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在具体的用法中,grateful可以用来形容人或事物。当形容人时,它通常表示某人对某件事情或某个人的感激之情。例如,“I am grateful to you for your help.”(我对你的帮助感激不尽。)当形容事物时,它则表示某件事物给人带来了满意或愉悦的感觉。例如,“I am grateful for the opportunity to study abroad.”(我很感激有机会出国留学。)

Grateful这个词还可以用来表示“欣赏的”,“感谢的”。例如,“I am grateful for your kind words.”(我很感谢你的赞美话语。)此外,它也可以用来表示“顺从的”,“乖顺的”。例如,“She is a grateful child who always listens to her parents.”(她是一个乖顺听话的孩子,总是听从父母的话。)

除了以上基本含义外,grateful还有一些衍生意义。例如,“be grateful to sb. for sth.”(因为某事而对某人心存感激),“feel grateful”(感到感激),“gratefully”(充满感激地)等等。

同义词方面,grateful与thankful、appreciative、obliged等词汇有着相似的意思。例如,“I am thankful for your support.”(我感谢你的支持。)“I am appreciative of your effort.”(我欣赏你的努力。)“I am obliged to you for your help.”(我因为你的帮助而感激不尽。)


1. grateful的发音


2. grateful的词性及词义解释


3. grateful的同义词


4. grateful的例句

(1) I am so grateful for your help in my time of need.


(2) We are forever grateful to our parents for their love and support.


(3) She was grateful to have such a supportive and understanding boss.


(4) The villagers were grateful for the aid provided by the government after the natural disaster.


(5) I am truly grateful for this opportunity to learn from such experienced professionals.


5. grateful的常见用法

(1) be grateful to/for...

be grateful to/for...是固定搭配,意为“对...感激”,后面接表示所受到帮助或恩惠的人或事物。

例如:I am so grateful to you for your kind words.

(2) feel grateful

feel grateful是常用的短语,意为“感激”,后面可以接介词for加上具体的原因。

例如:I feel very grateful for your support.

(3) express/show gratitude

express/show gratitude是表示“表达/展示感激”的短语,后面可以接介词to加上被感谢的对象。

例如:He expressed his gratitude to his teachers for their guidance


1. grateful的意思:感激的,感谢的,表示由衷的感谢或欣赏。

2. grateful的发音:[ˈɡreɪtfl],音标为/greyt-fuhl/。

3. grateful的同义词:thankful, appreciative, indebted, beholden。

4. grateful的例句:

- I am so grateful for your help with my project.


- The students were grateful to their teacher for the extra study materials.


- She was grateful to have such supportive friends during her difficult times.




1. 用于描述人:grateful可以用来形容一个人,表示他/她对某件事或某人心存感激和欣赏之情。


- The refugees were grateful for the aid provided by the international community.


- She is always grateful and never takes anything for granted.


2. 用于描述物品或事情:grateful也可以用来形容物品或事情,表示它们给人带来的感激和满足之情。


- The grateful smile on her face showed how much she appreciated the thoughtful gift.


- He was grateful for the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures.




1. 用于表示原因:grateful可以作为介词,后接for,表示某件事或某人给予的原因。


- I am grateful for your understanding and support.


- She is grateful for the chance to prove herself in this new job.


2. 用于表示结果:grateful也可以作为介词,后接to,表示某件事或某人带来的结果。


- The company is grateful to its employees for their hard work and dedication.


- We are all grateful to our parents for their love and support.




1. 英语例句:I am grateful for the opportunity to study abroad and experience different cultures.



2. 英语例句:The refugees were grateful for the aid provided by the international community.



3. 英语例句:She is always grateful and never takes anything for granted.



4. 英语例句:I am grateful to have such supportive friends during my difficult times.



5. 英语例句:He was grateful for the chance to prove himself in this new job.




1. Feel grateful: 感激

例句:I feel grateful for all the opportunities I've been given.

2. Be grateful for: 对...感激

例句:I am grateful for your help.

3. Show gratitude: 表示感激

例句:She showed her gratitude by sending a thank-you note.

4. Express appreciation: 表达感谢

例句:He expressed his appreciation for the support he received.

5. Thankful for: 感谢...

例句:I am thankful for your kindness.

6. Grateful heart: 感恩的心

例句:She has a grateful heart and always looks on the bright side of things.

7. Deeply grateful: 深表感激

例句:I am deeply grateful for your generosity.

8. Grateful gesture: 表示感激的举动

例句:His generous donation was a grateful gesture towards the charity organization.

9. Grateful attitude: 感恩的态度

例句:Having a grateful attitude can bring more positivity into our lives.

10. Grateful recipient: 受益者,接收者

例句:The organization's efforts were appreciated by all the grateful recipients of their services


1. Thankful

- Definition: feeling or showing gratitude; appreciative

- Example: I am so thankful for all the help you have given me.

2. Appreciative

- Definition: feeling or showing appreciation; grateful

- Example: I am very appreciative of your kind gesture.

3. Gratefulness

- Definition: the quality of being thankful; a feeling of gratitude

- Example: I want to express my gratefulness for your support.

4. Obliged

- Definition: under a moral or legal obligation; bound by duty or responsibility

- Example: I am obliged to you for your help in this matter.

5. Indebted

- Definition: owing gratitude for a service or favor; obligated

- Example: I am indebted to you for your generosity.

6. Beholden

- Definition: owing thanks or gratitude for something

- Example: I am truly beholden to you for your assistance.

7. Thankful Appreciation

- Definition: an expression of gratitude; a thankful acknowledgment

- Example: Please accept my thankful appreciation for all that you have done.

8. Gratitude

- Definition: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation

- Example: My heart is filled with gratitude towards you.

9. Acknowledgement

- Definition: recognition and acceptance of the truth, existence, or validity of something

Example - His acknowledgement of her contribution was heartwarming.

10. Recognition

Definition - the act of acknowledging someone's efforts, achievements, or qualities

Example - She gave him a certificate in recognition of his hard work and dedication

