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The pronunciation of heats

1. What does "heats" mean?

"Heats" is a noun that refers to the plural form of the word "heat." It can have several different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

2. How do you pronounce "heats"?

The word "heats" is pronounced as /hiːts/ (heets), with a long "e" sound and a silent "h."

3. Synonyms for "heats"

Some synonyms for "heats" include:

- Temperatures

- Warmths

- Intensities

- Fervors

4. Example sentences using "heats"

- The heats of summer can be unbearable without air conditioning.

- The heats of competition drove the athletes to push themselves to their limits.

- The heats from the fire kept us warm during the cold winter nights.

5. Additional information about the word "heats"

In addition to its literal meaning, "heats" can also be used in figurative expressions such as:

- In the heat of the moment: in a situation where emotions are running high and people are acting impulsively.

- Take the heat: to accept responsibility or criticism for something.

- Heat up: to increase in temperature or intensity.

6. Tips for using and pronouncing "heats"

To correctly pronounce "heats," remember to pronounce it with a long "e" sound and no emphasis on the letter "h." Also, pay attention to context when using this word, as it can have various meanings depending on how it is used.

In conclusion, understanding the pronunciation and different meanings of “heats” can help improve your English vocabulary and communication skills. Remember to always use words accurately and appropriately in order to effectively convey your message

How to pronounce heats?

Are you struggling to pronounce the word "heats"? Don't worry, you're not alone. This word can be a bit tricky to say, but with a little practice, you'll have it down in no time.

1. What does "heats" mean?

"Heats" is the plural form of the noun "heat," which refers to the quality of being hot or warm. It can also refer to intense pressure or excitement, as in a sports competition or a heated argument.

2. How do you pronounce "heats"?

The correct pronunciation of "heats" is [heets]. The "ea" combination in this word makes the long "ee" sound, similar to words like "beats" and "seats."

3. Synonyms for "heats"

If you're looking for other words that have a similar meaning to "heats," here are some options: warmth, temperature, intensity, fervor, passion.

4. Example sentences

- The heats of summer can be unbearable without air conditioning.

- The final heats of the race were filled with intense competition.

- The political debate was filled with heated arguments and passionate speeches.

So next time you come across the word "heats," remember to pronounce it as [heets] and use it in your own sentences with confidence. Keep practicing and soon enough, it will be second nature to you. Happy learning!

Usage and examples of heats

1. What does "heats" mean?

- "Heats" is a noun that refers to the plural form of the word "heat". It can also be used as a verb meaning "to make or become hot".

2. How do you pronounce "heats"?

- The word "heats" is pronounced as [hiːts], with a long 'e' sound and a silent 's'.

3. Synonyms for heats:

- Some synonyms for heats include warmth, hotness, temperature, and fervor.

4. Examples of usage:

- The heats of summer in this region can be unbearable.

- She applied heat to the wax to melt it.

- The heats from the fire were comforting on the cold winter night.

- His passion for music was evident in his heated performance.

- The competition heats up as we near the final round.

5. More examples:

- The heats from the sun caused the ice to melt quickly.

- I could feel my body temperature rising as I ran through the heat of the desert.

- The contestant easily won her heat and advanced to the next round.

- After sitting in front of the fireplace for an hour, I could feel my face turning red from the heat.

- His anger was evident in his flushed face and heated tone.

6. In conclusion, "heats" can refer to both a plural noun meaning high temperatures or a verb meaning to make something hot. It has various synonyms and can be used in different contexts to describe intensity or temperature

Phrases with heats

1. Definition of heats

Heats is a plural noun that refers to the state or quality of being hot or warm, especially in reference to temperature. It can also refer to intense feelings or emotions, such as anger or passion.

2. How to pronounce heats

Heats is pronounced as "heets" with a long "e" sound and a silent "s" at the end.

3. Synonyms for heats

- Warmth: a moderate degree of heat; comfortable and pleasant temperature.

- Temperature: the degree of hotness or coldness measured on a scale.

- Fervor: intense and passionate feeling or enthusiasm.

- Ardor: strong enthusiasm or passion.

- Intensity: high level of strength, force, or emotion.

4. Example sentences using heats

- The heats of summer can be unbearable without air conditioning.

- The athlete won the race by running through three heats with ease.

- His anger reached new heights as he was cheated out of his money.

- The singer performed with such fervor that the crowd was left in awe.

- The team played with great intensity and won the game in overtime.

5. Idioms related to heats

- In heat: experiencing intense sexual desire.

Example: The male cat was in heat and constantly meowing for a mate.

- Take the heat off someone/something: to remove pressure or attention from someone or something.

Example: She took the heat off her son by taking responsibility for his mistake.

6. Phrasal verbs using heats

- Heat up: to increase in temperature; become hot.

Example: I need to heat up my food before eating it.

- Heat down: to decrease in temperature; become cooler.

Example: We opened the windows to let some fresh air in and heat down the room.

7. Collocations with heats

- Heat wave: a prolonged period of abnormally high temperatures, often accompanied by high humidity.

Example: The city experienced a heat wave, causing many people to seek refuge in air-conditioned buildings.

- Heat stroke: a serious condition caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures, resulting in a dangerously high body temperature.

Example: The hiker was rushed to the hospital after suffering from heat stroke while hiking in the desert.

In conclusion, heats can refer to temperature or intense emotions and can be used in various phrases and idioms. It is important to understand the context in which it is used to fully grasp its meaning

Synonyms for heats with examples

1. What does "heats" mean?

"Heats" refers to the plural form of the noun "heat", which is defined as the quality of being hot or warm.

2. How do you pronounce "heats"?

"Heats" is pronounced as "heets", with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for heats:

- Warmths: This word is often used to describe a pleasant and comfortable level of heat.

Example: The warmths of the sun felt soothing on her skin.

- Temperatures: This word refers to the degree or intensity of heat.

Example: The temperatures in the desert can reach up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

- Hotness: This word is commonly used to describe a high level of heat, especially in reference to food or beverages.

Example: The hotness of the soup was perfect for a cold winter day.

4. Examples using synonyms for heats:

- She snuggled into the warmths of her blanket on a chilly night.

- The temperatures in this city can be extreme, with hot summers and freezing winters.

- Be careful, the hotness of that coffee can burn your tongue if you're not careful

