
生活学习2024-03-10 15:18:51自考教育网







当然,在学习单词的时候,我们也可以通过同义词来加深理解。比如说,“grav”还可以用“serious”、“severe”、“grave”等词来替换。例如,“He gave me a grav look.”(他给了我一个严肃的表情。)




1. 指重力或引力


同义词:gravity, weight, force of attraction

例句:The grav of the sun keeps the planets in orbit.(太阳的引力使行星保持轨道运行。)

2. 指认真、严肃


同义词:take seriously, be serious about, pay attention to

例句:You need to grav this project if you want it to be successful.(如果你想让这个项目成功,就要认真对待它。)

3. 指墓地、坟墓


同义词:graveyard, cemetery, burial ground

例句:We visited my grandmother's grav last weekend.(上周末我们去看望了我祖母的坟墓。)


1. grav的意思


2. grav作为名词的用法及例句

(1) 指地球引力:The apple fell to the ground due to grav. (苹果因重力而落地。)

(2) 指严肃、庄重的气氛:The grav of the situation was not lost on him. (他意识到了局势的严峻。)

3. grav作为动词的用法及例句

(1) 意为“被吸引”,常用于被动语态:I was gravitated towards her beauty. (我被她的美吸引了。)

(2) 意为“移动向某个中心”,常用于被动语态:The students were gravitating towards the library for their study group. (学生们聚集到图书馆进行学习小组活动。)

4. 同义词及例句

gravitate: move towards or be attracted to a person, place, or thing.

He tends to gravitate towards people who share his interests.


attract: cause someone or something to come closer or adhere.

The bright lights of the city attract tourists from all over the world.


5. 例句

(1) The grav of the situation was palpable as everyone waited for the election results.


(2) The little girl was gravitated towards the colorful balloons at the fair.


(3) His strong principles and values gravitate others towards him.


(4) The magnetic force of the earth's grav pulled the compass needle towards the north.


(5) The company's innovative products have attracted a large number of customers.



1. Weight - "grav" is derived from the Latin word "gravis" which means weight, so it can be used as a synonym for weight.

Example: The grav of the object was too heavy for me to lift.

2. Burden - Similar to weight, "grav" can also refer to a heavy burden or responsibility.

Example: The grav of taking care of her sick grandmother fell on her shoulders.

3. Importance - In some contexts, "grav" can be used to describe the importance or significance of something.

Example: The grav of this decision cannot be underestimated.

4. Seriousness - As a slang term, "grav" can mean serious or grave.

Example: This is a grav matter that requires immediate attention.

5. Gravitas - This word is derived from "grav" and refers to the quality of being serious and dignified.

Example: His speech was filled with gravitas, earning him respect from the audience.

6. Influence - In physics, "grav" is often used as an abbreviation for gravity, which refers to the force that attracts objects towards each other.

Example: The grav of the moon's gravitational pull affects the tides on Earth.

7. Pull - Another synonym for gravity is pull, as it describes the force that pulls objects towards each other.

Example: The grav of his love for her was irresistible.

8. Pressure - In some cases, "grav" can also be used as a synonym for pressure or stress.

Example: The constant deadline at work was adding to his mental grav.

9. Impact - Just like gravity has an impact on objects, "grav" can also refer to an impact or influence on someone or something.

Example: Her words had a great grav on my decision-making process.

10. Weightiness - Lastly, "grav" can also be used as a synonym for weightiness or seriousness in tone or subject matter.

Example: The grav of the situation was reflected in his somber expression


1. grav的同义词:

- gravity:重力

- weight:重量

- force of attraction:引力

- pull:拉力

- mass:质量

2. grav的相关短语:

- gravitationally bound:受到重力束缚的

- gravitational force:重力作用力

- gravitational pull:重力吸引力

- gravitational field:重力场

- gravitational potential energy:重力势能

3. grav的例句:

1) The apple fell to the ground due to the force of gravity.


2) The planet's mass determines the strength of its gravitational pull.


3) The moon is gravitationally bound to the Earth.


4) Einstein's theory of general relativity explains the concept of gravity.


5) The higher an object is, the greater its gravitational potential energy.



