
生活学习2024-03-10 14:14:31自考教育网



1. grant的拼音是g-r-a-n-t,读音为ɡrænt。


2. 在英语中,grant一词可以作为动词和名词使用,其含义也有所不同。

3. 作为动词时,grant的意思是“授予、批准、同意”,常用于正式文件或法律文件中。

4. 作为名词时,grant的意思是“补助金、津贴、奖学金”,通常指由政府或机构发放的资金支持。

5. 这个单词源自古法语的granz和拉丁语的grandis,都有“大、重要”的含义。

6. 在英国,grant也指由君主颁发的特许状或信托书。

7. 在美国,grant还可以指由政府授予土地所有权或特殊权利。

8. grant也可以用作姓氏,在英语国家较为常见。

9. 在日常生活中,我们也可以用grant来表示“同意、准许”等含义。例如,“我父母终于同意我出国留学了”可以翻译为“My parents have finally granted me to study abroad.”

10. 总的来说,无论是作为动词还是名词,grant都具有积极的含义,代表着授予、批准和支持。它是一个重要的词汇,在各种场合都可以使用,希望本小节能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个单词


1. 什么是grant?


2. grant的正确发音


3. grant怎么用?

既然知道了grant的意思和正确发音,那么接下来就要学习如何使用它了。作为动词时,grant通常与to结合使用,“to + 动词原形”,表示授予某人某种权利或给予某种东西。例如,“The government granted him a scholarship.”(政府给予他一笔奖学金。)作为名词时,grant通常指政府或机构给予的津贴、补助金或拨款。例如,“She received a grant from the university to conduct her research.”(她从大学获得了一笔拨款来进行研究。)

4. grant的近义词



1. grant的基本含义


2. grant作为动词的用法

a. 授予:We are pleased to grant you the permission to use our facilities.(我们很高兴授予您使用我们设施的许可。)

b. 给予:The government has granted tax relief to low-income families.(政府已经给予低收入家庭减税优惠。)

c. 同意:The committee has finally granted our request for extra funding.(委员会最终同意了我们额外资金的请求。)

3. grant作为名词的用法

a. 授予物:She received a grant from the university to fund her research project.(她从大学获得了一笔资助金来支持她的研究项目。)

b. 津贴:The government offers grants to students who cannot afford college tuition fees.(政府向无法支付大学学费的学生提供津贴。)

c. 补助金:The company received a grant from the government to develop green technology.(该公司从政府获得了一笔补助金来发展绿色技术。)

4. 双语例句

a. The organization has been granted a large sum of money to support their humanitarian efforts in the war-torn country.(该组织获得了一大笔资金来支持他们在战乱国家的人道主义工作。)

b. The artist was granted a scholarship to study abroad for a year.(这位艺术家被授予一年的留学奖学金。)

c. After years of hard work, she finally received the grant for her groundbreaking research on cancer treatment.(经过多年的努力,她最终获得了她关于癌症治疗的开创性研究的资助。)


1. "grant permission" - 允许

比如:I hope my parents will grant me permission to go to the party tonight.

2. "grant a wish" - 满足愿望

比如:The genie granted Aladdin three wishes.

3. "grant funding" - 资助

比如:The university has granted funding for my research project.

4. "grant an interview" - 授予采访机会

比如:The celebrity has only granted one interview to a major magazine.

5. "grant amnesty" - 赦免

比如:The government decided to grant amnesty to all political prisoners.

6. "grant a scholarship" - 授予奖学金

比如:She was ecstatic when she received the news that the university had granted her a full scholarship.

7. "grant a request" - 同意请求

比如:After much persuasion, my boss finally granted my request for a day off.

8. "grant forgiveness" - 原谅

比如:It takes a big heart to grant forgiveness to someone who has wronged you.

9. "grant access" - 授予进入权限

比如:Only authorized personnel are granted access to this top-secret information.

10. "grant independence" - 给予独立权利

比如:After years of fighting for their rights, the country finally granted independence to the oppressed minority group


1. Award - 授予,奖励

2. Bestow - 赠予,授予

3. Confer - 授予,赋予

4. Endow - 赋予,授予

5. Give - 给予,授权

6. Present - 颁发,赠送

7. Provide - 提供,给予

8. Offer - 提供,赠与

9. Allow - 允许,准许

10. Authorize - 授权,批准



