
生活学习2024-03-10 22:32:02自考教育网




1. 定义:halogen是一种化学元素,包括氟、氯、溴、碘和石蜡。它们在化学反应中具有强大的活性,常用于制造药品、杀虫剂和消毒剂等。

2. 怎么读:halogen的发音为[hælədʒən],重音在第二个音节。

3. 同义词:halogen的同义词包括卤素和卤族元素。

4. 例句:氯是一种常见的halogen,它可以用来消毒水源。溴也属于halogen家族,它常被用作防火材料


1. “halogen”的发音是[ˈhælədʒən],重音在第二个音节上。

2. “halogen”一词源自希腊语的“hals”(盐)和“gen”(产生),意为“产生盐的物质”。

3. 同义词包括:halide、salt-former、halogen element等。

4. 例句:“Fluorine is the most reactive halogen.”(氟是最活泼的卤素。)

5. 你可能会听到人们将其读作[ˈheɪloʊdʒən],这是因为在英式英语中,“a”和“o”的发音有时会混淆。但在美式英语中,它们的发音是不同的


1. Halogen是什么意思?


2. Halogen怎么读?


3. Halogen同义词有哪些?


4. Halogen的双语例句

- The halogens include fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine.


- The halogens are highly reactive and can form compounds with almost all other elements.


- Sodium chloride is a halide compound formed by the reaction between sodium and chlorine.


- The halogenic properties of these elements make them useful in many industrial processes.


- The halogens are important for human health, but can also be harmful in high concentrations.



1. Halogen lamp - 卤素灯,一种使用卤素元素作为填充物的灯泡,具有高亮度和高色温的特点。

例句:The halogen lamp provides a brighter and whiter light than traditional incandescent bulbs.

2. Halogenated compounds - 卤代化合物,指含有卤素原子的有机或无机化合物。

例句:Chlorofluorocarbons are halogenated compounds that have been linked to ozone depletion.

3. Halogen gas - 卤素气体,指氟、氯、溴、碘等元素在常温下呈气态的状态。

例句:The halogen gas was released into the chamber to create a reaction with the metal.

4. Halogenated hydrocarbons - 卤代烃,指含有卤素原子和碳氢键的有机化合物。

例句:Chlorinated hydrocarbons are commonly used as solvents in industrial processes.

5. Halogen cycle - 卤素循环,指卤素在自然界中不断循环的过程。

例句:The halogen cycle plays an important role in regulating the levels of these elements in the environment.

6. Halogenated flame retardants - 卤代阻燃剂,一种用于减缓火焰蔓延速度的化学物质。

例句:Many household products, such as furniture and electronics, contain halogenated flame retardants for safety purposes.

7. Halogen bond - 卤键,一种非共价键,由卤素原子与其他原子之间的相互作用力所形成。

例句:The strength of a halogen bond can vary depending on the type of halogen and the atom it is bonded to.

8. Halogen-free - 无卤素,指不含卤素元素的产品或材料。

例句:The company has switched to using halogen-free materials in their production process.

9. Halogen heater - 卤素加热器,一种使用卤素灯泡作为加热源的电器设备。

例句:A halogen heater is a popular choice for heating small spaces due to its energy efficiency.

10. Halogen oven - 卤素烤箱,一种使用卤素灯泡和强力风扇进行烹饪的厨房电器。

例句:A halogen oven can cook food faster and more evenly than a traditional oven


1. 卤素 (lú sù)

例句:The halogen group includes fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine.


2. 卤族元素 (lú zú yuán sù)

例句:Halogen elements are highly reactive and can form compounds with most other elements.


3. 卤化物 (lú huà wù)

例句:Sodium chloride is a common halide compound found in table salt.


4. 卤酸 (lú suān)

例句:Hydrochloric acid is a strong halogen acid used in many industrial processes.


5. 卤素化合物 (lú sù huà hé wù)

例句:Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are halogenated organic compounds that were commonly used as refrigerants before being banned due to their negative impact on the ozone layer.


6. 卤代烃 (lú dài hàn)

例句:Chloromethane is a halogenated hydrocarbon used as a solvent in various industrial processes.


7. 卤素灯 (lú sù dēng)

例句:Halogen lamps are a type of incandescent lamp that use a halogen gas to increase the lifespan and efficiency of the bulb.


8. 卤素化物 (lú sù huà wù)

例句:Fluorinated compounds, such as Teflon, are commonly used in non-stick cookware due to their non-reactive nature.


9. 卤素酸盐 (lú sù suān yán)

例句:Potassium iodide is a halide salt used in medicine to treat thyroid disorders.


10. 卤素族 (lú sù zú)

例句:The halogen group is located in the 17th column of the periodic table and includes elements with similar properties due to their shared outer electron configuration.


