
生活学习2024-03-10 18:14:43自考教育网



1. 先来说说这个词的发音吧,"grubby"的读音是[ˈɡrʌbi]。

2. 咱们先从最简单的部分开始,第一个字母"g"是一个清晰的/g/音,就像我们说"good"或者"goat"时发出的那样。


3. 接着是字母"r",它在这个词中有点特殊,因为它后面跟着一个元音字母"u"。这时候,我们需要将/r/和/u/连在一起发音,就像读单词"true"时一样。

4. 然后是字母"u",它在这里发出短元音/u/的音。和上一步类似,在读完/r/后要顺畅地接上/u/。

5. 最后一个字母是字母"b",它也很简单,发出/b/的音就可以了。

6. 所以把前面几步连起来就是/grʌb/。最后加上最后一个字母"y"(其实也可以看作是/i/),就成了/grʌbi/啦!

7. 如果你觉得这个词听起来有点怪怪的,那么恭喜你!你已经掌握了正确的发音。因为这个词本身就有一种脏兮兮、不舒服的感觉,所以它的发音也有点不那么顺畅。

8. 不过,如果你想要更加形象地理解这个词的意思,不妨试试在脑海中想象一只满身泥巴、肮脏不堪的小猪。是不是一下子就明白了"grubby"的含义了呢?

9. 总之,"grubby"这个词是一个形容词,意思是肮脏的、污秽的。它可以用来形容物品或者人,表示其不干净或者有点恶心。

10. 希望今天的小课程能够帮助你更好地理解并正确使用这个有趣的单词。记得多多练习哦!


1. "grubby"的词性


2. "grubby"的来源


3. "grubby"的近义词


4. "grubby"的用法

a. 形容人:当用来形容一个人时,通常指其穿着或外表不整洁、邋遢。

例如:"She always looks grubby and unkempt."


b. 形容物品:当用来形容物品时,通常指其表面有污垢或灰尘。

例如:"The walls were covered in grubby handprints."


c. 形容环境:当用来形容环境时,通常指其脏乱不堪。

例如:"The grubby streets of the city made her feel uncomfortable."


5. "grubby"的反义词


例如:"I cleaned my grubby shoes and now they look brand new."


6. "grubby"在文学作品中的使用


7. "grubby"与其他前缀搭配使用

a. "grubby hands": 指手上有污垢或灰尘。

b. "grubby clothes": 指衣服上有污渍或灰尘。

c. "grubby face": 指脸上有污渍或灰尘。



1. "grubby"的含义


2. "grubby"的用法

- 形容词:我们可以说某物看起来很"grubby",比如一件衣服、一张桌子、一栋房子等。

- 副词:我们也可以用副词形式来修饰动词,比如"he scrubbed the floor grubbily(他肮脏地擦洗地板)。

- 名词:在英式英语中,还有一个名词形式的"grub",意为食物。例如:"I'm off to get some grub(我要去找点吃的)。

3. "grubby"的例句

- My hands were grubby after playing in the mud all day.(整天在泥里玩耍后,我的手都变得很脏)

- The restaurant's dishes were so greasy and grubby that I couldn't even finish my meal.(这家餐厅的盘子太油腻和肮脏了,我甚至无法吃完我的餐点)

- He always wears the same grubby old t-shirt, no matter where he goes.(无论去哪里,他总是穿着那件肮脏的旧T恤衫)

- I can't believe you're eating that grubby sandwich you found on the ground.(我不敢相信你居然在吃那块你在地上找到的肮脏三明治)

- After a long day of gardening, her hands were covered in grubby dirt.(经过一整天的园艺工作,她的手都被肮脏的泥土覆盖了)


1. "Get your hands dirty"


2. "A grubby deal"


3. "Living in a grubby apartment"


4. "A grubby appearance"


5. "Grubby hands"


6. "A grubby past"


7. "Grubby politics"


8. "A grubby little secret"


9. "Grubby behavior"


10. "A grubby reputation"



1. Dirty - 脏

- Grubby refers to something that is dirty or grimy, often with a sense of being unpleasant or undesirable. For example, "The grubby streets of the city were filled with litter and trash."

2. Filthy - 肮脏

- This synonym for grubby emphasizes a strong sense of dirtiness and disgust. It can also be used to describe someone's appearance or behavior as being unkempt or unclean. For instance, "After playing in the mud all day, the children were absolutely filthy."

3. Grimy - 污秽的

- Grimy is another word that can be used to describe something that is dirty and covered in grime or dirt. It can also have a negative connotation, implying a lack of cleanliness or hygiene. For example, "The mechanic's hands were grimy from working on the car all day."

4. Dingy - 昏暗的

- Dingy is often used to describe something that is both dirty and dark or dimly lit. It can also suggest a sense of neglect or lack of maintenance. For instance, "The old abandoned house had dingy walls and broken windows."

5. Shabby - 破旧的

- This synonym for grubby has more of a focus on something being worn out or run-down rather than simply dirty. It can also refer to someone's appearance as being untidy or disheveled. For example, "The hotel room was shabby and in desperate need of renovation."

6. Foul - 难闻的

- Foul describes something that has an unpleasant smell or taste, often due to being dirty or spoiled. It can also be used to describe someone's language as being offensive or vulgar. For instance, "The kitchen was filled with the foul stench of rotting food."

7. Mucky - 泥泞的

- Mucky is used to describe something that is covered in mud or dirt, often in a wet or sticky way. It can also have a figurative meaning of being unpleasant or undesirable. For example, "The children came home from playing outside with mucky hands and clothes."

8. Grungy - 肮脏的

- Grungy has a similar meaning to grubby, but it often implies a sense of being unclean or unkempt in a more alternative or subversive way. It can also refer to something being shabby or run-down in appearance. For instance, "The grungy bar was filled with cigarette smoke and loud music."

9. Sleazy - 低劣的

- This synonym for grubby suggests something that is dirty and morally corrupt or dishonest. It can also have a connotation of being cheap or low-quality. For example, "The sleazy motel had a reputation for renting rooms by the hour."

10. Grotty - 糟糕的

- Grotty is a British slang term that means unpleasant or shabby, often with a sense of being dirty as well. It can also be used to describe someone's mood as being bad or irritable. For instance, "After working all day in the hot sun, I felt grotty and exhausted."

