
生活学习2024-03-10 22:02:20自考教育网







与halfway同义的词汇还有midway、in the middle、at the halfway point等。例如,“我们已经走过了一半的路程”可以说成“We are halfway there”或者“We are at the halfway point”。


1. I was halfway through my presentation when the power went out.


2. The restaurant is located halfway between my office and my house.


3. We are only halfway through the year, but I feel like I've accomplished a lot.



1. 半路

- [hæfweɪ] (美式英语)

- [hɑːfweɪ] (英式英语)

2. 半途

- [hæfweɪ] (美式英语)

- [hɑːfweɪ] (英式英语)

3. 半程

- [hæfweɪ] (美式英语)

- [hɑːfweɪ] (英式英语)

4. 中途

- [mɪdweɪ] (美式英语)

- [mɪdweɪ] (英式英语)

5. 一半的路程

- [wʌn hæf weɪ əv ðə rəʊd] (美式英语)

- [wʌn hæf weɪ əv ðə rəʊd] (英式英语)

6. 中间地带

- [mɪdlændz] (美式英语)

- [mɪdlændz] (英式英语)

7. 中间点

- [mɪdl pəʊnt] (美式英语)

- [mɪdl pəʊnt] (英式英语)

8. 中点

- [sentr pəʊnt] (美式英语)

- [sentr pəʊnt] ( 英式 英文 )

9. 中央地带

-[sentr zon ]( 美国 英文 )

-[sentr zon ]( 英国 英文 )

10. 中心地带

- [sentr zon ]( 美国 英文 )

- [sentr zon ]( 英国 英文 )


1. We are only halfway through the project, we still have a lot of work to do.


2. He stopped halfway and turned back to get his forgotten keys.


3. The marathon runners reached the halfway point and then turned around to finish the race.


4. The restaurant is located halfway between the city and the countryside.


5. They met at a halfway point between their houses to exchange books.



1. halfway是指“中途”的意思,通常用来表示某事物或行为进行到一半的状态。

例句:We are only halfway through the project, we still have a lot of work to do. (我们只完成了项目的一半,还有很多工作要做。)

2. halfway也可以用作副词,表示“在中间”或“在一半的位置”。

例句:The town is located halfway between the two cities. (这个城镇位于两个城市的中间位置。)

3. 同义词包括:midway,in the middle,partway等。

4. 除了表示物理位置上的“中途”,halfway还可以用来表示情感上的折中或妥协。

例句:We had to come to a halfway agreement in order to resolve our differences. (为了解决分歧,我们不得不达成一个折衷的协议。)

5. 在口语中,halfway也可以用来表示“差不多”或“快要做完”的意思。

例句:I'm almost halfway through this book, it's really interesting. (我差不多读完这本书了,它真的很有趣。)


1. Midway

Midway是halfway的同义词,指的是在某个过程或距离中间的位置。例如:“We stopped at a gas station midway through our road trip.”(我们在旅途中途停在了一个加油站。)

2. Intermediate

Intermediate也可以表示为halfway的同义词,意为“位于两者之间的”、“中间的”。例如:“The intermediate level of the language course is perfect for those who have some basic knowledge.”(这门语言课程的中级水平非常适合那些有一些基础知识的人。)

3. Half-done

Half-done是halfway的同义词,指未完成或未达到最终状态。例如:“The project is only halfway done, we still have a lot of work to do.”(这个项目只完成了一半,我们还有很多工作要做。)

4. In-between

In-between也可以表示为halfway的同义词,意为“介于两者之间”。例如:“I'm in-between jobs right now, so I have some free time to travel.”(我现在正处于两份工作之间,所以有一些空闲时间可以旅行。)

5. Equidistant

Equidistant是halfway的同义词,指等距离地位于两者之间。例如:“The hotel is equidistant from the airport and the city center.”(这家酒店距离机场和市中心等距离。)

6. Centerpoint

Centerpoint也可以表示为halfway的同义词,意为“中心点”、“中间位置”。例如:“The park is the centerpoint of the city, with easy access to all major attractions.”(这个公园是这座城市的中心点,可以方便地前往所有主要景点。)

7. Median

Median也可以表示为halfway的同义词,指位于两者中间的数值。例如:“The median income in this city is higher than the national average.”(这个城市的中位数收入高于全国平均水平。)

8. Interim

Interim是halfway的同义词,指暂时或临时的状态。例如:“We have appointed an interim manager until we find a permanent replacement.”(我们已经任命了一位临时经理,直到我们找到一个永久性替代者为止。)

9. Halfway point

Halfway point是halfway的同义词,指距离起始点或终点一半的位置。例如:“We reached the halfway point of our hike and decided to take a break.”(我们到达了徒步旅行的一半路程,并决定休息一下。)

10. Midpoint

Midpoint也可以表示为halfway的同义词,意为“中间点”、“中央位置”。例如:“The midpoint of the bridge offers a stunning view of the river.”(桥上的中心位置可以欣赏到令人惊叹的河景。)


1. halfway there: 已经完成一半的进程,表示已经取得了一定的成就或进展。

例句:We're halfway there with our project, we just need to finalize a few details.

2. meet halfway: 妥协,折中,双方都做出让步。

例句:We couldn't agree on the budget, so we decided to meet halfway and compromise.

3. halfway point: 中间点,指距离起点和终点相等的位置。

例句:We stopped for a break at the halfway point of our hike.

4. halfway house: 半路房子,指帮助犯人重新融入社会的机构。

例句:After serving his sentence, he stayed at a halfway house before returning to society.

5. halfway decent: 还算不错的,还可以接受的。

例句:The food at the restaurant was only halfway decent, but the service was terrible.

6. go halfway: 做出让步,妥协。

例句:If you want to reach an agreement, you'll have to go halfway and compromise.

7. be at a loss for words/halfway: 无言以对,在某种程度上感到困惑或无法理解。

例句:I was at a loss for words when she told me she was leaving me.

8. be caught/halfway between two stools: 束手无策,在两种选择之间无法做出决定。

例句:He was caught between two stools when he had to choose between his job and his family.

9. halfway mark: 中途,指进程或时间的一半。

例句:We've reached the halfway mark of the year, time flies!

10. halfway through: 在某事物的中间阶段,表示已经进行了一半。

例句:We're only halfway through the project, we still have a lot of work to do.

11. go/halfway around the world: 绕地球一圈,表示非常远的距离。

例句:I would go halfway around the world for you.

12. meet/halfway up/down: 在中间见面,指在某个位置相遇。

例句:Let's meet halfway up the mountain, it's a good spot for a picnic.

13. be at/halfway to (doing) something: 差一点就要做某事。

例句:I was at halfway to giving up, but then I found my motivation again.

14. be/halfway between two things: 介于两者之间,在两种选择或状态之间。

例句:I'm halfway between happy and sad about moving to a new city.

15. be/halfway across/through/over something: 进行到一半,在某事物的中途。

例句:We were only halfway across the bridge when it started to rain heavily

