
生活学习2024-03-11 06:58:11自考教育网
















1. 热情的“热”读法


2. 火力十足的“火”读法


3. 精彩纷呈的“高潮”读法


4. 快速增长的“增长”读法


5. 总结:多种含义多种发音


1. heats的含义


2. heats的用法

(1) 表示温度:heats可以用来表示物体或环境中的温度。例如:“The heats in the desert can reach up to 50 degrees Celsius.”(沙漠中的温度可以达到50摄氏度。)

(2) 表示激情:heats也可以指人们内心深处的激情或冲动。例如:“The heats of the fans rose as their favorite team scored a goal.”(当他们最喜欢的球队进球时,球迷们内心的激情也随之升温。)

(3) 表示压力:在某些场合,heats也可以指压力或紧张感。例如:“The competition was intense, and the heats were high for all the athletes.”(比赛非常激烈,所有运动员都面临着巨大的压力。)

3. 双语例句

(1) The heats of summer in this city can be unbearable for some people. (这个城市夏天的高温对于一些人来说是无法忍受的。)

(2) The heats of the argument rose as both sides refused to back down. (双方都不肯退让,争论的气氛变得愈发激烈。)

(3) The heats from the fire were too much for the firefighters to handle. (火焰散发出的高温对消防员来说难以应付。)

(4) The heats between the two rival companies have been ongoing for years. (这两家竞争对手之间的紧张关系已经持续了多年。)

(5) She could feel the heats rising in her cheeks as she blushed with embarrassment. (她感觉到脸颊上升起的热量,因为她因为尴尬而脸红了。)

(6) The heats of passion between them were undeniable, even though they tried to hide it. (他们之间的激情是不可否认的,即使他们试图掩饰。)


1. Heat up: 加热,指某物体温度上升

2. Heat wave: 酷暑,指气温持续高于平均值的天气现象

3. In the heat of the moment: 在激动的情绪下,指在情绪激动的时刻做出的决定或行为

4. Heat index: 酷热指数,根据温度和湿度计算出的人体感受温度

5. Heatstroke: 中暑,指因高温导致身体过热而引发的健康问题

6. Heating pad: 加热垫,用于给身体部位提供局部加热的设备

7. Body heat: 体温,指人体内产生的热量

8. Heat-resistant: 耐热的,指能够承受高温而不受损坏的物品或材料

9. Heat-seeking missile: 导弹追踪系统,能够通过探测目标散发出来的热量来追踪目标的导弹系统

10. Heat exhaustion: 热衰竭,因长时间暴露在高温环境下而导致身体虚弱和不适


1. Temperatures: "Heats" can be used as a synonym for "temperatures" in certain contexts, such as in scientific discussions or weather forecasts. For example, "The heats are expected to reach record highs this week."

2. Warmth: In a more figurative sense, "heats" can also refer to warmth or the feeling of being warm. This can be used to describe both physical and emotional warmth. For instance, "The sun's heats enveloped her as she lay on the beach" or "The couple's love for each other radiated with heats."

3. Intensity: Another possible synonym for "heats" is intensity, particularly when describing strong emotions or actions. For example, "The heats of their argument could be felt throughout the entire room" or "He plays with such heats on the court that it's hard to keep up with him."

4. Passion: Similar to intensity, "heats" can also convey a strong sense of passion or enthusiasm towards something. For instance, "Her heats for dancing were evident in every move she made" or "The crowd's heats for their team never wavered despite the score."

5. Excitement: In certain contexts, "heats" can also mean excitement or anticipation for something. This is often used in sports or entertainment settings. For example, "The fans' heats were palpable as they waited for their favorite band to take the stage" or "I can feel the heats building up before the big game."

6. Competition: When talking about sports or games, "heats" can also refer to rounds of competition leading up to a final event. For instance, in track and field events, there are often multiple heats before the final race.

7. Battles: In a more aggressive sense, "heats" can be used as a synonym for battles or fights between individuals or groups. For example, "The two boxers entered the ring ready for a heated match" or "The political candidates engaged in a series of heats during the debate."

8. Cooking: In cooking, "heats" is often used to describe the different levels of temperature needed for certain dishes. For instance, "Cook the meat on high heats for a few minutes on each side" or "Reduce the heats to low and let it simmer for an hour."

9. Conflict: Similar to battles, "heats" can also refer to conflicts or tensions between individuals or groups. For example, "The heats between the two neighboring countries have been ongoing for years" or "The family gathering was filled with heats and arguments."

10. Pressure: Lastly, "heats" can also be used as a synonym for pressure or stress in certain situations. This can refer to both physical and emotional pressure. For instance, "The athletes are under a lot of heats to perform well at the competition" or "She felt the heats of her boss's expectations weighing down on her."

