
生活学习2024-03-10 21:57:07自考教育网



1. hale的拼音是[hel]

2. hale是一个英语单词,读作[hel],意为“健壮的、强壮的”。


3. 在英语中,hale可以作为形容词使用,用来形容一个人身体健康、强壮。

4. 例如:He is a hale and hearty man.(他是个健壮的男人。)

5. 同时,hale也可以作为动词使用,意为“强迫、强求”。

6. 例如:The boss haled him into his office for a meeting.(老板把他拖进办公室开会。)

7. 在英式英语中,hale还有另外一个意思,即“拖着走”,但在美式英语中并不常用。

8. 总的来说,hale这个词通常用来形容人的身体健康状况或者表示某种行为。

9. 此外,在姓名中也可以看到hale这个词,比如著名演员Michael Caine的真名就是Maurice Joseph Micklewhite Jr., CBE(CBE指Commander of the Order of the British Empire),Caine是他母亲的姓氏Helen Mary Caine的变体。因此,有时候我们也可以将hale理解为“姓氏”的意思。

10. 总而言之,无论从哪个角度来看,hale都是一个与健康、强壮相关的词汇,可以用来形容人的身体状况或者表示某种行为


1. hale的发音和词性


2. hale的基本含义


3. hale的同义词和反义词

(1) 同义词:healthy, robust, strong, vigorous

(2) 反义词:frail, weak, feeble

4. hale的用法示例

(1) He is still hale and hearty at the age of 80.


(2) The old house may look small, but it is quite hale and sturdy.


5. hale在其他语言中的翻译

(1) 法语:robuste (强壮的)

(2) 德语:gesund (健康的)

(3) 西班牙语:saludable (健康的)

6. 相关短语和搭配

(1) hail and hearty: 健壮、精力充沛

例句:After a good night's sleep, he woke up feeling hail and hearty.


(2) hale and hearty: 健康、强壮

例句:The old man is still hale and hearty despite his age.


(3) hale from: 来自、出生于

例句:She hales from a small town in the countryside.


7. 相关词汇

(1) hail: 冰雹

(2) hailstone: 冰雹粒子

(3) hailstorm: 冰雹暴风雨


1. Hale是一个形容词,意为健壮的,强壮的。它来自于古英语“hal”或“heal”,意为健康、完整。


- He is a hale and hearty old man, still able to do all his farm work at the age of 80. (他是一个健壮的老人,80岁了还能自己干农活。)

- The hale and healthy lifestyle of the islanders is what makes them live longer. (岛上居民健康的生活方式让他们能够活得更久。)

2. Hale也可以用作动词,意为强迫、迫使。这个用法来自于古英语“hālian”,意为呼喊、召唤。


- The boss haled his employees into the meeting room for an urgent discussion. (老板把员工们招集到会议室进行紧急讨论。)

- The teacher haled the students to focus on their studies and not get distracted by social media. (老师要求学生们专心学习,不要被社交媒体分心。)

3. Hale也可以用作名词,意为呼喊、召唤的声音。这个用法来自于古英语“hāl”,意为呼喊、大声说话。


- We could hear the hale of the coach from across the field, urging his team to push harder. (我们能从球场的另一边听到教练的呼喊声,激励着他的队伍更加努力。)

- The hale of the street vendors selling their goods filled the air. (街头小贩们卖货的呼喊声充斥着空气。)

4. Hale也可以用作形容词,意为健康的、有活力的。这个用法来自于古英语“hāl”,意为健康、完整。


- After a week of rest, he was looking hale and rested again. (经过一周的休息,他看起来又健康有精神了。)

- The fresh air and peaceful environment made her feel hale and rejuvenated. (新鲜的空气和宁静的环境让她感到身心健康和焕发活力。)

5. Hale也可以用作副词,意为强迫地、无情地。这个用法来自于古英语“hāl”,意为强迫、迫使。


- The company is hale expanding its business, regardless of the current economic situation. (公司正在无情地扩大业务,不顾当前的经济形势。)

- She was hale trying to convince her parents to let her study abroad. (她一直在强迫父母同意让她出国留学。)


1. "Fit as a fiddle" - 形容某人非常健康,精力充沛,和hale有相似的意思。

2. "Hale and hearty" - 形容某人身体强壮,健康状况良好,与hale的含义相同。

3. "Full of hale" - 形容某人充满活力,精神饱满,与hale的意思相近。

4. "Hale and robust" - 形容某人强壮健康,有活力和精力充沛,与hale的含义类似。

5. "In the pink of hale" - 形容某人处于最佳健康状态,非常健壮和有活力。

6. "Hale and hearty lifestyle" - 指一种健康、积极、充满活力的生活方式,与hale的含义相关。

7. "Hale and hearty diet" - 指一种健康、均衡的饮食习惯,有助于保持身体强壮和健康。

8. "A hale body, a hale mind" - 强调身体健康对于心理健康的重要性,与hale的意思相关


1. Strong - hale is often used to describe someone who is physically strong and healthy, so it can be replaced with "strong" in certain contexts.

2. Robust - this word has a similar meaning to hale, as it also refers to someone who is strong and healthy.

3. Vigorous - another synonym for hale, this word emphasizes the physical strength and energy of a person.

4. Hardy - this word can be used to describe someone who is tough and resilient, just like someone who is hale.

5. Sturdy - similar to robust, this word refers to someone who is strong and sturdy in build.

6. Hale and hearty - this phrase means the same thing as hale, but adds a touch of humor or playfulness to the description.

7. Fit as a fiddle - another playful phrase that can be used instead of hale, implying that someone is in excellent physical condition.

8. In good shape - this phrase can also be used interchangeably with hale, indicating that someone is in good physical health.

9. Hard as nails - while not an exact synonym for hale, this phrase can be used to describe someone who is tough and strong like a hale person.

10. Healthy as a horse - another playful way of saying hale, emphasizing the idea of being physically fit and strong like a horse

