
生活学习2024-03-11 06:33:43自考教育网






Heartless也可以用来表示某件事物缺乏温暖和同情心。例如,“a heartless decision”(冷酷无情的决定),“a heartless action”(冷血无情的行动)。

除了形容人或事物缺乏感情之外,Heartless还可以用来表示缺乏同情心或怜悯心。例如,“a heartless boss”(无情的老板),“a heartless response”(冷漠无情的回应)。


1. She was known for her heartless treatment of her employees.


2. The politician's heartless remarks caused a public outcry.


3. The heartless actions of the dictator led to the suffering of millions.



1. Heartless的发音


2. Heartless的读法


3. Heartless同义词

- Cruel: 残忍的

- Ruthless: 无情的

- Unfeeling: 冷酷无情的

- Callous: 冷漠的

4. Heartless例句

- She was heartless and showed no remorse for her actions.


- The heartless businessman only cared about making profits.


- The soldiers were trained to be heartless in order to survive the war.




1. Heartless的意思


2. Heartless的发音


3. Heartless的同义词

- Cruel:指对他人感受漠不关心、缺乏同情心的态度。

- Callous:指对他人痛苦或需要漠不关心,没有同情心。

- Inhuman:指缺乏人性、冷血无情。

- Unfeeling:指对他人感受冷漠无情,缺乏同情心。

4. Heartless的例句

- She was heartless and showed no remorse for her actions.


- The heartless boss fired all the employees without any warning.


- He was known for his heartless treatment of animals.


- The heartless murderer showed no emotion during his trial.


6. Heartless与其他相关词汇

- Heartfelt:指表达真挚感情的,与heartless正好相反。

- Heartwarming:指温暖人心的,与heartless相反。

- Tenderhearted:指心地柔软、善良的,与heartless相反


1. Cruel

例句:She showed a heartless disregard for his feelings.

2. Cold-blooded

例句:The murderer was described as heartless and cold-blooded.

3. Unfeeling

例句:Her heartless behavior towards her family caused a lot of pain.

4. Callous

例句:He was known for his callous and heartless treatment of his employees.

5. Ruthless

例句:The dictator was known for his ruthless and heartless actions towards his people.

6. Inhumane

例句:The conditions in the prison were described as inhumane and heartless.

7. Pitiless

例句:The heartless landlord evicted the poor family without any pity.

8. Merciless

例句:The merciless killer showed no remorse for his heartless actions.

9. Hard-hearted

例句:She was known for her hard-hearted and heartless attitude towards those in need.

10. Unkind

例句:His words were unkind and showed a heartless lack of empathy.

11. Soulless

例句:The corporation's greed was seen as soulless and heartless by many.

12. Uncompassionate

例句:Her uncompassionate nature made her seem cold and heartless to those around her.

13. Brutal

例句:The dictator's brutal regime was known for its heartlessness towards its citizens.

14. Heartrending

例句:His story of surviving on the streets is a heartbreaking reminder of the heartlessness of society.

15. Insensitive

例句: The politician's insensitive remarks about poverty show a lack of understanding and a sense of heartlessness


1. Cold-hearted: 冷酷无情的

例句:She was known for her cold-hearted behavior towards others.

2. Heartless monster: 无情的怪物

例句:The heartless monster showed no mercy to its victims.

3. Heartless act: 无情的行为

例句:The heartless act of stealing from the poor outraged the community.

4. Ruthlessly heartless: 残忍无情的

例句:The dictator was known for his ruthlessly heartless treatment of his enemies.

5. Emotionally heartless: 没有感情的

例句:Her emotionally heartless response to the tragedy shocked everyone.

6. Unfeeling and heartless: 冷漠无情的

例句:The unfeeling and heartless boss didn't care about the well-being of his employees.

7. Heartless disregard: 无视、不顾

例句:Their heartless disregard for the environment caused irreversible damage.

8. Heartless betrayal: 无情的背叛

例句:She couldn't believe her best friend's heartless betrayal.

9. Heartlessly cruel: 残忍无情的

例句:The heartlessly cruel punishment shocked the entire nation.

10. Heartlessly selfish: 自私无情的

例句:His heartlessly selfish actions caused harm to those around him.

11. Mercilessly heartless: 无情残酷地

例句:They were mercilessly heartless towards their enemies, showing no mercy in battle.

12. Unforgivably heartless: 不可原谅地冷酷无情地

例句:His un

