grip 是什么意思

生活学习2024-03-10 16:47:52自考教育网




那么,在翻译解释行业中,grip通常指的是对某个主题或问题的深入理解和掌握能力。比如,我们常说的"grip on the subject"就是指对某个主题有很好的理解和掌握能力。

grip 是什么意思



1. grip是什么意思?

Grip是一个英语单词,意为“抓住”、“掌握”、“控制”。它可以作为名词或动词使用,常见搭配有“get a grip”、“lose one's grip”等。

2. 究竟应该怎么读呢?


3. 第一步:注意元音i的发音


4. 第二步:重点在p上


5. 第三步:练习发音




1. 什么是grip?


2. grip的用法

- 描述抓握或控制:如“The child had a tight grip on his mother's hand.”(孩子紧紧抓着妈妈的手。)

- 指掌握某事物的能力:如“He has a good grip on the subject.”(他对这个主题有很好的掌握能力。)

- 形容某物具有强大的影响力:如“The movie had a strong emotional grip on the audience.”(这部电影对观众有着强大的情感影响力。)

3. 双语例句

- He gripped my arm tightly and wouldn't let go.


- The new manager quickly gained a firm grip on the company's operations.


- The politician's speech had a strong grip on the audience, leaving them in tears.


- The fear of failure has a tight grip on many people's lives.



1. Get a grip: 意思是掌握住,把握住,表示要求对方冷静下来或者掌控局面。

例如:You need to get a grip on your emotions before making any decisions.(在做出任何决定之前,你需要控制好自己的情绪。)

2. Lose one's grip: 意思是失去掌控力,无法应付或处理某种情况。

例如:The company is losing its grip on the market due to increased competition.(由于竞争日益激烈,这家公司正在失去对市场的掌控力。)

3. Keep a tight grip on: 意思是紧紧抓住,保持严密的控制。

例如:The government needs to keep a tight grip on the situation to prevent further chaos.(政府需要严密地掌控局势,以防止进一步混乱。)

4. Have a good grip on: 意思是对某事物有很好的理解或能力。

例如:She has a good grip on the subject and always gets top grades in class.(她对这门科目有很好的理解,并且总能在班级里取得最高分。)

5. Grip of fear/anxiety: 意思是恐惧/焦虑的困扰。

例如:He couldn't sleep at night because he was in the grip of fear after watching a horror movie.(他因为看了一部恐怖电影而被恐惧所困扰,晚上无法入睡。)

6. Get a grip on reality: 意思是认清现实,明白真相。

例如:It's time for you to get a grip on reality and stop living in your fantasy world.(是时候让你认清现实,停止生活在幻想世界中了。)

7. Slippery slope: 意思是容易滑落的道路,比喻指某种情况可能会变得更糟。

例如:Taking drugs is a slippery slope that can lead to addiction and ruin your life.(吸毒是一条容易滑落的道路,可能会导致上瘾并毁掉你的生活。)

8. Get a grip on oneself: 意思是控制住自己的情绪或行为。

例如:He needs to get a grip on himself and stop lashing out at others when he's angry.(他需要控制住自己的情绪,在生气时不要对别人发脾气。)

9. Grip the steering wheel: 意思是握紧方向盘,表示驾驶者在开车时紧张或专注。

例如:I could see him gripping the steering wheel tightly as we drove through heavy traffic.(我们在拥挤的交通中行驶时,我能看到他紧紧握着方向盘。)

10. Have a good grip: 意思是力量或掌握能力强。

例如:She has a good grip and was able to lift the heavy box without any help.(她的力量很强,能够单独把重箱子举起来。)


1. Hold: grip is a synonym for hold, meaning to grasp or seize something firmly.

2. Grasp: another word for grip, grasp also refers to holding onto something tightly.

3. Clutch: this word can be used as a synonym for grip, especially when referring to holding onto something in a desperate or urgent manner.

4. Clasp: similar to grip, clasp means to hold onto something firmly with one's hands.

5. Grapple: this word can be used as a synonym for grip, especially when referring to wrestling or struggling with something.

6. Clench: to grip or hold onto something tightly, often with one's fists.

7. Squeeze: this word can be used as a synonym for grip, especially when referring to applying pressure with one's hands.

8. Embrace: while not typically used as a synonym for grip, embrace can refer to holding onto someone or something tightly and lovingly.

9. Anchor: this word can be used as a synonym for grip, especially when referring to something that provides stability or support.

10. Tightly grasp: another way of saying "grip," tightly grasp emphasizes the firmness and strength of the hold on something

