
生活学习2024-03-10 20:15:11自考教育网


What does gunk mean?


1. 意思是什么?



2. 怎么读?


3. 同义词及例句


- The drain was clogged with gunk.


- I had to clean all the gunk off my bike chain.


- The pond was covered in a thick layer of muck.


How to pronounce gunk?


1. "gunk"的意思是什么?


2. 如何发音"gunk"?


3. "gunk"的同义词有哪些?

除了"gunk"之外,还有几个类似的词可以用来表达相同的意思。比如:"goo"、 "sludge"和 "muck"都可以用来指代粘稠的物质。

4. 例句

- The drain was clogged with gunk and it took me hours to clean it.

- I accidentally stepped in some gunk on the street and now my shoes are ruined.

- The old car was covered in rust and gunk, making it almost unrecognizable.


Examples and usage of gunk

1. Definition of Gunk

Gunk is a noun that refers to a thick, sticky substance or material. It can also be used as a verb to describe the action of making something dirty or sticky.

2. Pronunciation of Gunk

Gunk is pronounced as "guhngk" with a hard "g" sound.

3. Synonyms for Gunk

- Sludge: thick, muddy substance that accumulates at the bottom of bodies of water

- Muck: wet, sticky dirt or mud

- Grime: dirt that has accumulated on surfaces over time

- Filth: extremely dirty and unpleasant substances

4. Examples of Gunk in Sentences

- The mechanic had to clean out all the gunk from the car's engine.

- The pipes were clogged with gunk, causing the sink to overflow.

- I accidentally stepped in some gunk on the sidewalk and now my shoes are ruined.

- The old factory was filled with rusty machines covered in layers of gunk.

5. Usage of Gunk in Different Contexts

In addition to its literal meaning, gunk can also be used in different contexts:

- In slang terms, gunk can refer to someone or something that is unpleasant or undesirable.

Example: "I don't want to go to that party, it's always full of gunk."

- In computer science, gunk is used to describe code that is poorly written and difficult to understand.

Example: "The program kept crashing because it was filled with gunk."

6. Common Phrases Using Gunk

- Clean out the gunk: remove any dirt or debris from a surface or object.

Example: "I need to clean out the gunk from my gutters before it starts raining."

- Covered in gunk: completely coated in a sticky substance.

Example: "After playing outside all day, the kids were covered in gunk."

- Gunk up: to make something dirty or sticky.

Example: "Be careful not to gunk up the machinery with grease."

- Gunky mess: a situation or object that is messy and unpleasant.

Example: "The kitchen was a gunky mess after the party."

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, gunk is a versatile word that can be used to describe various substances and situations. Its meaning can also extend beyond its literal definition, making it a useful term in both formal and informal contexts. Remember to use it sparingly and accurately to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding

Phrases with gunk

1. "What is this gunk?" - Used to express confusion or disgust towards a sticky or unpleasant substance.

Example: "I can't get this gunk off my hands, it's so gross!"

2. "Don't touch that, it's full of gunk!" - Indicates that something is dirty or contaminated.

Example: "I found some old toys in the attic, but they were covered in gunk."

3. "This machine is clogged with gunk." - Describes a buildup of debris or residue that is causing a malfunction.

Example: "The drain was clogged with hair and gunk, so I had to call a plumber."

4. "Gunky mess" - Refers to a messy and unpleasant situation.

Example: "I spilled coffee all over my desk and now it's a gunky mess."

5. Synonyms for gunk include goo, sludge, muck, and grime.

Example: "The bottom of the lake was covered in thick gunk that made it difficult to swim."

6. Antonyms for gunk include clean, clear, pure, and pristine.

Example: "After scrubbing the oven for hours, I finally got rid of all the gunk inside."

Synonym examples for gunk

1. Sludge

Sludge is a synonym for gunk, and it refers to a thick, sticky substance that is difficult to remove or clean. It can also be used to describe the buildup of dirt and grime in a specific area.

Example sentence: The mechanic had to clean out all the sludge from the car's engine before it could run smoothly again.

2. Grime

Grime is another synonym for gunk, and it refers to a layer of dirt or filth that has accumulated over time. It can also be used to describe something that is unclean or unpleasant.

Example sentence: The kitchen sink was covered in grime and needed a good scrubbing.

3. Residue

Residue is a synonym for gunk that specifically refers to the leftover material after a process has been completed. It can also be used to describe something that remains behind after cleaning or washing.

Example sentence: The residue from the soap left streaks on the shower walls.

4. Crud

Crud is another synonym for gunk, and it refers to a thick layer of dirt or grime that is difficult to remove. It can also be used in a more general sense to describe something dirty or unpleasant.

Example sentence: The children's playroom was filled with crud from all their messy art projects.

5. Muck

Muck is a synonym for gunk that specifically refers to wet, slimy dirt or mud. It can also be used in a more general sense to describe something messy or dirty.

Example sentence: The pigs were rolling around in the muck on the farm.

6. Slush

Slush is another synonym for gunk, and it refers to partially melted snow or ice mixed with dirt and debris. It can also be used in a more figurative sense to describe something messy or disorganized.

Example sentence: After walking through the slush on the city streets, my shoes were covered in gunk.

7. Goo

Goo is a synonym for gunk that specifically refers to a thick, sticky substance. It can also be used in a more general sense to describe something messy or slimy.

Example sentence: The children had fun playing with the gooey slime they made at the science fair.

8. Filth

Filth is another synonym for gunk, and it refers to extreme dirtiness or uncleanness. It can also be used to describe something that is morally corrupt or disgusting.

Example sentence: The abandoned house was filled with filth and debris from years of neglect.

9. Crud

Crud is a synonym for gunk that specifically refers to a thick layer of dirt or grime that is difficult to remove. It can also be used in a more general sense to describe something dirty or unpleasant.

Example sentence: The children's playroom was filled with crud from all their messy art projects.

10. Slime

Slime is another synonym for gunk, and it refers to a thick, slippery substance that is often unpleasant or repulsive. It can also be used in a more figurative sense to describe something deceitful or slimy.

Example sentence: The sewer was clogged with slimy gunk, causing a foul odor throughout the neighborhood.

In conclusion, gunk can refer to any type of sticky, dirty substance, and there are many synonyms that can be used interchangeably depending on the context. These include sludge, grime, residue, crud, muck, slush, goo, filth, crud and slime. Remember to always use these words accurately and appropriately when describing gunk in your writing

In conclusion, gunk is a versatile word that can be used to describe a variety of substances and situations. Its pronunciation may vary, but its meaning remains the same. From everyday conversations to scientific discussions, gunk is a useful addition to anyone's vocabulary. As the editor of this website, I hope you have enjoyed learning about gunk and will continue to follow our articles for more interesting and informative content. Thank you for reading and don't forget to like and share our page! I am your editor, always striving to bring you the best content possible. Stay tuned for more exciting topics in the future!
