
生活学习2024-03-11 06:44:00自考教育网



1. 听到什么声音:hear的基本含义是“听到”,指通过耳朵感知声音或语言。例如,I can hear the birds singing outside.(我能听到外面鸟儿的歌唱。)


2. 理解和接受:除了指物理上的听觉,hear也可以表示理解和接受某种信息或观点。例如,I heard that you got a promotion.(我听说你升职了。)

3. 倾听和关注:在某些情况下,hear也可以指倾听和关注某人或某事。例如,I always hear my mother's voice in my head when I'm making important decisions.(每当我做重要决定时,我总能听到母亲的声音在我的脑海中。)

4. 听证会:在法律领域,hear也可以指进行听证会来审理案件。例如,The court will hear the case next week.(法庭将于下周审理此案。)

5. 同义词:hear的同义词包括listen、perceive、attend、heed等。

6. 例句:

- Can you hear me?(你能听见我说话吗?)

- I heard the news from my friend yesterday.(昨天我从朋友那里得知这个消息。)

- She always hears her conscience before making any decision.(她总是在做出任何决定之前先听从自己的良知。)

- The court will hear the witness's testimony tomorrow.(法庭将于明天听取证人的证词。)


1. hear的发音


2. hear的读法


(1) hear about:听说

例句:I heard about the accident on the news.

(2) hear from:收到来信/来电

例句:I heard from my friend who is studying abroad.

(3) hear of:听说过

例句:Have you ever heard of this brand before?

(4) hear out:倾听完毕

例句:Please let me finish, I want to be heard out.

3. 同义词及例句



- listen:

We should always listen to our parents' advice.

- perceive:

She could perceive a faint sound coming from the other room.

- catch:

He caught a snippet of their conversation as he walked by.

- detect:

She detected a hint of sadness in his voice.

4. 例句解析

- I heard about the accident on the news.


这里的heard about意为“从某处得知”,表示从媒体或他人那里获得信息。

- Have you ever heard of this brand before?


heard of意为“听说过”,表示对某事物有所了解或听说过。

- Please let me finish, I want to be heard out.


be heard out意为“被倾听完毕”,表示希望被认真地倾听。



1. hear的意思是“听到”,它可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。例如,“I can hear the music.”(我能听到音乐。)“I have a good ear for music.”(我对音乐有很好的耳朵。)

2. hear的同义词还包括listen、catch、perceive等,它们都表示“听到”的意思。例如,“Can you listen to me?”(你能听我说吗?)“I caught a sound of laughter.”(我听到了一阵笑声。)

3. 除了表示“听到”的意思外,hear还可以表示“听说”、“得知”。例如,“I heard that you got a promotion.”(我听说你升职了。)“Have you heard the news?”(你有没有听说这个消息?)

4. 另外,hear也可以表示“审理”、“倾听”。例如,“The judge will hear the case tomorrow.”(法官将在明天审理此案。) “He always hears his patients attentively.” (他总是认真倾听他的病人。)

5. 在双语例句方面,我们来看一个例子:“I can't hear what you're saying, there's too much noise.”(我无法听清你在说什么,噪音太大了。)这句话中,“hear”被用作动词,“what you're saying”是hear的宾语。

6. 再来一个例子:“Did you hear about the new restaurant that just opened?” (你听说过刚开业的新餐厅吗?)这里,“hear”被用作“听说”的意思,表示得知某个消息。

7. 最后一个例子:“She always hears her students' opinions and takes them into consideration.”(她总是倾听学生的意见,并且会将它们考虑进去。)这里,“hear”被用作“倾听”的意思,表示认真听取别人的意见


1. Listen:听取,聆听。例如:I can hear the sound of the ocean.

2. Comprehend:理解,领悟。例如:Do you hear what I'm saying?

3. Perceive:感知,察觉。例如:I could hear footsteps approaching.

4. Attend to:倾听,关注。例如:The students were asked to attend to the teacher's instructions.

5. Catch:听到,捕捉到。例如:I could barely catch what she was saying.

6. Eavesdrop:偷听,窃听。例如:I overheard them eavesdropping on our conversation.

7. Pick up on:注意到,察觉到。例如:Did you pick up on the sarcasm in his voice?

8. Take in/absorb: 吸收,领会。例如:She took in every word he said.

9. Acquire: 获得,学会。例如:He acquired a new accent after living abroad for a year.

10. Learn: 学习,了解。例如:I learned about their culture through their music

