
生活学习2024-03-10 17:03:50自考教育网




1. 含义



- 新郎:在婚礼上,新郎就是groom。

- 马夫:负责照顾马匹的人。

- 花儿男孩:在婚礼上帮助新娘的男性伴郎。

- 修饰品:用于装饰头发或服饰的小物件。


- 打扮:指修饰或装扮某人,特别是在重要场合。

- 培养:指不断地教育和培养某人以使其成长发展。

2. 发音


3. 同义词及例句

- Bridegroom:新郎(同义词)

- Stablehand:马夫(同义词)

- Best man:花儿男孩(同义词)

- Accessory:修饰品(同义词)


- The groom looked handsome in his tuxedo.


- The stablehand takes care of the horses every day.


- The best man helped the groom get ready for the wedding.


- She added a small flower as an accessory to her hair.




1. "groom"的意思是什么?


2. 如何正确读取"groom"?


3. "groom"的同义词有哪些?

"groom"作为新郎一词的同义词可以是bridegroom、husband-to-be、future husband等。而作为动词时,其同义词可以是prepare、train、dress等。

4. 例句:

a. The groom looked handsome in his tuxedo.


b. She spent hours grooming her hair for the party.


c. The editor will groom the article before publishing it.




1. groom的意思是指“新郎”,通常用于婚礼场合。例如:The groom looked handsome in his suit.(新郎穿着西装看起来很帅气。)

2. groom的发音为/ɡruːm/,读音类似于“格鲁姆”。

3. groom的同义词包括bridegroom、husband、spouse等。例如:The bridegroom and his bride exchanged rings during the ceremony.(新郎和新娘在仪式上交换了戒指。)

4. 下面是一些关于groom的双语例句:

- The groom's family is responsible for organizing the wedding reception.(新郎家族负责组织婚礼接待。)

- The bride and groom danced their first dance as a married couple.(新娘和新郎作为夫妻第一次跳舞。)

- The father of the groom gave a heartfelt speech at the wedding dinner.(新郎的父亲在婚宴上发表了感人的演讲。)

- The groomsmen helped the groom get ready for his big day.(伴郎们帮助新郎准备他的重要日子。)


1. Grooming:指人们对自己或他人外表的整理和打扮,也可以指动物的梳洗和清洁。

例句:She spends hours grooming herself before going out.


2. Groomed:形容一个人精心打扮过的,干净整洁的。

例句:The groomed man caught everyone's attention at the party.


3. Grooming kit:指用于梳洗和清洁动物或人类身体的工具包。

例句:I always carry a grooming kit with me when I travel.


4. Grooming habits:指一个人养成的梳洗习惯。

例句:Good grooming habits are important for maintaining a professional image.


5. Groom-to-be:指即将结婚的男子,未婚夫。

例句:The groom-to-be looked nervous but excited before the wedding ceremony.



1. Bridegroom - This is a traditional term for the groom, used to refer to a man who is about to get married or has just gotten married.

例句:The bridegroom looked dashing in his tuxedo on his wedding day.

2. Husband - This word can be used as a synonym for groom, especially after the wedding has taken place.

例句:The husband and wife exchanged loving glances throughout the ceremony.

3. Fiancé - This term refers to a man who is engaged to be married, and can also be used interchangeably with groom.

例句:The fiancé was busy making last-minute preparations for their big day.

4. Spouse - This is a more formal term that can be used for both husband and wife, but can also be used as a synonym for groom.

例句:The spouse gave a heartfelt speech at the wedding reception.

5. Partner - This word can be used as a gender-neutral synonym for groom, especially in same-sex marriages.

例句:The couple's families were overjoyed to see their partners tie the knot.

6. Beau - This is an affectionate term that can be used as a synonym for groom, especially in informal settings.

例句:The bride couldn't wait to see her beau waiting for her at the altar.

7. Suitor - This word refers to someone who is courting or pursuing someone else, and can also be used as a synonym for groom in the context of marriage.

例句:The suitor proposed with a beautiful ring and she said yes!

8. Groom-to-be - This phrase refers specifically to someone who will soon become a groom, and can also be shortened to "groom" in casual conversation.

例句:The groom-to-be was nervous but excited on the morning of his wedding day.

9. Future husband - This term is used to refer to a man who will soon become a husband, and can also be used as a synonym for groom.

例句:The future husband couldn't wait to start his life with his soon-to-be wife.

10. Mr. - This is a title used to address a man, and can also be used as a synonym for groom, especially in formal settings.

例句:Mr. Smith was beaming with joy as he walked down the aisle with his new wife

