
生活学习2024-03-10 15:21:57自考教育网



1. gray的字面意思



2. gray在不同语境中的含义

除了指代颜色之外,gray还可以表示一种状态或情绪。例如,“gray mood”指的是消沉或忧郁的心情,“gray area”表示模糊不清或不确定的地带。

3. gray的发音及读音


4. gray与其他颜色搭配使用


5. gray同义词


6. gray的例句

- The walls of the room were painted in a light shade of gray, giving it a modern and elegant look.(房间的墙壁涂成了浅灰色,给人一种现代优雅的感觉。)

- She was in a gray mood all day, and no one could cheer her up.(她整天都处在一种消沉的情绪中,没有人能让她开心起来。)

- There is a gray area between what is legal and what is ethical.(在合法和道德之间有一个模糊不清的地带。)

- The old man's hair had turned completely gray with age.(老人头发已经完全因年老而变成了灰白色。)


1. gray的发音及含义


2. gray的同义词


- Ashen:读作 /ˈæʃən/,意为“灰白色的”,通常用来形容脸色苍白或灰暗的物体。

- Slate:读作 /sleɪt/,意为“石板灰色”,指颜色类似于石板的深灰色。

- Silver:读作 /ˈsɪlvər/,意为“银白色”,通常用来形容亮度较高的浅灰色。

- Charcoal:读作 /ˈtʃɑːkəʊl/,意为“木炭灰色”,指颜色类似于木炭的深灰。

3. gray在句子中的用法


- The sky is gray today.(今天天空是灰色的。)

- She has a gray cat.(她有一只灰色的猫。)


- The walls are painted in different shades of gray.(墙壁被涂成了不同深浅的灰色。)

- The artist used a lot of grays in his painting.(艺术家在他的画中使用了许多灰色。)

4. gray的读音技巧



5. gray在不同语境下的含义


- 指代老年人:The old man's hair is turning gray.(那位老人的头发正在变成灰白色。)

- 指代无生气、缺乏活力的状态:She has been feeling gray since her dog passed away.(自从她的狗去世后,她一直感觉很无精打采。)

- 指代模糊、不明确的事物:The line between right and wrong can sometimes be gray.(对于对错之间的界限,有时候是模糊的。)

6. gray在文学作品中的引用


例如,在莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中,哈姆雷特曾说过:“Oh, that this too too solid flesh would melt, thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God, God, how weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world!”(哦,但愿这厚重的肉体能够融化、解冻,并化为露水!或者永恒之神没有制止自杀!上帝啊,上帝啊,这个世界上所有事物都显得多么令人厌倦、陈腐、平淡无味和毫无价值!)这里,“weary”(厌倦)、“stale”(陈腐)、“flat”(平淡无味)等词语都可以用来形容gray


1. gray的意思及读音


2. gray的同义词


3. gray的用法示例

- The walls of the old castle were painted in a dull gray color. (这座古堡的墙壁被刷成了暗淡的灰色。)

- She had a faded gray sweater on, which made her look even more tired. (她穿着一件褪色了的灰色毛衣,看起来更加疲惫。)

- The sky turned ashen gray as the storm approached. (暴风雨接近时,天空变成了灰白色。)

4. 双语例句

- The old man's hair was a soft shade of gray, giving him a wise and gentle appearance.


- The artist used different shades of gray to create a sense of depth in his painting.


- The sky was a dark gray, signaling that a storm was coming.


- The cat's fur was a beautiful mix of black and gray, making it look like a little tiger.



1. Shades of gray: 深浅不一的灰色

例句:The sky was filled with shades of gray as the storm approached.

2. Gray area: 灰色地带,模糊不清的问题

例句:The issue of copyright infringement in the digital age falls into a gray area.

3. Gray matter: 脑灰质,智力

例句:She may not be very athletic, but she has a lot of gray matter.

4. Gray hair: 白发

例句:My grandfather's temples were streaked with gray hair, but he still had a twinkle in his eye.

5. Gray market: 灰色市场,非正规渠道

例句:The company is losing profits to the gray market where counterfeit products are sold at lower prices.

6. Gray zone: 灰色地带,模糊不清的状态或情况

例句:The political situation between the two countries is in a gray zone, making it difficult to determine their relationship.

7. Fifty shades of gray: 五十种灰色,暗指性爱主题小说《五十度灰》(Fifty Shades of Grey)

例句:The movie adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey caused quite a stir when it was released.

8. Gray power: 年长者们的政治影响力

例句:Politicians often overlook the power and influence of the gray power voting bloc.

9. Gray matter between one's ears: 耳朵之间的脑浆,指智力或思维能力

例句:He may look tough, but there's not much gray matter between his ears.

10. Gray skies: 阴沉的天空

例句:The gray skies matched my mood on that cold and rainy day


1. Grey: 这是gray的英式拼写,意思和读音与gray相同。

例句:The sky turned grey as the storm approached.

2. Ashen: 指灰色或苍白的颜色,有时也用来形容人面色苍白。

例句:His face was ashen with fear.

3. Slate: 指灰蓝色,常用来形容天空或眼睛的颜色。

例句:The sky was a deep slate color before the storm hit.

4. Silver: 指银灰色,常用来形容金属或头发的颜色。

例句:She had beautiful silver hair that shone in the sunlight.

5. Charcoal: 指炭黑色,常用来形容深沉的灰色。

例句:The walls were painted a dark charcoal color.

6. Pewter: 指锡灰色,常用来形容质地坚硬、光滑的物体。

例句:The vase was made of pewter and had intricate designs on it.

7. Dove: 指鸽子灰,常用来形容柔和、轻盈的灰色。

例句:Her dress was a beautiful shade of dove gray.

8. Drab: 指暗淡、单调的灰色,有时也指衣服颜色不够鲜艳。

例句:He wore a drab gray suit to the interview.

9. Steel: 指钢铁灰,常用来形容坚硬、冷酷的灰色。

例句:Her eyes were a piercing steel gray.

10. Smoky: 指烟熏色,常用来形容深沉、有神秘感的灰色。

例句:The room was lit by smoky gray candles

gray是一个常用的单词,它可以作为形容词来描述颜色或事物的特征。它的发音是[ɡreɪ],读起来比较简单。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到gray这个词,例如“gray hair”(白发)、“gray sky”(灰色天空)等等。通过学习gray的同义词和例句,我们可以更加丰富地表达自己的想法。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用gray这个词汇。最后,我是网站编辑小明,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的知识和学习资料。谢谢阅读!
