
生活学习2024-03-11 07:47:41自考教育网






其实,“heighten”这个词是由两个部分组成的: “height”和“-en”。 “height”的意思是“高度”,而“-en”的意思是“使…变得”。因此,“heighten”的字面意思就是“使变得更高”。它可以用来形容物体、情绪或者程度等方面的变化。

比如说,你可以说:“The music heightened my emotions.”(这首歌让我的情绪更加强烈。)或者:“The company plans to heighten its security measures.”(公司计划加强安全措施。)这些都是在描述某种变化或增强的情况。

除了字面意思外,我们还可以用“heighten”来表示某种感觉或状态的提升。比如说:“The aroma of the food heightened my appetite.”(食物的香气让我更加饥饿。)或者:“The tension in the room was heightened by their argument.”(他们的争吵让房间里的紧张气氛更加明显。)


1. 什么是heighten?


2. 如何正确发音heighten?

heighten的发音为[hahy-tuh n],其中第一个音节为长音[hahy],第二个音节为短音[tuh n]。注意不要将第一个音节读成短音[hi],这是一个常见的错误。

3. heighten的用法


- The company plans to heighten its production capacity next year.


- The new policy will only heighten the tension between the two countries.



- The music gradually heightened in intensity as the concert went on.


- The conflict between the two countries is heightening day by day.


4. 同义词和近义词


5. 反义词


- The company plans to reduce its expenses next year.


6. 常见短语

- heighten awareness:增强意识

- heighten senses:提高感官敏感度

- heighten tension:加剧紧张关系

7. 相关词汇


- The heighten of the mountain made it difficult for us to climb.




1. heighten的基本含义


2. heighten的用法

a. 作为及物动词:heighten后面通常跟随着宾语,表示提高某物的程度或者强度。例如:The company plans to heighten its security measures after the recent break-in.(这家公司计划在最近一次闯入事件之后加强安全措施。)

b. 作为不及物动词:heighten也可以单独使用,表示某物自身的高度、程度或者强度增加。例如:The music gradually heightened as the concert went on.(随着音乐会的进行,音乐逐渐变得更响亮。)

c. 作为名词:heighten也可以用作名词,表示“增加”或者“提高”的过程。例如:The heightening of tensions between the two countries has caused concern among neighboring nations.(两国之间紧张局势的升级引起了周边国家的担忧。)

3. heighten的双语例句

a. The use of bright colors can help to heighten the overall effect of the painting.


b. The government has announced plans to heighten security measures in the city.


c. The tension between the two teams only heightened as the game went on.


d. The heightening of trade restrictions has caused concerns among business owners.


e. The company's profits have been steadily heightening over the past few years.




1. 加强:to heighten one's senses (加强感官)

2. 提高:to heighten one's skills (提高技能)

3. 增强:to heighten one's confidence (增强信心)

4. 加剧:to heighten tensions (加剧紧张局势)

5. 放大:to heighten the contrast (放大对比度)

6. 提升:to heighten the experience (提升体验)

7. 强化:to heighten security measures (强化安全措施)

8. 深化:to heighten understanding (深化理解)

9. 加重:to heighten the burden (加重负担)

10. 扩大:to heighten the impact (扩大影响力)


1. Increase: This word can be used as a synonym for heighten, meaning to make something higher or greater in amount or degree. For example, "The company plans to increase its production in order to meet the high demand for their products."

2. Enhance: This word can also be used as a synonym for heighten, meaning to improve or make something better. For instance, "The new technology has enhanced the efficiency of our work."

3. Intensify: This word can be used to convey the idea of making something stronger or more intense, similar to heighten. For example, "The storm is expected to intensify as it moves closer to the coast."

4. Amplify: This word can be used as a synonym for heighten when referring to increasing the volume or intensity of something. For instance, "The speaker amplified his voice so that everyone could hear him clearly."

5. Raise: This word can also be used as a synonym for heighten, meaning to lift or elevate something to a higher position or level. For example, "The company decided to raise their prices due to rising costs."

6. Intensification: This noun form of intensify can also be used as a synonym for heighten when referring to the process of making something stronger or more intense. For instance, "The intensification of the conflict led to increased tensions between the two countries."

7. Augment: This word can be used as a synonym for heighten when referring to increasing in size or amount. For example, "They decided to augment their staff in order to handle the increased workload."

8. Boost: This word can also be used as a synonym for heighten when referring to increasing or improving something. For instance, "The advertising campaign helped boost sales for the company."

9. Escalate: This word can convey the idea of increasing rapidly and often uncontrollably, similar to heighten. For example, "The situation in the country escalated quickly, leading to widespread protests."

10. Intensification: This noun form of escalate can also be used as a synonym for heighten when referring to the process of increasing rapidly and often uncontrollably. For instance, "The intensification of the conflict led to widespread violence and chaos."

相信大家已经对heighten有了更深入的了解。heighten是一个常用的动词,它的拼音是[haitn]。在英语中,它有着丰富的用法和词组,如heighten awareness、heighten tension等。通过使用同义词来丰富我们的表达也是很重要的,比如enhance、intensify等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地掌握这个词汇,并在日常生活中灵活运用。最后,我是网站编辑小张,如果您喜欢本文,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!
