
生活学习2024-03-11 06:21:16自考教育网



1. heartbeat的拼音是“hāt bēt”。

2. “heartbeat”一词由两部分组成,第一部分“heart”意为“心脏”,第二部分“beat”意为“跳动”。因此,“heartbeat”的字面意思就是“心脏跳动”。


3. 在医学领域,heartbeat也可以指代心脏跳动的节律和频率。它通常用来衡量一个人的健康状况,正常的heartbeat范围为每分钟60-100次。

4. 在日常生活中,我们也可以用heartbeat来形容强烈的感情或激动的情绪。比如,“我的心跳加速了”,就是指某件事让我感到非常兴奋或紧张。

5. 此外,在音乐领域,heartbeat也可以指代节奏或节拍。例如,“这首歌的heartbeat非常欢快”,就是说这首歌曲有着快速而明快的节奏。

6. 在计算机科学中,heartbeat还有另外一个含义。它可以指代一种用于监测系统运行状态的软件工具,它会定期发送信号来确认系统是否正常运行。

7. 总结一下,“heartbeat”的拼音是“hāt bēt”,它不仅仅是一个单词,更是一个多义的词汇,可以在不同的语境中有着不同的含义。无论是指代心脏跳动、强烈的感情、音乐节奏还是系统监测,它都承载着重要的意义


1. 心跳是人类生命中至关重要的一部分,它代表着心脏的跳动和血液的流动。在医学上,心跳也被称为“脉搏”,它可以通过测量心率来反映人体健康状况。

2. 在英语中,heartbeat一词由两个部分组成,即heart和beat。Heart意为“心脏”,beat则是“跳动”的意思。因此,heartbeat可以被理解为“心脏跳动”的意思。

3. 在日常生活中,我们也经常用到heartbeat这个词汇来形容某种强烈的感觉或者情绪。比如,“我的心跳加速了”就可以表示我感到紧张或兴奋;“她的心跳停止了”则可能暗示着她受到了惊吓或者遭遇了不幸。

4. 除了作为名词使用外,heartbeat也可以作为动词使用,表示“有规律地跳动”。比如,“我的心每分钟跳动60次”就可以用“I have a heartbeat of 60 beats per minute”来表达。

5. 在音乐领域中,heartbeat也被用来形容一种节奏感强烈、有力量的节拍。这种节拍通常会让人产生身体上的反应,比如跳舞或者随之拍手。因此,一些歌曲的名字中也会出现heartbeat这个词汇。

6. 总的来说,heartbeat可以被视为一个多义词,在不同的语境下有着不同的含义。它可以指代生理现象、心理感受和艺术表现,都与“心脏跳动”这一基本含义有着联系。

7. 最后要提醒大家的是,在英语中读取heartbeat时,应该注意将重音放在第一个音节上,即“HEARTbeat”,而不是“heartBEAT”。这样可以更加自然地表达出这个词汇的意思


1. heartbeat的基本含义


2. heartbeat作为动词使用

在英语翻译解释行业中,heartbeat可以作为动词使用,表示“跳动”、“拍打”、“悸动”的意思。比如,“My heart was beating faster and faster.”(我的心越来越快地跳动),“The drumbeat of the music echoed through the room.”(音乐的鼓点回荡在房间里)。

3. heartbeat作为名词使用

除了表示心脏跳动的次数外,heartbeat还可以作为名词使用,表示“节奏”、“脉搏”、“重要性”的意思。比如,“The team was in sync, their heartbeats were all aligned.”(团队协调一致,他们的节奏都一样),“The city is the economic heartbeat of the country.”(这个城市是国家经济的重要支柱)。

4. 双语例句

- Can you feel your baby's heartbeat?(你能感受到宝宝的心跳吗?)

