ground on是什么意思

生活学习2024-03-10 17:28:58自考教育网

你是否曾经遇到过“ground on”这个行业标题?它似乎是一个神秘的词汇,但却又充满着吸引力。那么,它究竟是什么意思呢?让我们一起来探究一下。从它的拼音、发音、意思和用法,再到双语例句、词组和同义词示例,我们将会揭开这个标题的神秘面纱,带你进入一个全新的世界。让我们一起来深入“ground on”的世界吧!

ground on的拼音

1. 拼音:g-r-o-u-n-d o-n

2. ground on是一个常用的英语短语,通常用来表示“基于”、“根据”、“建立在”等含义。

ground on是什么意思

3. ground on由两个单词组成,ground和on。ground的意思是“地面”,可以指实体的地面,也可以指抽象的概念。on则表示“在……上面”,可以表示位置关系,也可以表示基础或依据。

4. 因此,ground on的整体意思就是“建立在某个基础/根据某个事实或理由”。它通常用来引出一个论点或观点的依据,并且强调这个依据的重要性。

5. 例如,在一场辩论中,一方可能会说:“我认为我们应该采取这样的措施,因为我们有很多数据和研究结果作为ground on。”这里就是指他们提出的观点建立在大量数据和研究结果上。

6. 同样,在商业谈判中,一方可能会说:“我们对此做出反应是有ground on的。”这句话就是指他们做出决定或行动时有充分的理由和依据。

7. ground on也可以作为名词使用,表示“基础”、“根据”等含义。例如,“我们需要找到一个ground on来支持我们的决定。”这里就是指需要找到一个合理的依据来支持决定。

8. 总的来说,ground on是一个非常常用的短语,可以用来表达多种含义。在阅读和使用时,需要根据具体语境来理解其含义,并且注意它在句子中的位置和作用

ground on怎么读

ground on是什么意思?这个问题听起来似乎很简单,但实际上却有着不同的解释。如果你是一个英语翻译解释行业的从业者,那么你可能会想到两种不同的读音和含义。

首先,我们来看看“ground on”作为一个短语时的读音。它可以被读作/ground ɔn/,意为“基于”或“根据”。例如,你可以说“我对这个观点有充分的理由,因为它是基于事实的”。

其次,“ground on”也可以被读作/ground ən/,意为“踩在……上”。这种情况下,“ground”指的是地面或表面。例如,“他踩在湿滑的地面上摔了一跤”。

那么,在英语翻译解释行业中,“ground on”的含义又是什么呢?它指的是在某个特定领域或知识基础上进行解释和说明。换句话说,就是要把知识储备和专业技能应用到具体的情况中去。所以,在这里,“ground on”的含义可以理解为“基于专业知识和技能进行解释”

ground on的意思和用法

如果你对英语翻译解释行业比较熟悉,那么你一定听说过“ground on”这个词。但是,它到底是什么意思呢?现在就让我来为你揭开这个谜题吧!

1. ground on的基本含义

首先,让我们来看看ground on的基本含义。它其实是一个动词短语,意思是“建立在……基础上”。比如,我们可以说:“这项决定是ground on客户的需求和市场趋势的分析结果。”也就是说,在做出这个决定时,我们考虑了客户的需求和市场趋势。

2. ground on的衍生含义

除了基本含义外,ground on还有一些衍生含义。其中最常见的就是指“以……为依据”。比如,“他的观点ground on大量数据和案例分析。”也就是说,他的观点是以大量数据和案例分析为依据的。

3. ground on的用法

接下来,让我们来看看ground on在句子中的用法。通常情况下,它会被放在句子末尾。比如,“这项政策制定ground on专家们对当前形势的分析。”同时,在句子中它也可以作为介词短语的一部分,比如,“这项决定ground on我们之前的经验和市场调研结果。”

4. ground on的同义词

如果你觉得ground on有点生硬,那么可以考虑使用一些同义词来替换它。比如,“基于……”、“建立在……的基础上”等等都可以表达相同的意思。

5. ground on的实际应用场景

ground on的双语例句

1. "Ground on" means to base something on a particular principle or fact.

“Ground on”意味着基于某一特定原则或事实。

2. His argument was grounded on the idea that hard work leads to success.


3. The company's decision was grounded on market research and customer feedback.


4. We need to ground our decisions on solid evidence, not just assumptions.


5. The teacher's lesson plan was grounded on interactive activities to engage students.


6. She always grounds her opinions on personal experience rather than hearsay.


7. The success of the project was grounded on teamwork and effective communication.


8. The politician's campaign strategy was grounded on appealing to the younger generation.


ground on的词组

1. "ground on"的含义

- "ground on"是一个动词短语,意为“基于”、“根据”、“建立在”的意思。

- 这个短语通常用来指一件事物或决定的基础、依据或原因。

- 例如:“我们的合作关系是建立在信任和尊重的基础上的。”

- 在某些情况下,它也可以表示“坚持”、“依靠”或“停留在某个地方”。

2. "ground on"的同义词

- 根据:according to, based on, in accordance with

- 基于:based on, founded on, rooted in, built upon

- 建立在:established on, founded upon, grounded in

3. "ground on"的反义词

- 不基于:not based on, not founded on, not established on

4. "ground"作为名词时的用法

- “地面”:the surface of the earth; the solid surface of the earth; a place where people can walk or stand.

