
生活学习2024-03-10 16:51:27自考教育网






与gripping同义的词汇还有:captivating、enchanting、fascinating等。例如,“The gripping plot of the movie kept me on the edge of my seat.”(这部电影扣人心弦的剧情让我坐立不安。)

除了形容具有吸引力的事物外,gripping也可以用来描述令人紧张不安或焦虑的情况。例如,“The gripping fear of heights prevented me from climbing the ladder.”(对高处恐惧让我无法爬梯子。)


1. "gripping"的读音为 [ˈɡrɪpɪŋ],其中"grip"发音为 [ɡrɪp],意为“抓住、紧握”。

2. "gripping"是一个形容词,意为“引人入胜的、扣人心弦的”,常用来形容文学作品、电影等具有强烈吸引力的内容。

3. 同义词:captivating, engrossing, absorbing, enthralling, fascinating。

4. 例句:

- The novel's gripping plot kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end.


- The movie was so gripping that I couldn't look away for a second.


- Her gripping performance in the play moved the entire audience to tears.



1. gripping的意思


2. gripping的发音


3. gripping的同义词

- Engrossing:意为“引人入胜的,吸引人的”,与gripping在表达上有相似之处。

- Fascinating:意为“迷人的,魅力十足的”,可以用来形容令人着迷、难以抗拒的事物。

- Captivating:意为“迷人的,有魅力的”,也可以用来形容令人无法抗拒、无法放弃的吸引力。

4. gripping的例句

- The novel was so gripping that I couldn't put it down until I finished it.


- The movie's plot was so gripping that the audience was on the edge of their seats the whole time.


- The speaker's stories were so gripping that everyone in the audience was completely engrossed.


- The documentary was so gripping that I couldn't stop watching until the very end.



1. Captivating - This word has a similar meaning to gripping, as it describes something that holds your attention and keeps you interested. For example, "The book was so captivating, I couldn't put it down."

2. Engrossing - Another synonym for gripping, engrossing refers to something that completely absorbs your attention and makes you forget about everything else. For instance, "The movie was so engrossing that I lost track of time."

3. Compelling - This word is often used to describe something that is powerful and evokes a strong emotional response. It can also be used to describe something that is gripping and holds your interest. For example, "The speaker gave a compelling presentation that had the audience on the edge of their seats."

4. Absorbing - Similar to engrossing, this word refers to something that fully occupies your attention and keeps you engaged. For instance, "The novel was so absorbing that I finished it in one sitting."

5. Fascinating - This word is often used to describe something that is extremely interesting or intriguing. It can also be used as a synonym for gripping, as in "The documentary was absolutely fascinating and kept me glued to the screen."

6. Riveting - This word has a more intense connotation than gripping and suggests something that is extremely exciting or thrilling. For example, "The play was so riveting that the audience gave a standing ovation at the end."

7. Immersive - This term describes an experience or activity that completely surrounds you and makes you feel deeply involved in it. It can also be used as a synonym for gripping, as in "The virtual reality game was incredibly immersive and had me on the edge of my seat."

8. Spellbinding - Similar to captivating, this word means holding someone's attention completely and making them feel like they are under a spell or enchantment. For instance, "The magician's performance was spellbinding and left the audience in awe."

9. Gripping - Of course, we cannot forget the word itself. Gripping is a synonym for holding your attention and keeping you interested in something. For example, "The novel was so gripping that I stayed up all night to finish it."

10. Intriguing - This word is often used to describe something that is fascinating or mysterious. It can also be used as a synonym for gripping, as in "The plot of the movie was so intriguing that I couldn't wait to see how it ended."

