
生活学习2024-03-11 06:27:51自考教育网


The pronunciation of "heartbroken"

Are you feeling "heartbroken" when you see this title? Don't worry, I'm here to help you understand the pronunciation of this word.


First of all, let's break down the word "heartbroken". It is made up of two parts: "heart" and "broken". The first part, "heart", is pronounced as [hɑːrt], with a silent "e" at the end. The second part, "broken", is pronounced as [ˈbrəʊkən], with the stress on the first syllable. So when we put them together, it becomes [hɑːrtˈbrəʊkən].

Now that we know how to pronounce it, let's move on to its meaning. "Heartbroken" is an adjective that describes someone who is extremely sad or disappointed because of something that has happened to them. It can also be used to describe a situation or event that causes great sadness or disappointment.

For example, if your crush rejects you, you might feel heartbroken. Or if your favorite team loses a game in the last minute, you might say that you are heartbroken.

But why do we use the word "heart" in this expression? Well, in many cultures and languages, the heart symbolizes emotions and feelings. So when we say someone is heartbroken, it means their emotions have been hurt or broken.

In conclusion, the pronunciation of "heartbroken" is [hɑːrtˈbrəʊkən] and it means feeling extremely sad or disappointed. Now that you know how to say it correctly, go out there and use it in your daily conversations!

Is "heartbroken" an idiom?

大家都知道,英语中有很多常用的习语,它们通常是由一组词组成,具有特殊的意义。比如,“break a leg”(祝你好运)、“a piece of cake”(轻而易举)、“hit the nail on the head”(一针见血)等等。那么,“heartbroken”是不是也属于这类习语呢?

首先,让我们来看看它的意思。根据字面上的理解,我们可以把“heartbroken”翻译为“心碎”的意思。但是在实际使用中,它通常指的是某人因为失去了所爱的人或事物而感到极度伤心和痛苦。比如,“She was heartbroken when her dog passed away.”(她的狗去世后,她非常伤心。)

那么,“heartbroken”是否符合习语的特点呢?首先,它由两个词组成,并且具有特殊的含义,在不同的上下文中可能会有不同的解释。其次,在口语中使用频率非常高,并且几乎每个人都能理解其意思。最重要的是,在某些情况下,“heartbroken”也可以用作形容词修饰其他名词,比如“a heartbroken mother”(一位伤心欲绝的母亲)

Examples and usage of "heartbroken"

1. "Heartbroken"一词的意思是非常伤心或悲痛的,通常用来形容失恋、失望或遭受重大打击后的心情。它可以用作形容词,也可以用作动词。

例如:She was heartbroken when her boyfriend broke up with her. (当她的男朋友和她分手时,她很伤心。)

2. 这个词的发音是[hahrt-broh-kuhn],其中“heart”读作[ha:rt],“broken”读作[broh-kuhn]。它起源于古英语中的“heortebricge”,意为“心碎”。在美式英语中,“heart”这个音节会比较重读。

3. “Heartbroken”一词可以用来描述各种不同类型的情感状态。例如,你可以说你感到“heartbroken”因为你最喜欢的球队输了比赛,或者因为你错过了一个重要的机会。

4. 除了形容人的情绪外,“heartbroken”也可以用来形容物体或事物。例如:The old house stood in the middle of the field, its windows boarded up and its doors hanging off their hinges, looking heartbroken and abandoned. (那座老房子矗立在田野中央,窗户被封住,门悬挂着断裂的铰链,看起来像是被抛弃的、悲伤的。)

5. “Heartbroken”一词也可以用来形容某人对某件事情的深深关注和投入。例如:She was heartbroken over her work, spending countless hours perfecting every detail. (她对工作非常投入,花费了大量时间来完善每一个细节。)

6. 尽管“heartbroken”这个词带有负面的情绪色彩,但它也可以用来表达积极的意义。例如:Her heart was broken but she picked up the pieces and moved on, stronger and wiser than before. (她曾经受过伤,但是她收拾起自己,继续前进,比以前更坚强、更明智。)

Antonyms and synonyms of "heartbroken"

1. Antonyms of "heartbroken":

- Happy: Feeling joyful and content, the opposite of being heartbroken.

- Satisfied: Being pleased with oneself or a situation, not feeling heartbroken.

- Fulfilled: Feeling complete and satisfied, not experiencing the pain of being heartbroken.

2. Synonyms of "heartbroken":

- Devastated: Feeling extreme emotional pain or grief, similar to being heartbroken.

- Crushed: Feeling emotionally defeated or overwhelmed, a synonym for heartbroken.

- Despondent: Feeling extremely low in spirits and hopeless, often associated with being heartbroken.

3. Other words related to "heartbroken":

- Sad: Feeling unhappy or sorrowful, often used to describe someone who is heartbroken.

- Depressed: Feeling severe despondency and dejection, similar to the emotions felt when heartbroken.

- Grief-stricken: Overcome with intense sadness or grief, often used to describe someone who is heartbroken.

4. Ways to express "heartbreak":

- Broken-hearted: A common phrase used to describe someone who is experiencing intense emotional pain due to a loss or disappointment.

- Shattered: A word that conveys the feeling of being completely broken and destroyed emotionally.

- Wounded: Describing someone who has been deeply hurt emotionally, similar to how one feels when they are heartbroken.

In conclusion, "heartbroken" can be described as feeling extreme emotional pain and sadness due to a loss or disappointment. Some antonyms include happy, satisfied, and fulfilled while synonyms include devastated, crushed, and despondent. Other related words include sad, depressed, and grief-stricken. Ways to express "heartbreak" include broken-hearted, shattered, and wounded

Explanation of "heartbroken"

1. 什么是"heartbroken"?


2. "heartbroken"怎么读?


3. "heartbroken"的翻译是什么?


4. 为什么要使用非正式语气?


5. 我们都曾经历过心碎的感觉吧?


6. "heartbroken"的幽默用法



