,经费

- subsidies:补贴,津贴

- scholarships:奖学金

4. 例句解析

- The government has provided grants to support small businesses during the pandemic.


- She received a grant from the university to cover her tuition fees.


- The company's growth was driven by the generous grant they received from a private donor.



Synonyms for grants with examples

1. What does grants mean?

- What exactly are grants?

- What is the meaning of grants?

- Grants: Definition and Explanation

2. How to pronounce grants?

- How do you say grants?

- The correct pronunciation of grants

3. Synonyms for grants

- Alternatives to grants

- Other terms for grants

4. Examples of using grants in a sentence

- He received a grant from the government to fund his research.

- The university offers a variety of grants to support students' academic pursuits.

- She was awarded a grant for her community service project.

5. Grants: Similar words and phrases

- Scholarships, subsidies, awards, allowances, endowments

In conclusion, grants are a form of financial aid or assistance given by an organization or government to support a specific project or individual. They can be used for various purposes such as education, research, and community development. With the proper usage and examples of grants, individuals and organizations can benefit greatly from these opportunities.