- “土地”:land or soil; a piece of land that is used for a particular purpose.

- “理由”:“reason”, “cause”, “justification”.

5. "on"作为介词时的用法

- 表示位置:at or near a particular place or position; touching something.

- 表示时间:during a particular period of time; at some point during a period of time.

- 表示方式或状态:in a particular way or condition; with a particular quality or characteristic.

- 表示原因:because of; as a result of.

- 表示基础或依据:based on; using something as a starting point or reason.

6. "ground on"的相关词组

- "grounded in":以...为基础,建立在...之上

- "grounded on":建立在...之上,根据...

- "grounded by":受到...的限制,受制于...

- "grounded with":用...作为基础,以...为依据

- "grounding in":对...有扎实的基础知识,对...有深入了解

7. "on the ground"

- 这个短语通常用来指实际情况、现实情况或真相。

- 例如:“我们需要更多的信息来了解这个问题在实际情况下是如何发生的。”

- 也可以表示“在现场”、“在场”、“地面上”等意思。

- 例如:“我们需要一些人员来帮助我们在地面上搜寻幸存者。”

8. "get off the ground"

- 这个短语意为“开始进行”、“起步”、“开始运作”,通常用来指一个计划、项目或活动。

- 例如:“我们需要一些资金才能让这个计划真正起步。”

- 相关词组还包括“get something off the ground”(使某事开始进行)和“get someone off the ground”(帮助某人开始做某事)。

9. "break new ground"

- 这个短语意为“开拓新天地”、“取得新的成就”,通常用来指在某个领域或方面取得重大进展。

- 例如:“这项技术的发明将会为我们打开一片新天地。”

- 相关词组还包括“make new ground”(创造新的成就)和“gain new ground”(获得新的进展)。

10. "lose ground"

- 这个短语意为“失去优势”、“退步”、“落后”,通常用来指在竞争或比较中处于不利地位。

- 例如:“我们不能再继续失去市场份额,否则我们将会被竞争对手远远甩在后面。”

- 相关词组还包括“gain/lose ground on someone/something”(赶上/落后于某人/某事物)和“hold one's ground”(坚持立场)

ground on的同义词示例

1. Basis for: This phrase is often used to mean the same as "ground on". For example, "The decision was made based on solid grounds" could also be written as "The decision was made on solid ground".

2. Foundation of: This is another way to express the same meaning as "ground on". For instance, "Her beliefs are the foundation of her actions" could also be written as "Her beliefs are what she grounds her actions on".

3. Justification for: When something serves as a reason or explanation for an action or belief, it can be considered a "ground on" for that action or belief. For example, "His fear of failure was his justification for not taking risks" could also be written as "His fear of failure was what he grounded his lack of risk-taking on".

4. Underlying reason for: This phrase can also be used to mean the same as "ground on", especially when referring to a deeper or hidden reason behind something. For instance, "The underlying reason for their argument was a difference in values" could also be written as "Their argument was grounded on a difference in values".

5. Source of support: Sometimes, people or things can serve as a source of support or strength for someone's actions or beliefs, which can then be referred to as the person's or thing's "ground on". For example, "Her friends were her ground on during difficult times" could also be written as "Her friends were her source of support during difficult times".

6. Principle behind: This phrase is often used when talking about the fundamental idea or concept that guides someone's actions or beliefs, making it another synonym for "ground on". For instance, "The principle behind their business decisions is always ethical conduct" could also be written as "Their business decisions are always grounded on ethical conduct".

7. Motive for: When discussing reasons behind someone's actions or beliefs, the word "motive" can be used interchangeably with "ground on". For example, "His motive for volunteering was to give back to the community" could also be written as "His ground on for volunteering was to give back to the community".

8. Basis of support: Similar to "source of support", this phrase can also be used to mean the same as "ground on". For instance, "The basis of their support for the project was its potential impact on the environment" could also be written as "Their support for the project was grounded on its potential impact on the environment".

9. Fundamental reason for: This phrase is often used when referring to a basic or essential reason behind something, making it another synonym for "ground on". For example, "The fundamental reason for their disagreement was a difference in values" could also be written as "Their disagreement was grounded on a difference in values".

10. Core of: When something is at the center or heart of someone's actions or beliefs, it can be considered their "ground on". For instance, "The core of her argument was that everyone deserves equal rights" could also be written as "Her argument was grounded on the belief that everyone deserves equal rights"

ground on是一个非常有用的词汇,它可以用来表示“基于”、“根据”、“建立在”等含义。通过学习本文,相信大家已经对ground on有了更深入的了解。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请继续关注我,我会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识。最后,祝愿大家在学习英语的路上越走越远,取得更好的成绩!我是网站编辑,感谢大家的阅读和支持!
