
生活学习2024-03-11 05:17:56自考教育网


What does headfirst mean?










- He fell headfirst down the stairs and injured his head.


- She jumped headfirst into the pool, not caring about the cold water.


- The company decided to go headfirst into the new market, despite the risks.



How to pronounce headfirst?

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- headfirst是一个复合词,由head和first两个单词组成。head意为“头”,first意为“第一”。

- 它可以被用作名词,“take a headfirst plunge”意为“冒险尝试”,“dive in headfirst”意为“全力投入”。

- 也可以被用作形容词,“a headfirst approach”意为“采取大胆的方式”,“a headfirst dive”意为“头部先着地”的跳水动作。

- 还可以被用作副词,“fall headfirst into something”意为“不假思索地投入某事”,“jumped headfirst into the pool”意为“头部先跳入游泳池”。

4. 同义词及例句

headfirst的同义词包括:face-first, headlong, precipitately等。下面是一些使用这些同义词的例句:

- He jumped headfirst into the project without considering the risks.

- She fell face-first onto the ground after tripping on a rock.

- The team is moving headlong towards their goal.

- He acted precipitately and made a decision without thinking it through.

5. 如何正确发音?


- 将头部向前倾斜,让头部先着地。

- 重复单词“headfirst”,注意发音时的口型和舌位。

- 尝试使用它在不同的句子中,加深对其含义和正确发音的理解。


Usage and examples of headfirst.

1. What does headfirst mean?

Headfirst is an adverb that means to go or dive with the head leading the way, often used metaphorically to describe a bold or impulsive action.

2. How do you pronounce headfirst?

The correct pronunciation for headfirst is "hed-furst".

3. Synonyms for headfirst

Other words or phrases that can be used instead of headfirst include: diving in, plunging, recklessly, rashly, impulsively.

4. Examples of using headfirst

- She jumped into the pool headfirst without checking the depth first.

- He decided to quit his job and start his own business, diving in headfirst without any plan.

- They rushed into marriage headfirst without really getting to know each other.

- The company took a headfirst approach to launching their new product, resulting in a lot of mistakes and setbacks

Phrases with headfirst.

1. What does headfirst mean?

Headfirst refers to doing something with great enthusiasm or without hesitation. It can also mean diving into something, both literally and figuratively.

2. How do you pronounce headfirst?

The word "headfirst" is pronounced as "hed-furst."

3. Synonyms for headfirst

Some synonyms for headfirst include wholeheartedly, enthusiastically, and eagerly.

4. Example sentences

- She jumped headfirst into the project, determined to make it a success.

- He was so excited about the new job opportunity that he dove headfirst into the application process.

- The children ran headfirst towards the ocean, eager to feel the waves on their skin.

- The team went in headfirst, fully committed to winning the game.

5. Other phrases with headfirst

- Go headfirst: To start or engage in something with great enthusiasm.

- Head over heels: To be completely infatuated or deeply in love with someone or something.

- Headlong: To act recklessly or without thinking things through.

- Headstart: An advantage gained at the beginning of a competition or activity.

- Headway: Progress made towards a goal or objective

Synonyms of headfirst with examples.

1. Meaning of headfirst

- Definition: to go into a situation or activity without thinking about the possible consequences.

- Example: She jumped headfirst into the project without considering the risks involved.

2. How to pronounce headfirst

- Pronunciation: /ˈhɛdˌfərst/

- Example: He pronounced it as "head-first" instead of "head-first".

3. Synonyms of headfirst

- Alternatives: recklessly, impulsively, rashly, carelessly.

- Example: She dived recklessly into the pool without checking if it was deep enough.

4. Examples of using synonyms

a) Recklessly:

- She drove recklessly through the busy streets, narrowly avoiding an accident.

b) Impulsively:

- He impulsively bought a new car without considering his budget.

c) Rashly:

- They rashly decided to quit their jobs and travel around the world.

d) Carelessly:

- He carelessly threw his phone on the bed, not realizing it was on silent mode.

In conclusion, headfirst means to act without thinking and there are many synonyms that can be used to describe this behavior such as recklessly, impulsively, rashly, and carelessly. These words can add humor to your writing and make it more engaging for readers. So next time someone asks you what headfirst means, you can impress them with your knowledge of synonyms!

