
生活学习2024-03-10 14:39:58自考教育网



1. graphic的发音是[gref-ik],其中“g”发音为清辅音,类似于中文拼音中的“j”,“r”发音为舌尖卷起,类似于汉语拼音中的“r”,“f”发音为唇齿摩擦音,类似于汉语拼音中的“f”,“ik”发音为短元音,类似于汉语拼音中的“i”。


2. [gref-ik]是英语单词graphic的标准发音,在美国英语和英式英语中都通用。

3. graphic也可以读作[græf-ik],其中第一个字母"g"发音为清辅音,类似于中文拼音中的"g",而第二个字母"a"则发长元音,类似于汉语拼音中的"a"。

4. 除了以上两种常见的发音外,还有一些地方性口语会将graphic读作[græp-ik]或[grəf-ɪk]。但这两种读法并不被认为是标准发音。

5. graphic在美式英语和英式英语中都有相同的意思,即指与绘画、图表或插图相关的事物。它可以作形容词或名词使用,形容词含义为“图表的”、“绘画的”,名词含义为“图表”、“插图”。

6. graphic的同义词包括:visual、pictorial、illustrative等。例如:The graphic representation of data makes it easier to understand.(数据的图表表示使得理解更容易。)

7. 一些例句:

- The graphic designer created a stunning logo for the company.


- The newspaper published a graphic article about the effects of pollution on the environment.


- The teacher used a graphic organizer to help students understand the complex topic.



1. graphic是什么意思?


2. graphic怎么读?


3. graphic的同义词有哪些?


4. graphic例句

(1) The textbook is full of graphics and illustrations to help students understand the concepts better.


(2) The graphic representation of data makes it easier for readers to grasp the information.


(3) The movie's special effects were so realistic and graphic that it felt like I was actually in the scene.


(4) The artist's use of bright colors and bold lines created a very graphic and striking painting.



1. 图像


2. 同义词


3. 例句

- The presentation was very graphic, with lots of images and charts to help explain the data.


- The graphic design of the advertisement caught my attention immediately.


- The graphic novel tells a powerful story through its use of illustrations and text.


4. 表达方式


5. 注意事项




1. graphic的含义

- graphic是一个形容词,意为“图像的,生动的,逼真的”。

- 它也可以作为名词,表示“图表,插图”。

2. 如何发音

- graphic的读音为[ˈɡræfɪk]。

3. 同义词

- 同义词包括visual、pictorial、illustrative等。

4. 例句

- The graphic design of the advertisement caught my attention immediately.


- The book is filled with beautiful graphics and illustrations.



1. Graphic design (平面设计)

2. Graphic novel (图像小说)

3. Graphic artist (图像艺术家)

4. Graphic designer (平面设计师)

5. Graphic element (图像元素)

6. Graphic image (图像)

7. Graphic illustration (图解说明)

8. Graphic interface (图形界面)

9. Graphic language (图形语言)

10. Graphic representation (图形表现)

11. Graphic symbol (图形符号)

12. Computer graphics (计算机图形学)

13. Vector graphics (矢量图形)

14. Raster graphics (光栅图形)

15. Digital graphics (数字图形)

16. Infographic (信息图表)

17. Interactive graphic (交互式图像)

18. Motion graphics (动态图像设计)



1. Visual representation

2. Pictorial depiction

3. Artistic illustration

4. Image design

5. Visual communication



1.“The magazine cover was designed by a talented graphic artist.”


2.“The infographic clearly explains the complex data in a visual format.”


3.“The use of motion graphics in the advertisement made it more engaging and eye-catching.”


4.“She is known for her unique graphic style in her illustrations.”


5.“The graphic designer used various elements to create an eye-catching logo for the company.”



1. Visual: This word can be used as a synonym for graphic, meaning "relating to or used in seeing or sight."

Example: The visual presentation of the data was enhanced with the use of graphics.

2. Pictorial: Similar to graphic, this word refers to something that is represented or expressed in pictures or images.

Example: The book was filled with pictorial representations of different cultures.

3. Illustrative: This word can be used to describe something that is explanatory or descriptive, often using pictures or diagrams.

Example: The article was accompanied by illustrative graphics to help readers better understand the concept.

4. Diagrammatic: This word refers to something that is presented in the form of a diagram, which can also be considered a type of graphic.

Example: The flow chart provided a diagrammatic representation of the process.

5. Visual aid: This phrase can be used as a synonym for graphic, specifically referring to something that helps enhance understanding through visuals.

Example: The teacher used various visual aids, including graphics and diagrams, to explain the lesson.

6. Image-based: This term describes something that is centered around images or relies heavily on visuals.

Example: The advertisement campaign was image-based, using eye-catching graphics to attract customers.

7. Picture-perfect: This phrase can be used as an informal synonym for graphic, emphasizing the use of images and visuals.

Example: The website design was picture-perfect with its use of high-quality graphics.

8. Artistic representation: This phrase refers to a creative depiction or portrayal through art and can also be considered a type of graphic.

Example: The mural on the building was an artistic representation of the city's history.

9. Graphical depiction: Similar to artistic representation, this phrase describes something that is visually represented through graphs or charts.

Example: The graphical depiction of sales data showed an increase in profits over time.

10. Visual storytelling: This phrase refers to the use of visuals, such as graphics, to tell a story or convey a message.

Example: The graphic novel used visual storytelling to bring the characters and plot to life

