
生活学习2024-03-11 06:20:39自考教育网


The pronunciation of "heartbeat"

Do you ever feel your heart beating faster when you see someone you like? Or maybe when you're about to do something exciting? That's your heartbeat, and it's a very important part of our body. But what exactly does "heartbeat" mean and how do we pronounce it?

1. What does "heartbeat" mean?


Simply put, a heartbeat is the sound of your heart pumping blood throughout your body. It is a vital sign that shows how well your heart is working. A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60-100 beats per minute.

2. How do we pronounce "heartbeat"?

The word "heartbeat" is pronounced as /ˈhɑːt.biːt/ (hart-beet). The stress falls on the first syllable, and the "ea" sound is pronounced like the word "art".

3. Synonyms for "heartbeat"

There are many other words that can be used to describe a heartbeat, such as pulse, rhythm, or throb. These words all refer to the same thing - the regular beat of your heart.

4. Example sentences

- I could feel my heartbeat quicken as I approached the finish line.

- The doctor listened to my heartbeat with a stethoscope.

- The sound of her baby's heartbeat was music to her ears.

- His heartbeat slowed down when he saw her smile at him.

Now that you know what "heartbeat" means and how to pronounce it, pay attention to your own heartbeat and appreciate its importance in keeping you alive and well. And remember, sometimes even our hearts can skip a beat for someone special!

What is the meaning of "heartbeat"?

1. 简介


2. 意义



3. 发音


4. 同义词


5. 例句

1) My heartbeat quickened as I saw him walking towards me.


2) The music had a strong and steady heartbeat that made everyone want to dance.


Usage and examples of "heartbeat"

1. Definition of "heartbeat"

The term "heartbeat" is commonly used to refer to the rhythmic pulsation of the heart, which is caused by the contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles. It is a vital sign that reflects the health and functioning of the cardiovascular system.

2. Pronunciation of "heartbeat"

The word "heartbeat" is pronounced as /ˈhɑːt.biːt/ in American English and /ˈhɑːt.biːt/ in British English. The emphasis is on the first syllable, with a long "a" sound.

3. Synonyms for "heartbeat"

- Pulse: This term refers to the rhythmic throbbing of arteries caused by the heartbeat.

- Cardiac cycle: It is a medical term that describes one complete heartbeat, including both contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles.

- Heart rate: This refers to the number of times the heart beats per minute.

- Throb: It can be used as a synonym for heartbeat in a figurative sense, such as "the throb of excitement."

4. Examples of usage

- The doctor listened to her patient's heartbeat with a stethoscope.

- She could feel her heartbeat quicken as she approached the finish line.

- The baby's heartbeat was strong and healthy during the ultrasound.

- He felt a sudden pain in his chest and noticed his heartbeat was irregular.

- The sound of her daughter's laughter was like music to her ears, it made her heart skip a beat.

5. Idiomatic expressions using "heartbeat"

- In a heartbeat: This phrase means extremely quickly or without hesitation, as in "I would do it again in a heartbeat."

- Heartbeat away from (something): This expression means very close or imminent, as in "The company is just one bad decision away from bankruptcy."

6. Conclusion

In summary, "heartbeat" refers to the rhythmic pulsation of the heart and is a vital sign that reflects the health of the cardiovascular system. It can be used as a noun or a verb and has various synonyms and idiomatic expressions. Its pronunciation is /ˈhɑːt.biːt/ in both American and British English

Phrases using "heartbeat"

1. "In a heartbeat" - This phrase means to do something very quickly or without hesitation. Example: "She would give up everything for him in a heartbeat."

2. "Heartbeat away" - This phrase means to be very close to something or someone, either physically or emotionally. Example: "My dream job is just a heartbeat away."

3. "Heartbeat of the city" - This phrase refers to the energy and pulse of a busy city, often used in a positive way. Example: "New York City is known as the heartbeat of the world."

