
生活学习2024-03-11 06:37:40自考教育网




1. 简介


2. 详细解释

a) 名词用法:Hearts作为名词时,主要有以下几种含义:

- 人体内的重要器官:我们都知道,人类和很多动物都有心脏这个器官,它负责将血液运送到全身各处,保持身体正常运转。

- 某些动物的心脏:除了人类外,一些动物也拥有类似于人类的心脏结构。比如鸟类、哺乳动物等。

- 内在的感情、精神状态:Hearts还可以指代内在的感情、精神状态。比如,“My heart is full of love for you.”(我的内心充满了对你的爱),“She has a kind heart.”(她有一颗善良的心)等。

b) 动词用法:Hearts作为动词时,主要表示“爱”、“喜欢”、“关心”的含义。例如:

- “I really heart this new song.”(我真的很喜欢这首新歌。)

- “He hearts his job and puts all his effort into it.”(他热爱自己的工作,并且全力以赴。)

3. 发音


4. 同义词


- Cardiac:指人体内的心脏。

- Core:指某物的核心或最重要的部分。

- Center:指某物的中心或核心部分。

5. 例句

a) 名词用法:

- The doctor listened to my heart with a stethoscope.(医生用听诊器听了我的心脏。)

- The bird's heart beats very fast when it flies.(鸟儿飞行时心跳得很快。)

- She has a kind heart and always helps others in need.(她有一颗善良的心,总是帮助那些需要帮助的人。)

b) 动词用法:

- I really heart this new restaurant, the food is amazing!(我真的很喜欢这家新餐厅,食物太棒了!)

- She hearts her dog so much, she takes it everywhere with her.(她非常爱她的狗,到哪里都带着它。)





与“hearts”相关的同义词有“cardiac muscle”、“love”、“courage”等。例如,我们可以说“I left my heart in San Francisco.”(我把我的心留在了旧金山。)来表达对这座城市的热爱之情。

除了以上含义外,“hearts”还可以用作动词,“heart”则为其原型形式。当我们说“You have to heart it to believe it.”(你必须亲眼看才能相信。)时,意思是要亲自经历才能理解


1. 什么是hearts?


2. hearts的同义词

- Cardiac:心脏的;

- Innermost:最内心的;

- Core:核心。

3. hearts的用法


a) 指人体内部器官,负责泵血和输送氧气;

例句:The doctor listened to her heart with a stethoscope.


b) 指象征爱、感情或勇气的内在部分;

例句:She wears her heart on her sleeve, always expressing her emotions openly.


c) 在扑克牌游戏中,指黑桃花色;

例句:I have two hearts in my hand, do you think I should bet?




例句:The movie really touched my heart and made me cry.


4. hearts的双语例句

- Her heart was pounding with excitement when she saw him.


- The heart of the matter is that we need to find a solution.


- He has a kind heart and always helps those in need.


- She broke his heart when she said she didn't love him anymore.


- The team showed great heart and determination in the face of adversity.




1. Matters of the Heart: 心灵的事

2. Follow Your Heart: 跟随内心

3. Brave Hearts: 勇敢的心

4. Open Hearts: 开放的心态

5. Pure at Heart: 纯洁的心灵

6. Healing Hearts: 治愈的心灵

7. Young at Heart: 年轻的心态

8. Warm Hearts: 温暖的心房

9. Strong Hearts: 坚强的内心

10. Wild at Heart: 野性的本性


1. Hearts的同义词有:love, affection, passion, devotion, fondness, adoration等。

2. 例如:She has a big heart and is always willing to help others.(她心地善良,总是乐于助人。)

3. Another synonym for hearts is emotions, which refers to one's feelings or moods.

4. For example: He wears his heart on his sleeve and is easily affected by others' words.(他情绪外露,容易受到他人的影响。)

5. Hearts can also be replaced by the word soul, which represents one's innermost being or spirit.

6. For example: She poured her heart and soul into her artwork.(她全身心地投入到她的艺术作品中。)

7. The term hearts can also be substituted with the word core, meaning the central or most important part of something.

8. For example: Honesty is at the heart of a strong relationship.(诚实是一段强大关系的核心。)

9. Another synonym for hearts is center, which refers to the middle or focal point of something.

10. For example: The city's financial district is at the heart of its economy.(这座城市的金融区是其经济的中心。)

11. Hearts can also be replaced by the word essence, representing the fundamental nature or quality of something.

12. For example: The essence of a good leader lies in their ability to inspire others with their vision and values.


13. Another synonym for hearts is spirit, which refers to the non-physical part of a person that gives them their character and personality.

14. For example: She has a kind and generous spirit.(她有着仁慈和慷慨的精神。)

15. Hearts can also be replaced by the word sentiment, meaning a feeling or emotion towards something or someone.

16. For example: The sentiment towards the new policy was mixed.(对新政策的感情褒贬不一。)

17. Lastly, hearts can be substituted with the word affection, which refers to a gentle feeling of fondness or liking for someone.

18. For example: The child showed great affection towards her pet dog.(这个孩子对她的宠物狗表现出极大的喜爱。)

