
生活学习2024-03-10 21:25:32自考教育网



1. hague的意思



2. hague的发音


3. hague的同义词

除了Hague外,还有一些同义词可以用来指代海牙这个城市。例如,“The Hague”、“Den Haag”、“'s-Gravenhage”等都是指海牙的名称,它们在不同语言和文化背景下可能会有所不同。

4. hague的例句

- The Hague is known as the international city of peace and justice.


- The Hague is home to many international organizations, such as the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.


- The Hague Convention aims to protect cultural property during armed conflicts.


Hague是指荷兰的政治中心和国际法院所在地海牙,发音为[heɪg],同义词包括“The Hague”、“Den Haag”等,常用于指代国际关系和国际法律


1. hague的含义:hague是指荷兰的政治和行政中心,也是国际法院和国际刑事法院所在地。同时,hague也可以指代国际公约、条约或协议的缔约地。

2. hague的词源:hague一词源自荷兰语“'s-Gravenhage”,意为“伯爵的栖息地”。在旧时代,荷兰国王在这里建造了一座宫殿作为伯爵的住所,因此得名。

3. hague的同义词:the Hague, Den Haag, 's-Gravenhage。

4. hague的例句:

- The Hague is known as the international city of peace and justice.


- The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction was signed in 1980.



1. hague的含义:hague是指海牙,是荷兰的政治和行政中心,也是国际法庭的所在地。

例句:The Hague is known for its beautiful architecture and rich history. (海牙以其美丽的建筑和丰富的历史而闻名。)

2. hague的发音:hague的发音为/ˈheɪɡ/,读作“海格”。

例句:I've always pronounced it as "hayg", but some people say "hag". (我一直把它读作“海格”,但有些人说“哈格”。)

3. hague的同义词:the Hague, Den Haag, 's-Gravenhage (荷兰语中海牙的不同称呼)

例句:I'll be visiting the Hague next week for a conference. (下周我将前往海牙参加一个会议。)

4. hague的用法:通常用作专有名词,指代海牙这个城市。

例句:The International Court of Justice is located in the Hague. (国际法庭位于海牙。)

5. hague的例句:

- The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction was signed in 1980 to protect children from parental abduction across international borders.


- The Hague is also known for its beautiful beaches and coastal areas. (海牙也以其美丽的海滩和海岸地区而闻名。)

- The Hague is home to many international organizations, such as the International Criminal Court. (海牙是许多国际组织的总部所在地,如国际刑事法院。)


1. 意思:hague是一个英语单词,指的是海牙,是荷兰的政治和行政中心,也是国际法院和国际刑事法院所在地。它的发音为[hɑːɡ],有时也可以写作“hag”。

2. 怎么读:hague的读音与其拼写相同,即[hɑːɡ]。

3. 同义词:除了hague外,还可以用The Hague、Den Haag或s-Gravenhage来指代这个城市。此外,在荷兰语中,海牙也可以称为“'s-Gravenhage”或“'s-Gravenhaeghe”。

4. 例句:

a) The International Court of Justice is located in The Hague.


b) The Hague is known for its beautiful architecture and rich history.


c) I will be attending a conference in The Hague next week.


5. 相关词汇:

a) Netherlands: 荷兰,海牙所在国家

b) Dutch: 荷兰人/荷兰语

c) Government: 政府

d) International Law: 国际法

e) Court: 法院

f) Justice: 正义/司法

g) International Criminal Court: 国际刑事法院

h) City: 城市

i) Capital: 首都

j) Diplomacy: 外交

k) Conference: 会议

l) History: 历史

m) Architecture: 建筑


1. The Hague

同义词:Den Haag, 's-Gravenhage

例句:The Hague is the third largest city in the Netherlands.

2. International City of Peace and Justice

同义词:City of Peace, City of Justice

例句:The Hague is known as the International City of Peace and Justice due to its many international organizations and courts located there.

3. Royal City by the Sea

同义词:City by the Sea, Royal Residence by the Sea

例句:The Hague is also referred to as the Royal City by the Sea because it is home to many members of the Dutch royal family.

4. Judicial Capital of the World

同义词:Legal Capital of the World, Legal Hub of Europe

例句:The Hague is often called the Judicial Capital of the World because it houses important international courts such as the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.

5. Seat of Government

同义词:Political Center, Administrative Capital

例句:The Hague serves as the seat of government for both the Netherlands and South Holland province.

6. Diplomatic Heart of Europe

同义词:International Diplomatic Center, Diplomatic Hub

例句:Due to its role in hosting many international organizations and embassies, The Hague is sometimes referred to as the Diplomatic Heart of Europe.

7. Orange-Nassau City

同义词:Royal House City, House Orange-Nassau Residence

例句:The city has a strong connection with Dutch monarchy and is often called Orange-Nassau City after one of its most famous royal families.

8. Binnenhof Complex

同义词:Inner Court Complex, Government Palace

例句: The Binnenhof Complex in The Hague is home to important government buildings such as the Dutch parliament and prime minister's office.

9. City of Peace and Justice

同义词:Peaceful City, Just City

例句:The Hague's motto is "Vrede en Recht" which translates to "Peace and Justice", reflecting the city's commitment to promoting peace and resolving international disputes.

10. North Sea City

同义词:Coastal City, Seaside Town

例句:Located on the North Sea coast, The Hague is often called the North Sea City due to its proximity to the sea and its beaches

