
生活学习2024-03-10 22:35:01自考教育网

标题:探秘halt的意思,读音及用法 内容: 1.halt是什么意思? 2.halt的正确读音是什么? 3.halt的用法和双语例句 4.halt的常用词组 5.halt同义词示例 导语:你是否曾经听说过halt这个词?它是一个英文单词,但它的意思却可能让你感到困惑。那么,halt究竟有着怎样的含义?它又应该如何正确地发音?除此之外,halt还有哪些常见的用法和相关词组?别着急,让我们一起来探索一下吧!接下来,我将为你揭开halt的神秘面纱,并带你了解它在不同语境中的使用方式。同时,还会为你提供halt的同义词示例,让你更加深入地理解这个单词。那么,请跟着我一起来探秘吧!


1. 什么是halt?



2. halt怎么读?


3. halt同义词及例句

(1) 同义词:stop, pause, cease, end

例句:The train came to a halt at the station. (火车在车站停下来了。)


(2) 同义词:block, obstruct, hinder, impede

例句:The fallen tree halted traffic on the road. (倒下的树阻碍了道路上的交通。)

(3) 同义词:break, interrupt, suspend, discontinue

例句:The meeting was halted due to technical difficulties. (由于技术问题,会议被中断了。)

(4) 同义词:rest, break, pause, stop

例句:The hikers took a halt to rest and have some water. (徒步旅行者停下来休息,喝点水。)




接下来,我们来看一些关于"halt"的例句。比如:"The train came to a halt at the station."(火车在车站停了下来。) "The driver halted the car abruptly."(司机突然停下了车。) "The negotiations have come to a halt."(谈判已经暂停了。)

除了以上意思外,"halt"还可以作为动词和名词使用,并且有许多同义词可以替换它。比如:stop, pause, cease, standstill等等


1. halt的意思是停止或中止,通常用作动词。例如:The train halted at the station. (火车在车站停下来了。)

2. halt的同义词包括stop、cease、end等,可以根据具体语境选择使用。

3. 以下是halt在双语例句中的用法:

- The teacher halted the class and reminded them to finish their homework. (老师让班级停下来,并提醒他们要完成作业。)

- The company's production was halted due to a shortage of raw materials. (由于原材料短缺,公司的生产被迫中止。)

- The protesters refused to halt their demonstration until their demands were met. (抗议者拒绝停止示威,直到他们的要求得到满足。)

- The runner halted at the finish line, gasping for breath. (跑者在终点线处停下来,喘着气。)


1. Come to a halt: 停止,结束

例句:The car came to a halt at the red light.

2. Grind to a halt: 停止运转,停顿

例句:The factory's production line ground to a halt due to a power outage.

3. Halt and catch fire: 突然爆发,突然加速

例句:The stock market seemed to halt and catch fire after the unexpected news was announced.

4. Put on hold: 暂停,搁置

例句:The project has been put on hold until we receive further funding.

5. Bring to a standstill: 使停滞,使陷入僵局

例句:The heavy snow brought traffic to a standstill.

6. Call a halt: 停止,中断

例句:The coach called a halt to the practice session due to bad weather.

7. Pull up short: 突然停下来,突然中断

例句:He pulled up short when he saw the stop sign ahead.

8. Halt in its tracks: 立即停止,立即中断

例句:The sudden loud noise caused the animal to halt in its tracks and run away.

9. Cease and desist: 停止,中断(正式用语)

例句:The company received a cease and desist order from the government due to their illegal activities.

10. Freeze in place: 完全不动,一动不动(通常用于形容恐惧时的反应)

例句:She froze in place when she saw the spider crawling towards her


1. Stop - 停止

例句:The car came to a sudden halt when the driver slammed on the brakes.(当司机猛踩刹车时,汽车突然停了下来。)

2. Cease - 停止

例句:The construction work was halted due to bad weather conditions.(由于恶劣的天气状况,建筑工作被迫停止。)

3. Pause - 暂停

例句:He paused for a moment before continuing with his speech.(他在讲话之前暂停了一会儿。)

4. Hesitate - 犹豫

例句:She hesitated before accepting the job offer.(在接受工作邀请之前,她犹豫了一下。)

5. Break - 中断

例句:The meeting was abruptly broken off when a fire alarm went off.(当火警响起时,会议被突然中断了。)

6. Standstill - 停顿

例句:The traffic came to a standstill as a result of the accident on the highway.(由于高速公路上发生事故,交通陷入了停顿。)

7. Freeze - 冻结

例句:The company's assets were frozen by the government during the investigation period.(公司的资产在调查期间被政府冻结了。)

