
生活学习2024-03-10 19:10:01自考教育网



The pronunciation of guarding


首先,让我们来看看这个单词的意思。"Guarding"是动词"guard"的现在分词形式,它的意思是“保护”、“守卫”。例如,在警察电视剧中,我们经常会听到这样的句子:“The police are guarding the bank.”(警察正在守护银行。)所以,如果你遇到了这个单词,就可以想象一下有人正在保护或者守卫某个地方或者物品。


除了以上提到的意思和发音外,还有一些同义词可以帮助我们更好地理解这个单词。比如,"protecting"和"watching over"都可以作为"guarding"的同义词。例如,"The security guards are protecting the museum."(保安正在守卫博物馆。) "The dog is watching over the house."(狗正在守护房子。)


How to say guarding

1. 什么是guarding?


2. 如何正确发音?


3. guarding的同义词有哪些?

- Protect: 意为“保护”,与guarding的意思相同。

- Defend: 意为“防御”,也可指“保护”,与guarding有相似的含义。

- Watch: 意为“观察”、“监视”,与guarding的意思有一定重叠。

- Secure: 意为“安全”的,也可指“保护”,与guarding有类似的含义。

4. guarding的例句有哪些?

- The soldiers are guarding the border to prevent any unauthorized entry.


- Our dog is great at guarding our house, he barks at anyone who comes near.


- The security guard is responsible for guarding the building and ensuring the safety of its occupants.


- The goalkeeper did an excellent job of guarding the goal, preventing the other team from scoring.


The usage and examples of guarding

1. Guarding的意思


2. Guarding的发音


3. Guarding的同义词

Guarding的同义词包括protect, defend, safeguard, shield等。它们都有“保护”的意思,但在具体用法中可能有所不同。

4. Guarding的例句

- The soldiers are guarding the border to prevent illegal immigration.


- It is important to guard against cyber attacks by strengthening our network security.


- Parents should always be guarding their children's innocence and protecting them from harm.


- The goalkeeper did an excellent job of guarding the goal and preventing the opposing team from scoring.


5. Guarding与其他短语搭配使用


- Guarding duty:守卫任务

- Guarding your heart:保护你的心灵

- Guarding the truth:捍卫真理

Guarding是一个常用的动词,意为“保护”、“守卫”。它的发音为/gɑːrdɪŋ/,与介词against搭配使用时表示“防止”、“预防”。它的同义词有protect, defend, safeguard, shield等。在具体用法中,可以与其他短语搭配使用

Phrases with guarding

1. Guarding against: to protect or defend against something.

Example: The soldiers were guarding against any potential attacks from the enemy.

2. Guarding someone/something from: to keep watch over and protect someone or something.

Example: The bodyguards were responsible for guarding the celebrity from any harm.

3. On guard: to be alert and ready to defend against danger.

Example: The security guards were on guard all night, making sure no one entered the building.

4. Guarded response/reaction: a cautious or restrained response or reaction.

Example: The politician gave a guarded response when asked about his controversial statement.

5. Guarded optimism/pessimism: a cautious or reserved feeling of hopefulness or negativity.

Example: Despite the challenges, there is a sense of guarded optimism among the team about their chances of winning.

6. Guarded language/remarks: careful and restrained use of words or statements.

Example: The spokesperson used guarded language when addressing the media about the company's financial situation.

7. Keep guard/watch over: to protect and monitor someone or something.

Example: The parents took turns keeping guard over their sick child throughout the night.

8. Stand guard/on guard duty: to be on duty for protecting and monitoring.

Example: The soldiers stood guard at the entrance of the military base, ready for any potential threats.

9. Guard dog/security guard/guardrail/guardian angel:

- Guard dog: a trained dog used for protecting people and property.

- Security guard: a person employed to protect people and property from harm.

- Guardrail: a barrier designed to prevent accidents by keeping vehicles on the road.

- Guardian angel: a spiritual being believed to protect and guide someone throughout their life.

10. Unguarded moment/mistake/comment:

- Unguarded moment/mistake/comment refers to an action, error, or statement made without caution or forethought.

Example: In an unguarded moment, the politician revealed his true opinion on the controversial issue.

11. Guard duty/shift: a period of time during which someone is responsible for protecting and monitoring.

Example: The security guards took turns doing guard duty throughout the night.

12. Guarded privacy/secrets: closely protected or concealed information.

Example: The company's financial records are guarded secrets, known only to top-level executives.

13. Guarding one's heart/emotions: to protect oneself from getting hurt emotionally.

Example: After a series of failed relationships, she started guarding her heart and was hesitant to open up to anyone.

14. Guard against complacency/arrogance:

- Guard against complacency means to take precautions against becoming too comfortable or overconfident.

- Guard against arrogance means to be cautious and prevent oneself from becoming too proud or self-important.

Example: The coach warned his team to guard against complacency after their recent win streak.

15. Guarded smile/gaze/look:

- Guarded smile refers to a restrained or cautious smile.

- Guarded gaze/look suggests a watchful or wary expression.

Example: Despite her guarded smile, her eyes showed signs of fear and uncertainty

Synonyms of guarding with examples

1. Protecting

- Definition: to keep safe from harm or injury

- Example: The security guards were responsible for protecting the building from any potential threats.

2. Watching

- Definition: to keep a close eye on something or someone

- Example: The mother was watching her child closely as he played in the park.

3. Safeguarding

- Definition: to protect or defend against potential danger or harm

- Example: The government has implemented strict laws for safeguarding the environment.

4. Defending

- Definition: to protect from attack or harm

- Example: The soldiers were defending their country from enemy invasion.

5. Shielding

- Definition: to provide protection or cover from danger or harm

- Example: The umbrella was shielding her from the heavy rain.

6. Preserving

- Definition: to protect and maintain something in its original state or condition

- Example: The museum is responsible for preserving valuable artifacts for future generations.

7. Securing

- Definition: to make something safe and protected

- Example: The bank has installed high-tech security systems to secure their customers' money.

8. Covering

- Definition: to protect by keeping something over it

- Example: She covered her face with a scarf to guard against the cold wind.

9. Monitoring

- Definition: to keep track of something closely and regularly

- Example: The doctor is monitoring the patient's vital signs after surgery.

10. Fortifying

- Definition: to strengthen and protect against attack

- Example: The castle was fortified with high walls and strong gates for protection against invaders

