
生活学习2024-03-11 06:40:00自考教育网






其次,“heart”还可以作为动词使用,表示“用心做某事”,比如我们常说的“from the bottom of my heart”,就是指从内心深处做某事。















a.My heart is beating fast with excitement.


b.She has a kind heart and always helps others.


c.The heart of the problem lies in the lack of communication.



a.with all one's heart:全心全意地。

b.take something to heart:认真对待某事。

c.have a change of heart:改变主意。

在英语中,“heart”一词既可以表示身体器官,也可以表示内心感情。其同义词有core、center和soul等。在例句中,可以用来描述身体反应、个人品质以及问题的核心。除了常用的表达方式外,还有一些相关的表达方式,如“with all one's heart”、“take something to heart”和“have a change of heart”


1. heart的意思是心脏,也可以表示内心、感情或热爱。

英文解释:The meaning of heart is the organ that pumps blood through the body, or can also refer to one's inner self, emotions, or love.

2. heart的读音为[hɑːrt]。

英文解释:The pronunciation of heart is [hɑːrt].

3. heart的同义词包括soul、core、center等。

英文解释:Some synonyms for heart are soul, core, center, etc.

4. 例句1:My heart was pounding with excitement as I waited for the concert to start.


5. 例句2:She has a kind heart and always tries to help those in need.


6. 例句3:He put his whole heart into his work and achieved great success.


7. 例句4:Her words touched my heart and I couldn't hold back my tears.


8. 例句5:He wears his heart on his sleeve and is not afraid to express his emotions.


9. 例句6:The heart of the matter is that we need to find a solution as soon as possible.


10. 例句7:She won the competition with her heart and determination.



1. Heartache - 心痛,心碎

例句:She couldn't bear the heartache of losing her best friend.

2. Heartbeat - 心跳

例句:The doctor listened to her heartbeat with a stethoscope.

3. Heartbroken - 心碎的,伤心的

例句:He was heartbroken when his dog passed away.

4. Heartfelt - 衷心的,由衷的

例句:She gave a heartfelt speech at her graduation ceremony.

5. Heart-to-heart - 真诚的,坦率的

例句:We had a heart-to-heart conversation about our relationship.

6. Heartwarming - 暖心的,感人的

例句:The heartwarming movie brought tears to my eyes.

7. Heartless - 无情的,冷酷的

例句:He was accused of being heartless for not helping the homeless man on the street.

8. Heartthrob - 魅力四射的人,万人迷

例句:The actor became a teenage heartthrob after his latest movie was released.

9. Heartfelt gratitude - 衷心感激

例句:I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the support you have given me.

10. Heart attack - 心脏病发作

例句:He suffered a heart attack and had to be rushed to the hospital.

11. Heartfelt apology - 衷心道歉

例句:I want to offer my heartfelt apology for my behavior last night.

12. Cold-hearted - 冷酷无情的

例句:His cold-hearted attitude towards others made him very unpopular.

13. Heartwrenching - 令人心碎的,悲伤的

例句:The heartwrenching story of the orphan touched the hearts of many.

14. Heartfelt emotion - 真挚的情感

例句:Her heartfelt emotion was evident in her voice as she sang the song.

15. Heartland - 中心地带,核心地区

例句:The city is considered the heartland of the country's economy.

16. Heartening - 鼓舞人心的,令人振奋的

例句:The news of her recovery was heartening for her family and friends.

17. Heartfelt prayer - 衷心祈祷

例句:We offer our heartfelt prayers for those affected by the natural disaster.

18. Heartily - 衷心地,热情地

例句:He heartily welcomed us into his home and made us feel at ease.

19. Heartbrokenly - 心碎地,伤心地

例句:She looked at him heartbrokenly as he walked away without saying a word.

20. Heart-to-heart talk - 真诚的谈话,坦率的交谈

例句:They had a heart-to-heart talk about their future plans


1. Core - "The core of the matter is to follow your heart and do what makes you happy."

2. Center - "Her love for him was at the center of her heart."

3. Essence - "The essence of her being was filled with love and compassion."

4. Soul - "His soul was full of kindness and generosity."

5. Spirit - "The spirit of adventure was alive in her heart."

6. Emotion - "She couldn't control the emotions that tugged at her heartstrings."

7. Feeling - "A feeling of warmth spread through his heart as he thought about his family."

8. Passion - "Her passion for music was evident in every beat of her heart."

9. Love - "He wore his heart on his sleeve, always showing his love for others."

10. Affection - "The affection she felt for her dog was immeasurable."

11. Sentiment - "He couldn't ignore the sentimental pull on his heart when he saw her again after so many years."

12. Fondness - "She had a fondness for nature that filled her heart with joy."

13. Devotion - "His devotion to his family was evident in every decision he made."

14. Adoration - "She looked at him with adoration, knowing he held the key to her heart."

15. Warmth -"The warmth in their hearts kept them going during tough times."

16. Tenderness- "He spoke to her with tenderness, knowing she had a soft spot in her heart for him."

17. Care- "Her care and concern for others always came from the bottom of her heart."

18. Kindness- "She showed kindness towards everyone she met, as it was a true reflection of her loving heart."

19.Pureness-"There was a pureness in his heart that shone through in everything he did."

20. Goodwill- "His goodwill towards others was a testament to the kindness in his heart."

21. Warmheartedness- "Her warmheartedness made her a beloved friend to many."

22. Generosity- "He was known for his generosity, always giving from the bottom of his heart."

23. Benevolence- "Her benevolence and compassion touched the hearts of those around her."

24. Empathy- "She had a deep empathy for others, always putting herself in their shoes and feeling their pain in her heart."

25. Sympathy- "He showed great sympathy towards those in need, as it was in his nature to have a big heart."

