生活学习2024-03-10 18:58:30自考教育网




1. "Guarantee"一词的发音是[ˌɡærənˈtiː],其中重音在第二个音节。

2. 音标中的"g"发音为清辅音,舌尖抵住上齿龈,声带不振动。

3. 音标中的"a"发音为短元音,舌身放松,嘴唇微微张开。

4. 音标中的"r"发音为浊辅音,舌尖向上卷起,声带振动。

5. 音标中的"ə"发音为中央元音,舌身放松,嘴唇微微张开。

6. 音标中的"n"发音为鼻韵母,舌尖轻轻抵住上齿龈,声带振动。

7. 音标中的"t"发音为清辅音,舌尖抵住上齿龈,声带不振动。

8. 音标中的"iː"发音为长元音,舌身稍稍抬起并向后移动,嘴唇微微张开。

9. 整体来看,“guarantee”的发音较为复杂,在英语口语中常常被简化成[ˌɡærən'tiː]或[ˌɡærən'ti]等形式。但在正式场合或重要文件中,仍然需要准确地发音。

10. “Guarantee”一词的意思是“保证”,常用于商业合同、产品说明书等文档中。它可以作为名词或动词使用,表示对某件事物的担保或保证。

11. 在商业交易中,“guarantee”通常指卖方向买方提供的保证,确保产品质量、服务质量等达到一定标准。而在日常生活中,我们也经常会听到“money-back guarantee”(退款保证)这样的用语。

12. 除了作为商业术语外,“guarantee”也可以用于其他场景。比如,“I can't guarantee that it will work.”(我不能保证它能够起作用。)表示无法确定某件事情是否会成功或发生。

13. 总的来说,“guarantee”是一个非常常用且重要的词汇,在英语学习和商务交流中都有着重要的地位。因此,我们应该认真学习它的发音,并在实际应用中注意使用正确








1. 什么是"Guarantee"?


2. "Guarantee"作为动词的用法

- 我们保证产品质量。 We guarantee the quality of our products.

- 他向我保证会按时完成工作。 He guaranteed me that he would finish the work on time.

- 这个公司保证提供优质的客户服务。 This company guarantees excellent customer service.

3. "Guarantee"作为名词的用法

- 这个产品有一年的质量保证。 This product comes with a one-year quality guarantee.

- 他提供了一份书面保证书。 He provided a written guarantee.

- 我们给顾客提供满意度保证。 We offer a satisfaction guarantee to our customers.

4. "Guarantee"常见搭配

- money-back guarantee:退款保证

- lifetime guarantee:终身保修

- satisfaction guarantee:满意度保证

- quality guarantee:质量保证

5. "Guarantee"的例句

- 我们对我们的产品质量有十足的信心,所以提供退款保证。

We are confident in the quality of our products, so we offer a money-back guarantee.

- 这家公司承诺提供终身免费维修服务。

This company guarantees free lifetime repairs.

- 我们会竭尽所能保证客户的满意度。

We will do our best to guarantee customer satisfaction


1. "Money-back guarantee": 这个词组指的是如果消费者对产品或服务不满意,可以要求退还付款。

2. "Satisfaction guaranteed": 用于表示产品或服务的质量有保证,消费者可以放心购买。

3. "Lifetime guarantee": 这个词组常用于高质量的产品,表示在使用寿命内出现问题可享受免费维修或更换。

4. "Quality guarantee": 指产品或服务的质量有保证,消费者可以放心购买。

5. "Performance guarantee": 用于表示产品或服务的性能有保证,在使用过程中出现问题可享受免费维修或更换。

6. "Service guarantee": 指提供服务的公司承诺在一定时间内解决客户的问题,如24小时内响应客户反馈。

7. "Guaranteed delivery": 这个词组指商家承诺在特定时间内将货物送达客户手中。

8. "Guaranteed results": 指某项服务能够带来确切的效果,如减肥、美容等。

9. "Risk-free guarantee": 表示消费者购买产品或服务不会有任何风险,如果不满意可以全额退款。

10. "Limited time guarantee": 指商家对促销活动做出的保证,在限定时间内可享受特定优惠


1. Assurance - This word is often used to mean a promise or guarantee of something, especially in terms of quality or performance. For example, a company may offer an assurance that their product will work as advertised.

2. Warranty - This is another common synonym for guarantee, and it is often used in the context of products or services. A warranty is a written promise that a product will be repaired or replaced if it does not meet certain standards.

3. Security - In some cases, the word security can be used as a synonym for guarantee. For example, when talking about financial investments, people may refer to a "guaranteed security" to mean an investment that is guaranteed to provide a certain return.

4. Promise - This word can also be used as a synonym for guarantee, especially when referring to a commitment made by someone to do something or provide something in the future.

5. Pledge - Similar to promise, pledge is often used to mean a solemn promise or commitment made by someone. It can also be used as a synonym for guarantee in certain contexts.

6. Surety - This word refers to something that gives confidence or security and can be used as a synonym for guarantee in some cases.

7. Covenant - This term is often used in legal contexts and refers to an agreement between parties that includes certain promises or guarantees.

8. Bond - In the financial world, bond can refer to a type of investment that guarantees regular interest payments and repayment of the principal amount at maturity.

9. Oath - An oath is a solemn promise made by someone and can be used as another synonym for guarantee in certain situations.

10. Contract - A contract is an agreement between two parties that outlines specific terms and conditions, including any guarantees made by either party.

11. Commitment - This word can also be used as a synonym for guarantee when referring to an obligation or promise made by someone.

12. Vow - Similar to oath and pledge, vow is often used to mean a solemn promise or commitment made by someone.

13. Word - This term can be used as a synonym for guarantee in informal contexts, such as when someone gives their word that they will do something.

14. Undertaking - This word refers to a task or project that someone has committed to and can be used as a synonym for guarantee in certain situations.

15. Declaration - In some cases, declaration can be used as a synonym for guarantee, especially when referring to a formal statement or promise made by someone

