
生活学习2024-03-10 17:59:53自考教育网




1. grown的意思


2. grown的读音


3. grown的同义词


4. grown的例句

(1) The plants have grown taller since we last saw them.


(2) She has grown into a confident and independent woman.


(3) The company has grown rapidly in the past few years.


(4) It's time for you to start acting like a grown adult.


(5) The children have grown out of their old clothes and need new ones.



1. 发音:grown的发音为/ɡroʊn/,读音为“gr-oh-n”。

2. 读法:grown是一个动词,过去分词形式为grown,表示“成长、长大”。它的基本读法为/groʊn/,其中字母o发音为短元音/ɑ/,字母w发音为半元音/w/。

3. 同义词:grown的同义词包括developed、matured、evolved等,它们都表示某物逐渐变得更大、更强或更成熟。

4. 例句:

a. The plants have grown a lot since we planted them.


b. She has grown into a beautiful and confident young woman.


c. The company has grown rapidly in the past few years.


d. He has grown tired of his monotonous job.



1. grown的意思是成长或成熟,常用于描述个人的生理或心理发展过程。

例句:She has grown into a confident and independent young woman.

2. grown的读音为/ɡroʊn/,重音在第一个音节。

例句:I have grown tired of waiting for you.

3. 同义词包括developed, matured, evolved等,都指某物或某人经历了一段时间后变得更加完善或成熟。

例句:Her skills have developed significantly since she started practicing.

4. grown还可以用作形容词,意为已经长大的或已经成年的。

例句:She is a grown woman and can make her own decisions.

5. 在口语中,grown也可以用来表示厌烦、不满或无奈。

例句:I am so grown with this job, I need a break!

6. 另外,grown还可以用来构成一些常见的短语,如grown-up(成年人)、grown children(已经长大的孩子)等。

例句:I can't believe my little girl is all grown up now


1. Developed - grown的同义词,指事物经过一段时间的发展和成长后变得更加成熟和完善。例如:The city has grown into a developed metropolis.

2. Matured - 也可以用来表示grown,指事物经过一段时间的发展和成长后变得更加成熟和稳定。例如:The company has grown and matured over the years.

3. Evolved - 指事物逐步发展和变化,从简单到复杂,从原始到现在。例如:The technology has evolved over the years, becoming more advanced and efficient.

4. Advanced - 也可以用来表示grown,指事物经过一段时间的发展和进步后变得更加先进和高级。例如:His skills have grown and he is now an advanced pianist.

5. Developed - 指事物经过一段时间的发展和成长后变得更加完善和先进。例如:Her vocabulary has grown and she can now read advanced books.

6. Expanded - 指事物在规模、范围或数量上增大、扩张。例如:The company has expanded its business to other countries.

7. Flourished - 指事物兴盛、繁荣、茁壮成长。例如:The arts have flourished in this city over the years.

8. Nurtured - 指事物受到培养、滋养、保护,并因此而生长壮大。例如:Her talent for singing was nurtured by her parents and now she is a successful singer.

9. Cultivated - 指事物经过精心培养和发展后变得更加优秀和出色。例如:The students have grown into cultivated individuals with a strong sense of responsibility.

10. Developed - 指事物经过一段时间的发展和成长后变得更加成熟和完善。例如:The city has grown into a developed metropolis


1. Grown: 成长,发展

- Example: She has grown into a confident and independent woman.

2. Mature: 成熟的,成年的

- Example: He is now a mature adult who can make his own decisions.

3. Developed: 发达的,成熟的

- Example: The city has grown and developed into a modern metropolis.

4. Evolved: 演变,发展

- Example: The language has evolved over time, incorporating new words and phrases.

5. Advanced: 先进的,高级的

- Example: His skills have advanced greatly since he started working in this field.

6. Progressed: 进步,发展

- Example: The project has progressed smoothly thanks to the hard work of the team.

7. Flourished: 繁荣,兴旺

- Example: The business has flourished in recent years, expanding to new markets.

8. Thrived: 茁壮成长,兴盛

- Example: The company has thrived under the leadership of its new CEO.

9. Ripened: 成熟,完善

- Example: After years of hard work, her talent has ripened into a successful career.

10. Blossomed:开花,发展

- Example:Her creativity blossomed when she joined the art club at school

