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The pronunciation of grasp

Are you tired of mispronouncing the word "grasp" and being corrected by others? Don't worry, you're not alone. In this guide, we'll break down the pronunciation of grasp and give you some tips on how to say it like a pro.

1. What does grasp mean?

Grasp is a verb that means to hold firmly or understand something fully. It can also be used as a noun to refer to a firm hold or understanding.

2. How do you pronounce grasp?

The correct pronunciation of grasp is "grasp" with a short "a" sound, similar to the word "gas". Some people may mistakenly pronounce it with a long "a" sound, like in the word "grape", but this is incorrect.

3. Synonyms for grasp

If you want to spice up your vocabulary, here are some synonyms for grasp: understand, comprehend, apprehend, seize, grip.

4. Example sentences

- He couldn't grasp the concept of quantum physics no matter how many times he read about it.

- The child's tiny hands struggled to grasp the large toy.

- I finally have a firm grasp on my finances thanks to this budgeting app.

So there you have it - now you can confidently use and pronounce the word "grasp" without any hesitation. Remember, practice makes perfect!

How to read grasp

1. Understanding the meaning of "grasp"

- "Grasp" is a verb that means to take hold of something firmly with the hands or to understand something fully.

- It can also refer to having a strong hold on something, whether physically or mentally.

- In some cases, it can also mean to reach for or attempt to obtain something.

2. Pronunciation of "grasp"

- The word "grasp" is pronounced as /ɡræsp/, with a short "a" sound and an "s" at the end.

- It is important to note that the pronunciation may differ depending on regional accents.

3. Synonyms for "grasp"

- Some synonyms for "grasp" include: grip, seize, comprehend, understand, apprehend, and perceive.

- These words have similar meanings and can be used interchangeably in certain contexts.

4. Examples of using "grasp"

- She reached out to grasp his hand as they walked along the beach.

- He couldn't seem to grasp the concept no matter how many times it was explained to him.

- The company's success was due in large part to their firm grasp on market trends.

- I could feel my grasp on reality slipping away as I delved deeper into my thoughts.

5. Tips for reading and using "grasp"

- When reading or using the word "grasp," it is important to pay attention to its context in order to fully understand its meaning.

- If you are unsure about its meaning, consult a dictionary or ask someone for clarification.

- Practice pronouncing the word correctly in order to effectively communicate it in conversations or presentations.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, understanding how to read and use the word "grasp" involves knowing its meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and examples of usage. By following these tips and practicing its correct usage, you will be able to effectively incorporate this word into your vocabulary. Remember, a strong grasp on language is essential for effective communication

Usage and examples of grasp

1. What does grasp mean?

Grasp in this context refers to the understanding or comprehension of something. It can also mean to physically hold onto something.

2. How do you pronounce grasp?

Grasp is pronounced as /ɡræsp/ with a short "a" sound, and the "s" is silent.

3. Synonyms for grasp

Some synonyms for grasp include understand, comprehend, perceive, and apprehend.

4. Examples of usage

- She was able to grasp the concept after studying it for hours.

- The child struggled to grasp the heavy object.

- He has a firm grasp on the English language.

- It took me a while to grasp the meaning of the poem.

- The teacher helped her students grasp difficult mathematical concepts.

5. Idioms using grasp

- Grasp at straws: to make a desperate attempt at finding a solution or answer

Example: The politician's excuses were like grasping at straws.

- Within (one's) grasp: easily obtainable or achievable

Example: With hard work and determination, success is within your grasp.

- Lose one's grasp: to lose control or understanding of something

Example: The CEO lost his grasp on the company's finances and it eventually went bankrupt.

In conclusion, grasp can have different meanings depending on the context it is used in. It can refer to understanding, physically holding onto something, or even idiomatic expressions. Remember that practice makes perfect when it comes to grasping new concepts!

Phrases with grasp

1. Get a grasp of: To understand or comprehend something.

Example: It took me a while to get a grasp of the new software, but now I can use it with ease.

2. Grasp at straws: To make a desperate or futile attempt at solving a problem.

Example: The company is grasping at straws to stay afloat in this tough market.

3. Within one's grasp: Within someone's reach or ability to achieve.

Example: With hard work and determination, success is within your grasp.

4. Grasp the concept/idea: To understand the main point or idea.

Example: It took me some time to grasp the concept of quantum physics, but now I find it fascinating.

5. Grasping hand: A symbol of greed and desire for material possessions.

Example: The politician's grasping hand was evident in his corrupt actions.

6. Have a good grasp on/of something: To have a thorough understanding of something.

Example: He has a good grasp on the subject matter and is able to explain it well to others.

7. Clutch/grasp at (someone's) hand/shoulder/arm/etc.: To grab onto someone for support or assistance.

Example: She clutched at her friend's hand as they walked through the dark forest.

8. Grasp the nettle: To confront and deal with a difficult situation head-on.

Example: It's time for us to grasp the nettle and address these issues before they get worse.

9. Slip from one's grasp: To lose control or fail to achieve something that was within reach.

Example: The championship title slipped from their grasp in the final seconds of the game.

10. Grasping nature/greed/desire/etc.: An excessive desire for wealth or possessions.

Example: His grasping nature led him to make unethical decisions in order to gain more money and power

Synonym examples of grasp

1. Comprehend

- Definition: to understand or grasp the meaning of something

- Example sentence: It took me a while to comprehend the complex instructions.

2. Grasp

- Definition: to understand or comprehend something, often with difficulty

- Example sentence: The concept was difficult to grasp at first, but after some explanation, I understood it better.

3. Understand

- Definition: to grasp the meaning of something or have a clear idea about it

- Example sentence: I can't seem to understand the instructions, can you explain them again?

4. Comprehension

- Definition: the ability to understand or grasp something mentally

- Example sentence: His level of comprehension was impressive, he could easily understand complex concepts.

5. Fathom

- Definition: to fully understand or come to terms with something

- Example sentence: It's hard for me to fathom why she would make such a decision.

6. Apprehend

- Definition: to fully grasp and understand something

- Example sentence: The students were able to apprehend the concept quickly and easily.

7. Get a hold of

- Definition: to fully comprehend or understand something

- Example sentence: It took me a while, but I finally got a hold of the concept and was able to apply it in my work.

8. Seize

- Definition: to fully grasp and take control of something

- Example sentence: He was able to seize the opportunity and make the most out of it.

9. Master

- Definition: to fully understand and become proficient at something

- Example sentence: With practice and dedication, she was able to master the difficult subject.

10. Perceive

- Definition:to become aware of or comprehend through senses or mental capacity

Example sentence:The students were able to perceive the underlying message in the story after discussing it in class