4. "My heart skipped a beat" - This phrase is used when someone experiences a sudden strong emotion, usually fear or excitement. Example: "When I saw him walking towards me, my heart skipped a beat."

5. "Follow your heart's desire" - This phrase means to pursue what you truly want or feel passionate about. Example: "Don't let anyone hold you back from following your heart's desire."

6. "Heartbeat monitor" - This phrase refers to a medical device that measures and displays the rhythm of one's heartbeat, often used in hospitals or during medical procedures.

7. "With every beat of my heart" - This phrase is often used in romantic contexts and expresses strong feelings of love and devotion towards someone. Example: "I will love you with every beat of my heart."

8. "Heartbeat song" - This phrase refers to a song that has a strong and steady rhythm, often used for dancing or exercising.

9. "A matter of the heart" - This phrase refers to something that involves emotions and feelings rather than logic or reason. Example: "Choosing between two job offers was not just about salary, it was also a matter of the heart."

10. "Listen to your heartbeat" - This phrase can be interpreted both literally and figuratively, encouraging someone to pay attention to their physical well-being or their inner desires and passions.

11. "Heartbeat of the team" - This phrase refers to a key player or member who is essential for the success and functioning of a team. Example: "She is the heartbeat of our team, we couldn't do it without her."

12. "My heart goes out to you" - This phrase expresses sympathy and compassion towards someone who is going through a difficult time. Example: "I'm so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you."

13. "Heartbeat city" - This phrase refers to a busy and bustling urban area, often used in a negative way to describe overcrowding and chaos.

14. "Follow the beat of your own heart" - This phrase encourages someone to be true to themselves and not be influenced by others. Example: "Don't worry about what others think, just follow the beat of your own heart."

15. "Heartbeat pattern" - This phrase refers to the regular rhythm of one's heartbeat, often used in medical contexts.

16. "A heartbeat decision" - This phrase refers to a quick and spontaneous decision made without much thought or consideration. Example: "I made a heartbeat decision and booked a trip to Europe without planning anything beforehand."

17. "Heartbeat country" - This phrase refers to a place that holds great sentimental value or holds special memories for someone.

18. "With bated breath and racing heartbeats" - This phrase is often used in suspenseful situations where someone is anxiously waiting for something to happen.

19. "Heartbeat symbol" - This phrase refers to the graphical representation of a heartbeat, often seen as two peaks connected by a line on medical equipment or as an emoji on social media.

20. "My heart's beating faster than ever before" - This phrase is used when someone is experiencing intense emotions such as love, fear, or excitement. Example: "When I saw the surprise he had planned for me, my heart's beating faster than ever before."

Synonyms and examples of "heartbeat"

1. Synonyms for "heartbeat":

- Pulse

- Throb

- Pulsation

- Rhythm

- Beat

2. Examples of using "heartbeat" in a sentence:

- I could feel my heartbeat racing as I waited for the exam results.

- The sound of her heartbeat was the only thing keeping me sane during the storm.

- His heartbeat slowed down as he entered a state of deep relaxation.

3. Alternative ways to say "heartbeat":

- Heart rate: This refers to the number of times your heart beats per minute.

- Cardiac rhythm: This describes the pattern of your heartbeat.

- Palpitations: This term is used to describe an irregular or rapid heartbeat.

4. Sample sentences using synonyms for "heartbeat":

- My heart rate increased when I saw him walking towards me.

- The doctor checked my cardiac rhythm and said everything looked normal.

- I started experiencing palpitations after drinking too much coffee.

5. Other expressions related to "heartbeat":

- With bated breath: This phrase is often used to describe a state of anticipation or nervousness, as if one's breath has stopped due to a strong emotion.

Example: We waited with bated breath for the final results to be announced.

- Racing heart: This phrase is used to describe a very fast or intense heartbeat, often due to excitement or fear.

Example: Her racing heart gave away her nervousness before the big presentation.

Overall, "heartbeat" can be used in various contexts and has many synonyms and related expressions that can add depth and variety to your writing