- The sound of the waves was like a heartbeat, soothing and calming.(海浪的声音就像是心跳,令人平静和放松。)

- The heartbeat of the city can be felt in every corner, bustling and vibrant.(城市的脉搏可以在每个角落感受到,繁华而充满活力。)

- The team's victory was a testament to their strong teamwork and their collective heartbeat.(团队的胜利证明了他们强大的团队合作精神和共同的节奏。)



1. 跳动的心脏:heartbeat指的是心脏跳动的声音,也可以用来形容某人强烈的感情或激动的状态。

2. 心跳节奏:heartbeat rhythm是指心脏跳动的节奏,也可以用来形容某件事物的节奏或律动。

3. 心跳加速:heartbeat racing是指心跳加快,也可以用来形容某人紧张、兴奋或恐惧的状态。

4. 持续不断的心跳:continuous heartbeat指的是一直保持着稳定的心跳,也可以用来形容某种持续不断的活动或过程。

5. 心灵之音:heartbeat of the soul是指内心深处真实的声音或感受,也可以用来形容某种情感或信念。

6. 心情变化:heartbeats and emotions是指随着心跳而变化的情绪,也可以用来形容某人内心起伏不定的状态。

7. 爱之节拍:heartbeat of love是指爱情中最真挚、最重要的部分,也可以用来形容两个人之间强烈而持久的感情。

8. 心灵共鸣:heartbeats in sync是指两个人内心产生共鸣和联系,也可以用来形容两个人之间默契的状态。

9. 心跳停止:stopped heartbeat是指心脏停止跳动,也可以用来形容某种结束或终结。

10. 心跳的力量:power of a heartbeat是指心跳所具有的强大力量,也可以用来形容某种鼓舞人心的力量


1. Pulse: This is the most common synonym for heartbeat. It refers to the rhythmic throbbing of the heart that can be felt in various parts of the body, such as the wrist or neck.

2. Cardiac rhythm: This term describes the regular pattern of contractions and relaxations of the heart muscles that create a heartbeat.

3. Heart rate: This is another commonly used synonym for heartbeat. It specifically refers to the number of times the heart beats per minute.

4. Palpitations: This term is used to describe an irregular or abnormal heartbeat that can be felt by the individual.

5. Throbbing: Similar to pulse, this word refers to a rhythmic pulsation or beating sensation in the body caused by a heartbeat.

6. Pulsation: This is another word that can be used to describe a rhythmic expansion and contraction, especially in relation to a heartbeat.

7. Beat: In addition to being a verb meaning "to strike," beat can also refer to a single pulsation of the heart or a specific point in time during which it occurs.

8. Rhythmical contractions: This phrase describes the coordinated movements of the heart muscles that result in a heartbeat.

9. Cardiac cycle: This term refers to one complete sequence of contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles, resulting in one heartbeat.

10. Thumping: Similar to throbbing, this word describes a strong, forceful pulsation caused by a heartbeat.

11. Heart pulsations: This phrase specifically refers to pulsations felt in or near the heart itself.

12. Heartbeat rhythm: Combining two synonyms, this phrase emphasizes both the rhythmic nature and regular pattern of a heartbeat.

13. Cardiac pulse: Another combination of synonyms, this phrase emphasizes both the cardiac nature and pulsating sensation of a heartbeat.

14. Heartbeat rate: Similar to heart rate, this term specifically refers to the number of times the heart beats per minute.

15. Heartbeat pattern: This phrase emphasizes the regular, repeating nature of a heartbeat and can be used to describe any variations or abnormalities in this pattern.

16. Cardiac pulsation: Similar to cardiac pulse, this phrase specifically refers to pulsations felt in or near the heart.

17. Throbs: This word can be used as a synonym for pulsations caused by a heartbeat, but it can also refer to a strong, steady beat or rhythm in general.

18. Heart contractions: This phrase describes the physical movements of the heart muscles that result in a heartbeat.

19. Beating: Similar to beat, this word can refer to a single pulsation of the heart or a specific point in time during which it occurs.

20. Heart throb: This term is often used figuratively to describe someone who is deeply loved or admired, but it can also refer to a strong pulsation of the heart caused by emotion or excitement

