
生活学习2024-03-10 22:27:21自考教育网





1. 名词用法

作为名词时,hall指的是一个大型空间,通常用于集会、舞会、演出等活动。比如,“The concert will be held in the town hall.”(这场音乐会将在市政厅举行。)另外,hall还可以指学校或大学的大厅,例如“Let's meet in the school hall after class.”(下课后我们在学校的大厅见面吧。)

2. 动词用法

作为动词时,hall表示把某人或某物送到特定的地方去。例如,“Can you help me hall these boxes to the storage room?”(你能帮我把这些箱子搬到储藏室吗?)此外,hall也可以表示把某人送到特定的位置上去。比如,“I'll hall you to the airport tomorrow.”(明天我会把你送到机场。)

3. 同义词及例句


- Lobby:指酒店、剧院等场所的大厅。

例句:“We'll meet in the hotel lobby at 7pm.”(我们7点在酒店大厅见面。)

- Foyer:指戏院、礼堂等的前厅。

例句:“The guests are waiting in the foyer for the performance to begin.”(观众们正在前厅等待演出开始。)

- Atrium:指室内中央的大型空间,通常有天窗。

例句:“The shopping mall has a beautiful atrium with natural light.”(这家购物中心有一个带自然光的漂亮中庭。)


1. “hall”是一个英语单词,读作[hɔːl]。

2. 在英语中,“hall”有多种含义,可以指“大厅、礼堂、门厅”等。例如,“We gathered in the hall for the meeting.”(我们在大厅开会。)

3. “hall”的同义词包括:lobby, entrance, foyer等。

4. 下面是一些关于“hall”的例句:

- The students were waiting in the school hall for the assembly to begin.


- The hotel lobby was filled with people checking in and out.


- The entrance to the museum was decorated with beautiful pillars.



1. hall是指大厅、礼堂或走廊的意思,通常用来指室内的公共空间。

例句:The wedding reception was held in the grand hall of the hotel.


2. 在英式英语中,hall也可以指学生宿舍楼或者学院建筑。

例句:I live in the hall of residence on campus.


3. hall也可以作为一个姓氏,在英语中有时会被用作人名。

例句:Mr. Hall is our new history teacher.


4. 同义词:lobby, foyer, entranceway

例句:We waited for our friends in the lobby of the theater.


5. 除了作为名词使用外,hall也可以用作动词,意为“高声喊出”或“欢呼”。

例句:The crowd hailed and cheered as their team won the championship.



1. Hall of Fame:名人堂,指荣誉殿堂或名人纪念馆。

例句:He was inducted into the Hall of Fame for his achievements in the music industry.(他因在音乐界的成就被列入了名人堂。)

2. Concert hall:音乐厅,指用于举办音乐会的大型场馆。

例句:The concert hall was filled with enthusiastic fans waiting for their favorite band to perform.(音乐厅里挤满了热情的粉丝,等待着他们最喜欢的乐队表演。)

3. Town hall:市政厅,指市政府机关所在地或举行公民集会的场所。

例句:The town hall was packed with angry citizens protesting against the new tax policy.(市政厅挤满了愤怒的市民,抗议新的税收政策。)

4. Dance hall:舞厅,指用于跳舞和社交活动的场所。

例句:The dance hall was filled with lively music and people dancing the night away.(舞厅里充斥着欢快的音乐和跳舞至深夜的人群。)

5. Lecture hall:讲堂,指用于举办讲座和学术活动的大型教室。

例句:The lecture hall was packed with students eager to hear from the renowned professor.(讲堂里挤满了渴望听到著名教授讲课的学生。)

6. Banquet hall:宴会厅,指用于举办宴会和庆典的场所。

例句:The newlyweds celebrated their marriage in the grand banquet hall of a luxurious hotel.(新婚夫妇在豪华酒店的宏伟宴会厅庆祝他们的婚礼。)

7. Entrance hall:入口大厅,指建筑物或公共场所的入口处。

例句:The entrance hall of the museum was filled with beautiful artworks and sculptures.(博物馆的入口大厅摆满了精美的艺术品和雕塑。)


1. Auditorium - The hall was filled with people waiting for the concert to begin.

2. Ballroom - The grand ballroom was decorated with sparkling lights and elegant chandeliers.

3. Conference room - The meeting was held in a spacious conference hall with a large screen for presentations.

4. Gymnasium - The school hall was transformed into a gymnasium for the sports festival.

5. Theater - The theater hall was packed with excited fans waiting to see their favorite actors on stage.

6. Banquet hall - The wedding reception was held in a beautiful banquet hall with stunning views of the city.

7. Lecture hall - The professor gave his lecture in a large lecture hall filled with students.

8. Assembly room - The students gathered in the school assembly hall for an important announcement.

9. Exhibition hall - The art exhibition was held in a spacious exhibition hall, showcasing various paintings and sculptures.

10. Reception room - The guests were welcomed into the reception hall with drinks and appetizers before the dinner party began

