
生活学习2024-03-10 21:59:32自考教育网



The pronunciation of halftime


1. “halftime”的意思


2. “halftime”的发音


3. “halftime”的同义词


4. “halftime”的例句

Is halftime an idiom?

1. 简介


2. Halftime的意思


3. Halftime怎么读?

在英语中,“halftime”读作[hæfˈtaɪm],其中重音在第一个音节上。你也可以参考电影《哈利·波特》中魔法棒店老板奥利凡德说的话:“I'm sorry, dear, but I cannot sell you a wand today. It is Saturday, the day of rest and relaxation.” 其中Saturday和relaxation都有类似于halftime的发音。

4. Halftime同义词及例句

除了“halftime”,还有一些同义词可以用来表示比赛或活动中的中场休息时间,如:“intermission”、“break”、“rest period”。例如:

- The players took a 15-minute intermission during the game.

- Let's take a break and have some snacks during halftime.

- After a long first half, the players enjoyed a rest period before continuing the game.

5. Is halftime an idiom?


6. 总结


- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/halftime

- https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/halftime

- https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/half-time

- https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/intermission

Usage and examples of halftime

1. Definition of halftime

Halftime is a term commonly used in sports, particularly in football or soccer. It refers to the period of time between the first and second halves of a game, when players take a break to rest and strategize with their coaches.

2. How to pronounce halftime

The word "halftime" is pronounced as "haf-tahym" with the emphasis on the first syllable, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

3. Synonyms for halftime

There are several synonyms that can be used interchangeably with halftime, such as intermission, break, recess, or interval. These words all refer to a temporary pause or interruption in an event or activity.

4. Examples of using halftime in a sentence

- The team was losing 2-0 at halftime, but they managed to come back and win the game in the second half.

- During halftime, the coach gave a motivational speech to boost the team's morale.

- The audience took advantage of the halftime break to grab some snacks and use the restroom.

- The band performed at halftime during the Super Bowl.

- The referee added two minutes of stoppage time at halftime due to an injury on the field.

5. Halftime entertainment

In addition to taking a break from playing, halftime is also known for its entertaining performances. In American football games, it is common for marching bands or cheerleaders to perform during this break. In soccer games, there may be music performances or other forms of entertainment.

6. Other uses of halftime

While it is most commonly associated with sports, "halftime" can also be used in other contexts where there is a pause or break in an activity. For example:

- In business meetings: "Let's take a quick halftime and discuss our progress so far."

- In concerts: "The band will take a short halftime before coming back on stage for the encore."

- In theatrical performances: "The actors will use the halftime to change costumes and prepare for the next act."

7. Conclusion

In summary, halftime is a term used to describe the break between the first and second halves of a game, where players rest and strategize. It can also refer to a temporary pause or interruption in other activities. Knowing how to use this term correctly will help you better understand sports events and other situations where it may be used

Antonyms and synonyms of halftime

1. Antonyms of halftime

- Full-time: This refers to the end of a game or event, when the entire duration has been completed. It is the opposite of halftime, which is the midpoint of the game.

- Overtime: This refers to an additional period of play that is added when a game ends in a tie. It is also the opposite of halftime, as it extends the length of the game rather than dividing it in half.

- Intermission: This term can be used interchangeably with halftime, but it typically refers to a break or pause in between two parts or acts of a performance.

2. Synonyms of halftime

- Interlude: This term can be used to describe a short break or interval in between two longer periods. It can also refer to a short performance that comes in between two longer acts.

- Midpoint: This term specifically refers to the middle point or stage of something. In sports, it can be used as a synonym for halftime.

- Halftime show: This term specifically refers to the entertainment or performance that takes place during halftime at sporting events.

3. Example sentences

- The team was losing at halftime, but they managed to make a comeback and win the game.

- The players were exhausted by halftime and needed some time to rest and regroup before continuing with the second half.

- The intermission between acts one and two allowed for a quick bathroom break and refreshments before returning to our seats for more entertainment.

- The orchestra played an interlude while the stage crew prepared for act three.

- At the midpoint of her career, she decided to take a break and pursue other interests before returning to her passion for music.

- The Super Bowl always has an impressive halftime show featuring popular artists and extravagant performances

Explanation of halftime

1. Halftime的意思


2. Halftime的发音


3. Halftime的同义词


4. Halftime的例句


- The players took a break during halftime to rest and regroup.


- The halftime show featured a performance by a famous singer.



- The audience enjoyed the halftime show, which included dancers and acrobats.


- The band played their biggest hits during the halftime performance.



